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9/11 tragedy was described precisely in the great qur'an

I invite everyone to read sura"Al adeyat" in the great qur'an and you will find that it described the tragedy of 9/11 precisely.

take care


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Islam Sword said:
I invite everyone to read sura"Al adeyat" in the great qur'an and you will find that it described the tragedy of 9/11 precisely.

take care
What are you talking about? :eek:

this is sura""Al adeyat":

[1] By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath),

[2] And strike sparks of fire,

[3] And push home the charge in the morning,

[4] And raise the dust in clouds the while,

[5] And penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;

[6] Truly Man is, to his Lord, ungrateful;

[7] And to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds);

[8] And violent is he in his love of wealth.

[9] Does he not know; When that which is in the graves is scattered abroad,

[10] And that which is (locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest,

Please show me where is the 9/11 tragedy in this surah? :confused:

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Islam Sword said:
I invite everyone to read sura"Al adeyat" in the great qur'an and you will find that it described the tragedy of 9/11 precisely.

take care

Is this what you are referencing? If so, how does that have anything do to with 9/11?

The Chargers

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
[100.1] I swear by the runners breathing pantingly,
[100.2] Then those that produce fire striking,
[100.3] Then those that make raids at morn,
[100.4] Then thereby raise dust,
[100.5] Then rush thereby upon an assembly:
[100.6] Most surely man is ungrateful to his Lord.
[100.7] And most surely he is a witness of that.
[100.8] And most surely he is tenacious in the love of wealth.
[100.9] Does he not then know when what is in the graves is raised,
[100.10] And what is in the breasts is made.apparent?
[100.11] Most surely their Lord that day shall be fully aware of them.


World Leader Pretend
Maize said:
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
[100.1] I swear by the runners breathing pantingly,
[100.2] Then those that produce fire striking,
[100.3] Then those that make raids at morn,
[100.4] Then thereby raise dust,
[100.5] Then rush thereby upon an assembly:
[100.6] Most surely man is ungrateful to his Lord.
[100.7] And most surely he is a witness of that.
[100.8] And most surely he is tenacious in the love of wealth.
[100.9] Does he not then know when what is in the graves is raised,
[100.10] And what is in the breasts is made.apparent?
[100.11] Most surely their Lord that day shall be fully aware of them.

Beneficent, Merciful, FIRE, RAIDS, DUST, DESTRUCTION!!!!!!! ARG The Wrath of God!!! lol Beneficent? Merciful? 9/11? Yeah, this God ain't getting no loving from me! That's for damn sure.


Oldest Heretic
Islam Sword said:
I invite everyone to read sura"Al adeyat" in the great qur'an and you will find that it described the tragedy of 9/11 precisely.

take care
"Not precisely" but only with the wildest stretch of a warped imagination.
But feel free to explain to me otherwise.

Blessed are those who bring peace, they shall be children of God
here is the link:


i'll translate the first 5 verses:

1.I swear by the runners that produce a voice inside of them while running (these are the aeroplanes running on the runway while their engines produce that sound:wooooooooooosh)

2.then these runners produce started fire behind them (these are the afterburners which are located in the back of the engines)

3.then these runners raided in the morning (it was 10.15am in New York at that day)

4.then these runners produced a huge amount of dust at something (that is the 2 towers of WTC and we all saw the huge amount of dust that came out)

5.then these runners made that thing they raided into become inbetween a large crowd (we all saw the big crowds that surrounded the 2 towers in America and the whole world around the media like tvs,radios,etc.)

i've tried to be precise at translation,but translation wont do,the best thing is to read the qur'an in its original language and it's not difficult to learn.


The cake is a lie
'Not difficult to learn'? To truly understand a language you have to know it in and out, and for many people that is a difficult thing.

So says the one trying to tackle Chinese, anyway. ;)

Personally I don't see the resemblance to 9/11 in the verses.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I'm sorry, but that seems as much far fetched as the interpretations of Nostradamus being made to 'fit' history in retrospect............:rolleyes:
no it's not at all difficult to learn,in fact it was very easy for me to learn some japanese,if anyone asks God to help him,then everything will be fine


World Leader Pretend
Islam Sword said:
no it's not at all difficult to learn,in fact it was very easy for me to learn some japanese,if anyone asks God to help him,then everything will be fine

Do you really want to go around saying that the Muslim Holy book predicted 9/11? You do realize how that might turn some people's perspective from neutral to negative, with regard to Islam.


The cake is a lie
'Some Japanese' does not at all equate being fluent enough to tranlsate things... same with any other language. Unless you know the culture inside and out and at least can recognize allusions and references to other literature of that culture, it's foolhardy to try and translate things. I'd actually be wary of anyone who tries to translate things that hasn't been to a country or town that speaks primarily the language they are translating; nothing helps you learn a language like being dumped in the middle of it.


Gives Glory to God !!!
michel said:
I'm sorry, but that seems as much far fetched as the interpretations of Nostradamus being made to 'fit' history in retrospect............:rolleyes:

Hi michel, I am so glad I continued to carry on reading the posts, you took the words right out of my mouth about Notradamus. :p


User of Aspercreme
Islam Sword said:
here is the link:


i'll translate the first 5 verses:

1.I swear by the runners that produce a voice inside of them while running (these are the aeroplanes running on the runway while their engines produce that sound:wooooooooooosh)

2.then these runners produce started fire behind them (these are the afterburners which are located in the back of the engines)

3.then these runners raided in the morning (it was 10.15am in New York at that day)

4.then these runners produced a huge amount of dust at something (that is the 2 towers of WTC and we all saw the huge amount of dust that came out)

5.then these runners made that thing they raided into become inbetween a large crowd (we all saw the big crowds that surrounded the 2 towers in America and the whole world around the media like tvs,radios,etc.)

i've tried to be precise at translation,but translation wont do,the best thing is to read the qur'an in its original language and it's not difficult to learn.
1. If they are running on the runway, what are they when they are in the air? :sarcastic
2. Large cargo and passenger aircraft such as the ones that hit the World Trade Center, do not have afterburners.
3. Common practice in the muslim world, was for raids to be made in the morning with the rising of the sun. They would attack from the east and towards the west so that those they were attacking would be confused by the rising of the sun. It also coincided with the practice of facing east each time they prayed. Mecca is from the east, and so from the east comes allah's messengers. Fro this reason, it is not at all surprising that the writer writes of a raid in the morning, and that those familiar with muslim tradition would attack in the morning. You will also notice that the planes, when they hit the WTC, were travelling from west to east. Completely opposite of the ancient muslim practice of attacking.
4. A lot of dust, yes, but insignificant when compared to the amount of debris produced. Why not talk about his?
5. You lost me on the last point. MAybe you can try and explain what it says and let people interpret it for themselves.

As far as this writing foretelling the murderous, terrorist attack, I am about as convinced of that as I am that one day a guy named Luke Skywalker will destroy the Empire. Or is that in the book too?