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A Beloved Servant of Khilafat and Jama’at - A Role Model to Follow


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…Hazrat Khalifa tul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) paid tribute to a very dear personage, Mahmood Ahmad Shahid Sahib, Ameer Jama’at Ahmadiyya Australia [‘Shahid’ is the degree from Ahmadiyya religious institution, Jamia Ahmadiyya, he was also known as Mahmood Bengali Sahib by some], who passed away on 23 April 2014. ‘….Inna lillahe wa inna illaihe raji’oon.’ [‘…Surely to Allah, we belong and to Him shall we return.’ (Holy Quran chapter 2, from verse 157)]…He was an extremely devoted servant of Jama’at and a Sultan e Naseer [Capable Helper] of Ahmadiyya Khulafa. He was among those who try their best to live according to the Wish of Allah the Exalted, fulfill their Pledge, serve faith and humanity. People praise such righteous people and according to a saying of Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be on him) Paradise becomes obligatory for such people.

According to Holy Khalifah (a.t.), Mahmood Ahmad Shahid Sahib operated in synchronization like pulse. He never felt uneasy for why an instruction was given and why was it given in a specific way; he would quickly comply even if something was asked which was against his will.


His father was introduced to Ahmadiyya Islam as a student in Saharanpur, Utter Pardesh, India in the life time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). When he (a.s.) came to Delhi, the young person was keen to see him but educational authorities did not allow. Latter, in 1943, he formally became Ahmadiyya Mulim – a first ever in his region. He was a scholar and enthusiastic to convey the divine message, which, his father accepted too.

Mahmood Ahmad Shahid Sahib was born on 19 November 1948 in a Bangladeshi [then East-Pakistan] village in Chandpur district. His father devoted him to serve faith on the motivation of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) in 1954. He joined Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah in 1962 and obtained degree of Shahid in 1974. He married to daughter of Ameer Jama’at Bangladesh in 1977. Their three daughters and one son are all actively serving Jama'at by the grace of Allah the Exalted.

Once he narrated that, in early time in Jamia, he was injured during football game, he was away from home, weather was very hot, water was saltish, he went back home and he had no desire to return. But the frequent letters from Principal of Jamia, Syed Mir Daud Ahmad Sahib led his return to Jamia.

He felt that prayers of his father had a profound effect on his life…. In those early days, when he wrote to his father that he felt downhearted, his father wrote back saying times in Mecca were also very harsh and he quoted verse 38 of Surah Ibrahim: ‘Our Lord, I have settled some of my children in an uncultivable valley…’(14:38) and counselled him through it and wrote that if you cannot live in the town that has been populated by the Khalifa of Allah, then your connection with your father is meaningless. Mahmood Sahib said a profound change came in his life after this.

His father would write to a relative in another city, not to let young son get sad so that he could study with focus in Jamia. This channel worked well.


In 1979 election of Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya [President / Incharge of Ahmadiyya Muslim males of age 15 to 40] took place at Shura [assembly of elected representatives who present their opinions to Khalifah of time] ; his votes were in fifth place. At Fajr time, after the elections Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (may mercy of Allah be on him) beckoned him and told him to engage in Istighfar [seeking Allah’s cover, forgiveness and help] abundantly and to recite Durud [invoking salutation on Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)] …… Mahmood Sahib was quite scared and thought he had committed a mistake. But soon Huzoor (ra) appointed him as Sadr, he realised that Huzoor (ra) was drawing his attention to humility in this way....When Mahmood Sahib learned about it, he felt extreme humbleness.

According to Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) : Therein is a lesson for all office-holders that when they are appointed they need to engage in Istighfar and Durud so that they maintain humility and are enabled by Allah the Exalted to serve in a proper way.

Mahmood Bengali Sahib was a devoted Ahmadiyya Muslim who was wholly dedicated to Khilafat. Perhaps in 1981 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (may Allah have mercy on him) had all the Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya from 1960 up till then enumerated and then said that Mahmood Sahib had excelled them all in obedience and in being a recipient of prayer and said that this was the reason why he had appointed him Sadr in spite of his votes being in fifth position. He said he wanted to give the Jama’at a lesson that appointment by Khilafat is indeed better………Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (ra) appreciated his services in these words: ‘Blessings are given to those who sincerely follow Khilafat because all blessings are associated with this system. And nothing besides it can gain acceptance with Allah the Exalted.’ He said: ‘Mahmood Ahmad Sahib was in fifth position as regards votes in the Khuddamul Ahmadiyya election held last year. I wanted to give this lesson to the Jama’at that the tasks of those four individuals who secured more votes would not have been blessed because of the number of votes they had. Rather, one who follows Khilafat with sincerity is the one who receives blessings. Therefore, I appointed Mahmood Ahmad Bengali Sahib as the Sadr. He is a very sincere person, may Allah enhance his sincerity. He has worked very hard and has received many prayers.’

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘I wish to tell you that success is not with those who garner more votes but those who receive the prayers of the Khalifa of the time.’ He also mentioned the increase in certain results during Mahmood Sahib’s time.

When he was made Sadr of Khuddam, he felt difficulty in work, he very humbly requested to Third Holy Khalifah who said that when Khalifa of the time makes a decision and makes it after prayers, he does not alter it. My prayers are with you. You should come to me when in difficulty….. Mahmood Sahib used to say he went on to experience that prayers of Khulafa were always with him…….Upon the direction of Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (ra), he kept more direct contact with Khuddam and sat less in office. He was very much encouraging to serving people, but never complained if his due personal care was neglected.

Mahmood Sahib was the last worldwide Sadr of Khudamul Ahmadiyya who worked under the centre. Latter system was changed. After this appointment period was over he wrote a most humble letter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) who said in his reply: ‘You needlessly expressed embarrassment. What is there to be embarrassed about? MashaAllah, you have accomplished a very good tenure and have worked very well and with wisdom at a very difficult time. May Allah bless it! This is why you are being given the chance to serve in spite of joining Ansar Ullah. (He was given an year’s extension). Had you been incompetent this would have never been done. May Allah the Exalted continue to keep you a devoted servant of the mission and may you continue to be enabled to serve in an excellent way.’ …….He (ra) also said, ‘You have worked a lot as regards the welfare of the [Ahmadi] prisoners of conscience.’……‘I am delighted at your service for the prisoners of conscience. You are working excellently, just as I had meant it to be done.’ [This was the time around 1984 when hundreds of Ahmadiyya Muslim were being imprisoned for saying the Kalima ‘la elaha il-lallah muhammadur rasoollullah’ i.e There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger.].

During his tenure, many books were written, welfare fund for Ahmadiyya Muslim prisoners of conscience was launched, ambulance service was run for humanitarian service to mark the Jama’at Centenary, huge donations were collected towards making housing for elderly, land was purchased to build quarters for workers of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, a valuable donation towards translation of the Holy Qur’an was presented.

Under the instruction of Khilafat, he visited many countries outside Pakistan for the organizational advancement of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. He visited Europe, America and Western Africa. He went to Holland Belgium, Germany, UK, USA, The Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast etc….In 1989 he visited Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

He was enabled to serve in both the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in accordance with Hijrah calendar and also served in the first and the second century of the Jama’at. Khuddamul Ahmadiyya completed its fifty years during his tenure and entered its fifty first year.

One always learned from him that one should take one’s capacities to their highest point in obedience to the Khulafa of the time and in observance of obligations. He was the confidant of Khulafa. If there was ever any questioning by the Khalifa of the time, over any matter, he always used qawl e sadeed (the right word) and never lost heart over Huzoor’s displeasure, rather he was ever keen on reformation and sought guidance from Khulafa for future. He prayed and asked for prayers.

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Peace be upon you.

Ex-students of Jamia still remember his special kindness for them, he as a practicing Muslim, his closeness and sense of sacrifice for Khilafat, his fresh knowledge about his motherland and his appreciation for others' qualities.

Mahmood Sahib mentioned a miraculous moment of his life: ‘when I went to Rabwah to study I had other boys with me. We went for a mulaqat (meeting) with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him). Huzoor was lying on bed and we sat on the floor beside the bed and Huzoor told us about the significance of Waqf [devotion] and sacrifice. He placed one of his arms on me as I was closest to the bed. Allah so willed that the rest of those boys could not handle the severity of climate and diet and returned to their homes, those who had come from afar, and with the grace of Allah only I was enabled to finish my Waqf and my education which was a blessing of the touch of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him).

Mahmood Sahib was an intelligent person who was extremely skilled in making contacts and honouring them and used this for the benefit of the Jama’at. As a result of this the immigration process for Ahmadiyya Muslims who felt persecution in Pakistan, became easy and the Australian Jama’at which numbered in a few hundred when he first came here, now numbers in its thousands and is progressing. According to the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) Ahamdis were populated in all the big cities of Australia and now there is a strong Jama’at in the capital city of every state and large beautiful mosques and mission houses are established. In Sydney there is Baitul Mahdi mosque as well as Khilafat Centenary Hall and mission house and a guest house is under construction. Mosques have been built in Brisbane and Melbourne and there is a centre in Adelaide. Efforts are being made to obtain land for a mosque in Canberra and it’s hoped we will soon obtain it. MashaAllah he fully partook in the progress of the Australian Jama’at.

He had a few new mosques built after the 2005 tour as well as the Centenary Hall. Baitul Salam in Melbourne has larges halls and a capacity of over 2000 worshippers. Other mosques are also large. Good contacts with both the political parties in the federal government of Australia were maintained during his tenure which facilitated processing of immigration matters. He formulated the auxiliary organisations in Australian Jama’at on the central model. His moral training played a large part in cultivating brotherhood among different ethnic groups. Apart from Pakistanis, Australian Jama’at has many Fijians, there are Australians and Africans and Mahmood Sahib created an air of brotherhood among them. He entrusted them with duties and made them responsible and availed of their capacities which is indeed the quality of a good administrator and should be practiced by others as well.

He presided over Australian Jalsa recently and gave an address on the topic of gratefulness for the Being of Allah the Exalted.

His near ones felt he was sagacious, guided people in every small matter, he was man of perception, insight and foresightedness. He used an old car for himself but provided other missionaries with good cars, he had not concern for himself. He used simple and comfortable clothes and did not spend much money on them. He was very careful about Jama’at expenses.

He had a very good memory. He remembered members of Jama’at by their names and had the God-given ability to utilise their skills to the best. He used to explain matters in Majlis e Amila and Shura by giving references of Khalifa of the time……It is reported that during his time as student in Jamia, once he went to a place and he gave a different speech at each sub-place. He had memorised Quranic verses, blessed Ahadith and pronouncements of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and sayings of the Khulafa with complete references.

Once he urged someone to go to a tournament even though the flight for the person had delayed etc due to weather. He told the person to go anyway as it was the occasion to meet Khalifa of time and it should be the main objective.

During recent tour of Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.), he could not go to to Melbourne as he was quite unwell those day but he would make regular and frequent phone calls to oversee all the arrangements.

He used to advice Khuddam, Ansar and Lajna about fulfilling their obligations and the pleasant effect of this could be seen in their lives.

He especially cared for overseas students.

He gave preference to matters regarding families of the martyrs over all else.

He would say taking disciplinary actions cut his heart and he was very quick in pardoning.

His personality was like a rock for Jama’at e Ahmadiyya Australia and his work was like that of a foundation in the establishment of Australian Jama’at.

Some recall: He was an ocean of love…...Youngs or olds went to his house without hesitation and talked to him about ordinary matters. He would especially entrust youngsters with tasks as if he was training them to be leaders. He always felt the pain of members of the Jama’at…….He was like an affectionate father for Australian Ahmadiyya Muslim. He loved them without any discrimination and had won over every young and old with his courtesy and high morals. He always took great care of all guests who came to Sydney on every occasion and personally welcomed guests by coming out of his house to embrace them at Ijtima and Jalsa. We always saw Ameer Sahib’s smiling face and this removed all our travel tiredness.

Some people hurt him in some ways and when matters were investigated he was never found directly responsible in spite of negative conjectures made about him. There were one or two cases where negative suppositions had been made about him but the blame laid with those made the complaints!

Jalsa Australia concluded just a few days ago when he placed special emphasis on hospitality extended to guests staying at the mosque and said that Jalsa guests should be looked after. He placed great emphasis on observance of Salat.

During the recent tour of Huzur (a.t.), he was very particular to take care of guests, though he was sick. Regardless of his knowledge and experience, he had no qualms in taking the advice in matters of press and media.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) mentioned various capacities of services of Mahmood Sahib then he said:
‘May Allah the Exalted have mercy on him and continue to elevate his station. No doubt he was a selfless elder who served the Jama’at with all his capacities. He neither cared for his health nor let any impediment come in the way of Jama’at work. Although he was in great pain during my last tour of Australia he supervised everything himself. When I emerged from the air plane he stood there. I was quite concerned to see his condition. He had severe back ache. His back bone had deteriorated a lot. Medical advice for such people is to rest but he did not rest because it was the tour of the Khalifa of the time how could he rest! On the way back from the airport naib Ameer Nasir Sahib was driving our car and I said to him that I found Mahmood Sahib very frail and aged. I did not know about his ailment at the time and found out the detail later when I spoke to a doctor there. I found out how this person was up and about by enduring great labour, not only that he was also supervising all the matters of the tour. One day during the tour his blood pressure became very high and there was concern that he may suffer from stroke or heart attack. He was in a very bad way and was taken to hospital. He stayed in hospital for a few hours and was then allowed to come home. And this gallant man started work as soon as he came home. He could not go with me to one city and regretted it greatly but in spite of his ill health came along to the next place. Although I said to him not to come with us but he did and remained with us in all the demanding and active programmes and supervised everything. He forgot his own worries and was worried about me lest I was inconvenienced in any way and also that all programmes are accomplished well. Not only was he worried about me but was also worried about people of my entourage and looked after them as well. He repeatedly said that he could not look after them properly and this worry stemmed from the fact that the Khalifa of the time is not inconvenienced due to the people of the entourage in any way. While I was worried about his health during the tour, anyway, his health did improve during the tour and gradually he became quite well. He fully participated in their Jalsa and Shura which took place recently.
I have also worked under him in Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. He was very generous with his workers as regards their tasks. He gave them opportunities to work and then appreciated their work. And he was an excellent helper of Khilafat of the rare kind. I mentioned this at the start. Although his passing has left a vacuum in the Australian Jama’at but Allah the Exalted Himself looks after Divine communities and fills such vacuums Himself. May Allah the Exalted bless and always grant such excellent helpers who are loyal to Khilafat and are dedicated to it and who fulfil their pledge. May Allah the Exalted be the Protector and Helper of his wife and children and also enables them to be strong in faith like their father and have strong bond with Khilafat. May Allah the Exalted enable his children to pay the dues of their mother!

I will InshaAllah lead his funeral Prayer in absentia after Friday Prayer.’

From: The Friday Sermon (25 April 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), London, U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv
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Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

