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80%PeopleNo-Interest-inReligion AchievePurpose of PromisedMessiah (a.s.)-Salaat-Steadfastness


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. Revival of faith, strengthening of belief, belief in existence of God, acceptance of prayers, reward of virtues and chastisement at evil doing are the basics which Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) reminds as the purpose of his advent. He explains that if belief is not perfect, one cannot perform virtuous deeds. Weaker faith means deficiency in good deeds. Prophets of God come so that weaknesses are removed and faith becomes strong.

It cannot be done by taking Bai'at only and struggle is needed. Promised Messiah (a.s.) translates (ch29:v70) as “The people who strive through within Us, We open Our paths for them………..”. He says:
Quote: ‘Everything progresses in the world on a gradual basis and spiritual progress also takes place in this manner. Nothing can be availed without making endeavour and this endeavour should be for God alone. One should not come up with useless spiritual exercises and endeavours, like hermits, of one’s own accord. This is the task for which I have been appointed so that I may show the world how to reach Allah the Exalted.’

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)’s models of worship and nobility in practice was learned and established by Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to set example for his Community. Earlier, the companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) had followed his models and attained pleasure of Allah and they lead a world.

Promised Messiah (a.s.) asks that he wants from those who take his Bai'at that they should get knowledge of purifying the self, bring pure change in themselves and become completely new person.

Promised Messiah (a.s.) says:
‘This humble one has merely been sent to take this message to mankind that from all the current-day religions, the true religion which is in accordance with the will of God Almighty is the one brought by the Holy Qur’an. And the doorway to the abode of salvation is ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger’. Our real objective and purpose is to demonstrate the majesty of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and to establish his greatness. Our mention is simply in the general sense; any praise of ours is with reference to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).’…… ‘Allah the Exalted has willed at this time to make Islam triumph over all nations. He has sent me for this reason and has sent me in the way earlier commissioned ones came.’…… ‘He has sent me so that I demonstrate Islam’s supremacy over other all nations and religions through illuminating arguments and proofs.’

= To achieve this purpose, his Jama'at should follow the teachings of Holy Quran and take it to the world for their salvation. The salvation is in ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger’.

= Promised Messiah (a.s.) has been sent to instill belief in God the Exalted [in this age of no-knowledge of God when other religions are not educating people] so that people are saved from the toxin of sin; they are changed; they get new life; their hearts repulse sin…..He has come to teach that believing in God can make human as angel-like, rather angels prostrate to him and he is filled with spiritual light…..He has come in time when fear of God is vanished, rights of God are given to man. In such times, God sends someone who is cursed and persecuted but he prevails; he has been commissioned by God with Divine light to discipline and teach moral strengths…..He has come to strengthen [the already weakened connection of] love and devotion with God

In the cloud of materialism and wealth, Creator has been forgotten. Those who outwardly acknowledge God, have no real understating of His existence or perception and of religion. For them world’s glitter and positions are everything.

Promised Messiah (a.s.)’s belief in God is firm to reach them.

There are people in world that seems to have morals but when it comes to pray to God for guidance, they say they are busy and they have no time for God. An Ahmadiyya Muslim from Japan wrote letter to Holy Khalifah about similar incidence.

Promised Messiah (a.s.) was sent in this difficult time and he will be successful by the Grace of God. His Jama'at heard his call and must say: “…We are the helpers of Allah…” (ch3:v53) to fulfill his objectives. Self reflect, make plan and seek help of Allah.

Situation in Russia, China, European countries, American regions, Oceania or African countries was not easy for us till some decades ago and is not easy now too at places. But God’s work is taking place.

There was a time when in Ex-USSR, Divine Message was not allowed due to communism. Now some states are independent but worldly shine has taken them away from religion. In their Muslim states, muftis and religious leaders have frightened the governments and are creating resistance for Ahmadiyya true Islam.

Worldliness in West has reached to the level where foul and indecent practices [such like the one, for which, God destroyed a nation in previous times] are given protection of law. People in West are forgetting and making fun of God; religion is burden; Churches are being sold.

China has no interest in religion. It is racing for get ahead in materialism.

Japan is very advanced in technology but majority of country is entangled in materialism. They are moral people but worldliness has moved them away from God. Practically their traditional religion is strange mixture of Shintoism, Christianity and Buddhism.

Comparatively we have very less resources but Promised Messiah (a.s.) is the ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) who was guided by Allah:
‘O ye who believe! seek help with patience and Prayer; surely, Allah is with the steadfast.’ (ch 2:v154)
Allah has all powers. He has made Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as sources of salvation for rest of times, till the Day of Judgment and perfected the religious law by revealing Holy Quran. For the revival of Islam in these latter days, Allah has sent Promised Messiah (a.s.) whose tools are patience and Prayers for the promised victory of true Islam.

SABR-PATIENCE The verse uses the word ‘sabr’ it has many meanings in lexicon. It means:
- Patience and steadfastness.
- Avoid evil with resolve and effort – Thus an Ahmadiyya Muslim must control and do Jihad of the self in the race of materialism
- Steadfast in piety against any greed.
- Submit matters to God, turn to Him in every difficulty and trouble. God’s help come. Spirituality increases. Such believers one Pound, Dollar or Rupee is blessed over the tens of millions of worldly wealth.

SALAAT - PRAYERThe above verse mentions Salaat with Sabr. There are following meanings of Salaat:
- Prescribed Prayer [Five daily Prayers]. Salaat with due attention brings greatthe results of Sabr.
- To pray, to seek God’s mercy, to do Istaghfar i.e. seeking cover and help of God.
- To be merciful to creation of God and to pay their rights.
- To invoke salutation upon Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)

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Peace be upon you.

As mentioned earlier, Sabr means to avoid evil. Repentance and Istaghfar are needed. According to Promised Messiah (a.s.), three steps are needed for true repentance:
1-Throw out all such thoughts and imaginations which cause chaos in heart and which incite to do wrong deeds. Instill repulsion against bad thoughts
2- In heart, express regret and shame so many times that one start to feel ashmed.
3- Resolve firmly not to do evilness again.

When Sabr and Salaat are observed of above mentioned dimensions, help from Allah comes, matters are resolved and gates of His special mercy open….In short, pay rights of worship, morals and efforts and then leave the matter with Allah. Allah will show extra ordinary supportive signs and Jama'at will see fulfillment of Allah’s promises with Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

He asked Holy Khalifah (may Allah be his Helper) why Jama'at is making a mosque when they already have a Hall for worship? Huzoor answered him that we may be few now but in future we will InshaAllah be many by virtue of the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and let alone one mosque, we will need many mosques.

Jama'at should struggle for it worldwide and keep check on conditions. Pay attention to worships and connection with Allah.

Whether it is Australia or the UK or any other country in the world, it should be remembered that if we are to bring a revolutionary change, if we are to fulfil our responsibility to fulfil the mission of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), then we need to populate mosques on a permanent and not temporary basis. [Heavenly] signs will be shown to us only if we pay the dues of sabr and Salat and if we completely and wholly devote ourselves in the cause of God, if we pay the dues of being firm on Unity of God – we will then experience ‘…surely, Allah is with the steadfast…’ and God Himself will come down to help us with all His powers and all the manifestations of His beauty. He will turn the hearts of the people of the materialistic world and will bless our works and will make the world recognise the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and come under his banner. Unity of God will be established and those who do not believe in His existence will turn to God’s worship. May God make it so that we pay our dues so that we may experience this!

After Jumua Prayer, Holy Khalifah led the funeral Prayer in absentia of Dr Bashir ud Din Usama Sahib who passed away in USA. He had accepted Promised Messiah (a.s.) in 1955. He was among the early African-American Ahmadiyys Muslims. He was very regular in his Salaat, a loyal and sincere person to faith, he was passionate and humble. He was an honourable man with great love for Khilafat. ……… He had met with Second, Third and Fourth Holy Khulafa (may Allah be pleased with them……Current Hazrat Khalifah tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) also had a special connection with him……… He had performed Hajj with his wife. He served Cleveland Chapter for the past 20 years. He had great fervour for Khidmat e Khalq (social welfare). In 1950 he wrote a booklet on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). He was a dentist by profession. His wife Fatima Usama Sahiba had also served Cleveland. He is survived by two sons who have a deep connection with the Jama’at. May God elevate the station of the deceased and always keep his family connected to the Jama’at.

Reference: Based on Friday Sermon, 22 th November 2013 by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help), UK, mta.tv and alislam.org