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40+Comments by Multi-Religious Internat'l Guests for Ahmadiyya Khilafat / Jama'at...83 took Bai'at.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…..The delight of Jalsa is its participants. They consist of members of Jama'at and non-Ahmadiyya guests. Guests learn about true Islam and practices. Jalsa removes their misconceptions. They either take Bai'at or their hearts are fully inclined towards Ahamdiyya Islam.

Recent inaugural and foundation stone ceremonies of mosques in Germany brought beautiful teaching of Islam to guests for the first time and they acknowledged it. The message reached to millions through media.

New Ahmadiyya Muslims and those who are in contact came from France, Belgium, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania, Hungry, Montenegro, Bosnia, Russian countries, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria.


Strong delegation of 55 guests came from there. There were 28 Christians, 10 non-Ahmadiyya and 17 Ahmadiyya Muslims. They travelled from 2000 km. There were 2 journalists and cameramen among them, they would broadcast their recording on TV in Macedonia. Nine of these guests took Bai'at at Jalsa.

= ” One guest said that his visit had proved to be great in terms of gaining religious knowledge and Huzoor’s addresses had changed his viewpoint on Islam.”

= “A lady guest said that her opinion on Islam had completely changed after attending the Jalsa and Huzoor’s addresses had altered her thoughts.”

= “A guest who is a professor said that Huzoor’s addresses had enhanced his knowledge of Islam and he felt his meeting with Huzoor was unique. Huzoor gave a lot of time to the guests and gave detailed answers to their questions and he felt that he came to know many new things and found that Ahmadis practiced what they preached.”

= “A female student said that she was most impressed and amazed by the Jalsa and meeting Huzoor was a new experience for her.”

= “Another guest suggested to Huzoor that all religions should be brought together. Huzoor told him that we already work on these lines and Huzoor told the guest about our recent Guildhall event in London.”

= An Albanian guest had come to Jalsa last year too. This year he noticed presence of many indigenous German Ahmadiyya Muslims. He felt only this Jama'at presented true model of Islam.

= ”A guest among the Hungarian delegation who is a teacher said that the Jama’at was streets ahead other in its love and affection and voluntary work. He found the Bai’at ceremony delightful and was most impressed with congregational Salat. He found that the members of the Jama’at had extreme love for Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and this love was spontaneous, borne of natural sentiments.”

= Another Hungarian guest said that he had not seen such a well organized Muslim gathering.

= “Three university students had come as guests from Lithuania. One student said that Jalsa is most useful for those Western thinkers who have a negative view of Islam.”

= Students from the Croatian delegations asked many questions during their meeting with Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.). They were fully satisfied and they acknowledge it.

= “A guest from Kosovo said it was his first visit and he took Bai’at! He said that even if the state of Germany tried it could not hold a convention like Jalsa. He felt only Ahmadiyya Jama’at could do this.”

= “A lady guest from Bosnia told Huzoor that she had many questions but had found all the answers in Huzoor’s sermon and had no more questions left. She said she felt she was most fortunate and took Bai’at. Huzoor told her that the sermon was addressed to long-term Ahmadis but she remarked that she gained many insights from it. This is how God opens up hearts!”

= “[Mosque in Wiesbaden Germany]The plot of land where the mosque will be built was owned by a widow for forty years but owing to her advanced age she sold it to the civic authorities. She was present at the ceremony and was pleased to hear Huzoor’s address and said that she was happy that the property she had once owned will be used to worship God and a house of God will be built there and will remain forever. She said she was satisfied to hear what Huzoor had said………………………..“A dignitary guest said that he was a witness of 25 years that Ahmadiyya Jama’at played a very positive role in society.

=“[Medi Mosque Inauguration] A lady guest said that she could not help being moved when Huzoor mentioned the martyrdom of Dr Mehdi Ali and when Huzoor added that in spite of his martyrdom there will be no change in our service to humanity, the lady said she could not control her emotions any more.

= “An Albanian guest said that he had read in books of Hadith that Bai’at of Imam Mahdi was obligatory on all Muslims. When he took Bai’at he was extremely moved. He said he was very impressed with the fact that people are drawn to Ahmadiyyat after seeing dreams. He said this was a proof that this is a Divine community.”

= “Another guest [Albanian] said he had no knowledge of Ahmadiyya Jama’at. He had a dream in which he hears the Adhan being called and he climbs a mountain with a friend. At the summit of the mountain people are pushing each other and are having scuffles. He says to his friend to leave the place those people may kill them. As they move away they come to a green and verdant valley where people clad in white clothes are offering Salat in a very disciplined way. He asks his friend who are those people. The friend replies, they are Ahmadi. He says he was not even aware of the name of the Jama’at at the time but ultimately this dream became the source of him accepting Ahmadiyyat.”

= “A Moroccan lady from Belgium said that she saw a dream in which Imam Mahdi came resplendent like moonlight and said, glad-tiding, glad-tiding! Later, she saw Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V who says to her in English: Don’t worry. The lady had no idea who these people were. When she saw a photo of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) she realised he was the same holy person she had seen in her dream and upon visiting Jalsa UK she saw Huzoor and was moved to tears to find him to be the other holy person she had seen in her dream. She was convinced of truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat and took Bai’at.

= “An Arab Ahmadi who came from France related an old dream. He said just before the passing away of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) he saw a dream in which it was said:
‘(And) thou, O soul at peace! Return to thy Lord well pleased (with Him and) He well pleased (with thee). So enter thou among My chosen servants. And enter thou My Garden.’ (89:28-31) He then saw a young man and someone said, this is your new Khalifa. After sometime Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) passed away and when this Arab Ahmadi saw a photograph of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, he found him to be exactly the same person he was shown in the dream.”

BAI'AT' BY 83 PEOPLE ……On the third day of German Jalsa 83 people of 19 nations, who were present, took Bai’at.

From: MORE THAN 40 COMMENTS BY THE GUESTS FROM VARIOUS COUNTRIES @ https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2014-06-20.html

37-MILLION PEOPLE REACHED……The media coverage of Jalsa Salana Germany is estimated as 37 million people.

SELF-REFLECTION….Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) asked Jama'at and office-holders to be aware of mistakes and to remove them to get benefits of grace of God. “ Whatever success the Jama’at is garnering should be attributed to God’s grace and we should try and enhance in humility, meekness and gratefulness. May this be instilled in all office-holders so that we may absorb greater Divine blessings!”
In the beginning of this sermon, Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) mentioned that, in response to his Friday sermon of June 6, 2014, about the obedience and loyalty to Khilafat of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), world wide members of Jama'at and the concerned office-holders have given assurance about it. Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) prays for enhancement of their obedience and loyalty.
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