I am providing a specific , clear and unambiguous objection to Fission Track dating. I might be wrong, but at least I am presenting a clear and testable objection.
OK, let's recap this "
specific , clear and unambiguous objection" to fission track dating:
"...the tracks have to be interpreted by the guy who works in the laboratory or whoever looks at the tracks in the microscope."
Interpreted b y the guy - SUPER specific!
"There are many mechanisms that can produce tracks"
SUPER clear! Because as far as you know, determining which isotope produced the tracks is just totally up to 'some guy' guessing which one...
"the guy who works in the laboratory has to select which tracks where caused by uranium decay"
I think you wrote "select" instead of "analyze and conclude based on the elemental content of the sample and information gleaned by decades of research and experience by people educated and experienced in the field"?
"This selection is subjective"
That is a bold assertion - other than you uninformed opinion, what is the evidence that this is 'subjective'?
"scientists know this which is why they almost never rely entirely on this method to determine an age."
Right - they try to use as many as are appropriate. Unlike IDcreationists who just Google and paste the results, 'knowing' that everything in Shapiro's 30 year old extrapolations are totally up to date and not at all refuted by subsequent research, to include some by the people he favorably cites.
You might find this surprising but tracks minerals don’t have labels in nature,
Do they have little labels that say "Made by Jehovah"? No?
they guy from the laboratory simply sees a bunch of tracks and it is his job to determine which tracks are caused by uranium decay, and which are caused by other mechanism (decay from other isotopes for example) and tracks that are simply caused by erosion.
And this "guy" - is he just some stooge that Googles stuff and pretends to know more than he does? Or is this guy maybe a trained and educated lab technician or a degreed professional?
You seem to think it is all guesswork, which means that you are clueless on yet another issue.
The method for distinguishing from one type of track and another is subjective and dependent on the interpretation of the guy from the laboratory, scientists know this, they are even trying to find methods to minimize the margin of error for such interpretations.
It almost sounds like you are paraphrasing a creationist essay - which one is it?
Bad move regardless, as creationists tend to
spin like crazy.
But here is the thing, I may or may not be correct,
You are not - but how would you even know? You are still citing "nonrandom mutations" and "a new protein in 1 generation" for some reason.
but latest I am presenting a clear objection, so I expect the same courtesy from your part, please present a clear and unambiguous objection to the FT argument.
Clear? You are presenting a "clear" objection?
OK - from now on, when you present something from your out-of-date archives that you read on a creationist site, I will provide similar clear objections - "The guy who did that just subjectively did X, and the guy then has bias and thus this is all wrong".
How is the world when looked at through Dunning-Kruger Effect glasses?
Weird though - as usual, you ignored lots of stuff - like where I met your 'challenge' re: flood and fossils
Because many isotopes are soluble in water, because water reacts with some isotopes, because water deteriorates stuff faster than wind, because hard water alters C14, etc. Some of the uranium could have been leaked by water making the fission track method produce artificially old ages.
Yeah, wow, it is so fortunate you are here to point these things out because after all, no geologist, geophysicist, physicist, etc. has ever considered any of that stuff - oh, silly me, it is all jsut "some guy" in a lab arbitrarily making decisions....
No sir, provide a clear and direct objection to the FT argument, it is lazy to simply say "hey this source refutes the argument."
So you ignored the other stuff I wrote? How typical...
Here is my specific ,clear and unambiguous objection to FT:
WLC is just some guy who runs around making claims. He has to
interpret the evidence and he is just some guy thumbing through some books (since Craig does no actual research - he is a mere philosopher, just a guy in an office, and an apologist and cannot comprehend cosmology and better than an untrained layman). There are many possibilities to produce fine tuning, Craig merely
asserts that it is his preferred ancient middle eastern tribal deity - one of many. He has no idea which deity produced the FT, which he merely believes is real, and he just picks the middle eastern deity that he was subjectively told to believe in by biased guys in buildings.
Now how about those "nonrandom" transposon insertion sites....