Your called into question by your own question..
Before you can say it's all myth..what proof do you have that the flood being a myth.
You really don't know what you are talking about.
There are too many problem with literal interpretations of Genesis Flood, because it defy reality and defy nature.
In Genesis Flood it say it covered all the highest mountains, but the only mountains mentioned - Ararat. It took 150 days for the waters to reach maximum, and 150 days for all that water to recede.
If we were to say it did covered the summit of Ararat's tallest peak - the Greater Ararat - that would mean 5100 metres.
The Genesis Flood is ridiculous and unfounded on so many levels.
For one, where do water come from and where do they go.
If such flood occurred, it would changed the sea level catastrophically.
Under normal circumstances, there are flooding in some localized areas, all around, don’t effect the sea level much. If the sea level rise even 1 metre in a single year, it may years or even centuries before return to the same level before the rise.
So can you imagine if the sea level rise by over 5 km?
Sea level don’t rise in 150 days, then drop magically in 150 days, like Genesis 8 say.
According to Genesis 8, a dove brought back a twig from a olive tree, 150 days after cover the peak of Ararat.
Remember, the tallest peak of Ararat is over 5100 metres.
Do you know what a crushing depth or collapse depth is?
Most civilian-built submarines cannot withstand depth of over 100 metres before crushing the submarines.
There are specially designed and built research submarines and military built submarines that can go much deeper, but they are very costly to build.
But if a normal and cheaply built submarine cannot be submerged 100-plus metre, can you even imagine what water pressures do in 100-metre depth, let alone 5000-metre depth, would do plant life, including olive trees.
No land vegetation could survive crushing depth over 5 km.
Most marine life would survive such depth.
Most fishes you catch to eat, don’t swim so deep; most inhabited certain depth. Changing that, would cause extinction of those fishes.
Plus corals only survive only shallow depth of the sea, and additional 5 km of water on top of the original sea level, would cause extinctions of corals. Corals are also dependent on the temperature level of sea water, as well as salient levels and acidity level, for their survival: changing any of those factors would kill most corals.
The ark itself is ridiculous too large to be seaworthy, and too small to contain all the land animals, plus the water and food needed for over 300 days aboard the ark?
How do keep all these animals warm, because no known ancient vessels won’t leak. So the ark would be damp and cold?
And predators and carnivores need to eat, and they usually would eat their preys. Carnivores don’t become herbivores overnight, then return to being carnivores after the flood.
And what would carnivores eat after leaving the ark: they would meat, Faithofchristian? So they would begin hunting those leaving the ark, then they would starve.
And that lead to five.
There are many animals that don’t run fast, and don’t travel far.
I lived in Australia, and there are species of animals that are only native to Australia. So how do marsupials travelled from Ararat to Australia?
Sure kangaroos and dingoes can possibly make such journeys, but what of much slower moving marsupials?
For instance, the koalas. How would they survive treks of tens of thousands of kilometres to reach Australia? They spend most of their lives living on eucalyptus trees, feeding on leaves. They don’t spend much times on ground. Such a trek would kill them, if they don’t get kill and eaten by predators.
The whole idea that only two of very wild kinds, is the most stupidest thing that that Genesis can write about. It is totally unrealistic fairytale.
Predators and carnivores hunt for their food, and koalas are known for being to escape predators, and you are forgetting that some predators (cats, big and small) are great at climbing trees.
So many things that the ancient writers are unaware of, that I have listed above, that we are aware of today, and if taken literally, it make the Genesis unrealistic nonsense that no one would believe.