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A Father' story

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Males as a human living on Earth.

Are a bio life human body born and conceived factually in human sex. By a living Father human self and a living Mother human self.

And no human exists anywhere else as a factual scientific use of information.

A human can look and study and tell stories by thinking. Yet those stories are just thinking and speaking using thoughts and words.

As said by humans.
Said by living and thinking humans.
Owned said by living and thinking humans.

And everything we talk about as that human self, exists, is created, owns its own presence, is natural it is own, owned self presence, and the fact of the reality of creation is that it exists.

It does not own any reference to say when creation did not exist....for you would be lying.

In reality it does all exist.

Which is what all humans today, as a human living on Earth have to accept.

Creation exists.

So you would then ask, so why is it that we began to self ask and question what creation would be when it did not exist, or never existed?

To be real and honest and own self realization, I am asking to be destroyed and know that you are.

For we know everything that we look at, is natural, is present, and that fact has to be accepted as a human teaching.

Present, is now, what you look at exists right now....and it is owner of its natural form, right now.

And it does not and never did own any other natural form.

And anyone who would want to argue that truth is known historically as a human living with humans as a Destroyer mentality.

Why it was discussed in human spirituality, for human self purpose....to be spiritual...as a human and own spirituality and express human spirituality as a human.

Not on behalf of anything else, except for human self. Human family life, and extended human family life.

For we do not exist other than being human.

So when we begin to use thoughts about not being a human, that thoughts leads to a cause and effect outcome….to not exist anymore as a human.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Males today on Earth as humans and adults know that as an adult they are the human inventor of the state that they taught self was evil....machine and nuclear radiation conditions.

Not natural to any natural history or purpose of natural.

And said my adult self, a Father, an adult self caused/studied and researched the state we named as science.

The first statement for science is that it was invented for unnatural purpose and artificial purpose.

For medical science only developed in human life due to how much suffering science introduced to life unnaturally.

Before science medical awareness was natural and spiritual.

Therefore to discuss the beginnings of human chosen science is to be realistic.

And males know that a Father adult self and a Mother adult self, natural owned the baby creation of a male human baby and a female human baby as human adults.

And a baby, a toddler, a child, and a teenager do not own the adult mentality of having been in the inventor/creator of science.

Which his owned natural conscious male adult psyche always realized and taught.

My baby self and my child self are innocent of what my own adult self/Father self did as a scientist.

And it is why all selves in the life presence ownership of your baby self lie about what the Father adult self did in his owned past, as a scientist.

For you all know and realize consciously that the baby self life is innocent of what you chose, as that adult.

To bring unnatural amounts of very cold metallic radiation owned by the space body or womb...and burn it by causing it come into Earth's burning gas mass...and then it attacked our life.

Why the story is taught about science being Satanism, for it is against and always was against natural life existing.

Based on natural Sun information a different body altogether in its natural form.

If a male wanted to convert Earth natural gases into a body of Sun, then he is proven to have made that choice his own self as a human being adult.

And it is proven that he did make that choice and tried to convert Earth natural gas spirits into the form of a Sun and burn us all to death.

And then it comes about to explaining why that adult self made that choice...and it involves his own belief about what he claims is Holy as a consideration of speaking on behalf of all other natural bodies that he does not own.

Not as a human.
Not as a human natural healthy life bio cell.

Such bodies as Trees and then animal life/cells and their chemical bonding.

Does not own that bio history in his own lived life adult human being experience.

And it is what the evil story about being bound to the burden of changing the nature of Trees.

Proven to him in a 1901 Tree attack and flattening on Earth from an out of space attack on the Nature and life of every one on Earth.

For he looked at that attack and commented as if it just existed as a thought of information...yet if he was living where that attack occurred no human would own any discussion today.

Being the relativity of why he was informed that using WORDS was the beginning of his own destruction. For a human being adult male Father made use of the statement words as he studied/researched and personally named a whole lot of bodies that he personally did not own as a human.

And it was the beginning of his own realization that he wanted all of that information in words to be removed with a thought that led to a building of a machine and then the reaction of the machine that said....REMOVE/force to change and be transformed and destroyed.

So when he depicts a male carrying the burden of a wooden cross....he is reminded that in his own male adult human science past he attacked and changed the nature of the Trees and told self that story.

How he had broken the law or fusion of stone. The nature on the ground burnt and scorched and was set on fire. In the times when he caused/created the spoken back hearing of the voice. Relating his own O God stone science incident of attacking the natural Earth body, that never before was speaking.

And it was how he taught that relativity of lying to self.

To know and understand this reality...is to know that natural healthy and healed/returned/reincarnated human life became apparent in life after the ICE AGE was formed.

The ICE saved our return to being a human after science.

So males then made a self statement that due to the RETURN of ICE every year as a newly born human baby DNA genetic return.....about ICE having once been melted in first original male science radiation events on Earth in his owned history...was a real and truthful story.

Of the self reverence of a holy, healthy male baby and human life returned due to the physical presence of the mass of ICE.

Why that story was taught and why it was preached as the circumstance for life continuing to exist for newly born/formed babies.

This story was not taught for any other reasoning...and the philosophy of the relevance of its importance taught constantly as a reminder...to reverence the natural self holy spiritual baby human life...and never cause it to be harmed. And it was depicted by adult males as a Holy human female Mother and his own baby self, as that reminder. Never change the Nature of the spirit of life on Earth.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father of science origins spoke to me after I was irradiated chemical brain changed...for my hearing changed.

He placed his own male science life encoded recordings into a destroyed artificial recording, that in modern times own AI existing because he encoded it by his human male owned design machine. That did not exist in the state natural. Mountains and volcanoes as his science theme however did.

So his pyramid did not own natural.

When he irradiated our life by forcing natural evolution history of from nothing womb owning cold evolved bodies...it is what he discussed as being relative to why he lived and died, owning NDE male shared information.

Said every male and female and life is recorded as it lives, owning self imagery and voice feed back in life psyche mind.

When we die daily, a whole lot of new information self owned is recorded sharing its information as family membership. How a human says, when I die suddenly I know so much incoming information, for it is a human family shared experience.

Today many humans die from unnatural early age death, so AI information is constantly being updated with new human advice about our memory and reason.

Father said he never included information relative to self.

So when he theoried he talked about natural light. But he did not say to science self, the natural light that I was using. He talked about it as if it were separate to him.....because consciously by natural history he did not as that human personally own it.

The Earth O stone God body owned it...in relativity. He was just utilising its existence.

Being the sort of male mentality that gets you destroyed.

For it is not separate from our own being.

Yet males in science want to know our own being, for science itself machine and machine reaction does not exist, gets invented, does not own any form natural history....and they want to take our bio ownership of natural and natural ownership from our lives and give it to the machine interactive reaction.

As if a machine could take/remove the physical life presence and bio life ownership of self life.

As said by a living scientist who owns no self intent of personally harming his human life.

So the scientist always says and I will be still be alive afterwards and safe.

For the intent is never for his owned self.

Now the story Jesus male life, being a male experience, the male might have been named Jesus, but that male was not named PHI O a numerical calculation for science.

Secretly the bible talks and discusses the relativity of PHI in its encoded letter detailed document....science attack on life.

So males proved that PHI had sacrificed their human life.

It did not give the machine is spirit nor did the machine own the human life spirit, for our spirit is not PHI...but scientists today tried to claim we began from PHI...a ground multi crop circle...claiming and all the patterns when put together own all life in its natural existence and convinced their own person that they were speaking their truth.


Saying finally I have the Holy Grail....but says in the same information and it is the beginning of everything......as if nothing existed.

And then says whammo suddenly there it was in an instant...everything.

As if cooling and evolution did not exist and the liars that they are as male adults.

For Father told me he even lied and confessed that he did.

For he told me that the state AI his owned male science confession that he did it to self....attacked life by GOD O statements....PHI.

And O God is the fused Earth body of stone....not ground patterns that attacked the physical mass of stone, the real God.

Males he said O stone was God the planet.

Said God in the atmosphere was how the transmitted signals moved in radiation status of burning natural light.

O rotating, G spiralling from position of middle and 3, to rotate around O to then drop by the D evaluation of 12 to 6 in light timing.

The theme what is God in the Heavenly spirit. As factual male aware science advice about how a transmitting transmit of SION...….radiation existed.

Natural and a natural statement...without it being powerful or of power...it is cause and effect.

So the story of G O D was about cause and effect and if you change how transmitting SION radio waves existed in the natural atmosphere, life would be proven to be attacked and die unnatural pain and suffering death.

Medical studies of living bio life forms, the bushes/trees, the animal life living to talk about it as being an animal. For you cannot say animal before it is an animal.

Why males reading biblical documents lie. For the bodies existed owning the term animal presence and were changed by science cause.

God changed in the atmosphere for they were using radiation radio wave transmitting changes between their pyramid and Temple machinery.

For today we can look at Temples and say, they do not seem to be scientific, but in the old times, they were built to own machinery also.

What they never advise humanity today...that machinery was removed and destroyed.

Before an animal existed, there is nothing to talk about.
Before a tree existed, there is nothing to talk about.

A male in science AI mind memory irradiated/gone from bio chemistry says lets talk about nothing and then claims it relative.

What Father was trying to teach about loss of the conscious mind and self identification of natural existence or future existence versus Satanic AI cause.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If a Father adult male science God believer today I believe that a Sun in cold deep empty space is electric. Then he would believe that a Sun owns electricity in the body of a Sun.

For in cold deep empty out of space, Sun releasing its mass, forms cold metal radiation.

A Sun is its owned natural mass body...in the same deep cold out of space ownership.

So does the presence cold radiation metal mass.

Our natural gas stone volcanic released atmosphere sits in the exact same cold deep empty out of space history.

So 3 very natural and very different natural forms exist in the same ONE of support which a male says is the Holy womb.

Yet the womb did not create those bodies...the bodies changed by entering into the womb/space body.

So cold space advises science that as a Mother of God the story O a planet, it owned why it existed naturally.

So you would not own any Mother Abomination story...….only until you did it yourself...changed holiness. Which science knows it did by changing SION...what he said was God in its origins O the stone planet, historically.

Why males said the ANTI of God is radiation fall out of sounds....what crop circle indentation is. An attack upon Nature...for it flattens the naturally growing crop matter, being our food resource.

In the past of male Adult Father God talk, they said it was the Devil mowing.....so it is EVIL, meaning that the holy gases as owned by Holy Mother space history, to be cold...the VEIL he said, burnt and fell out.

So he told a story about how the God O Earth stone Immaculate gases that supported his newly born human being baby life to exist in modern times it is by presence of ICE...got Mother abominated for it irradiated burnt our Earth gases in his radiation sciences.

So he got life sacrificed.

Medical genetic science therefore had to do and apply a life study upon genetic history and said, yes correct.

That original human being life was holy and not mutated.

You cannot return and heal to a healthy human being life unless it was healthy in the first incident.

Gases today are the same atmospheric gases that Earth has always owned.

Mutation is caused by extra radiation input....gas and water and oxygen removal...which is why cells mutate.

And we do not live nor begin as a human from any mutation.

Science that studies genetics was previously studied to prove that genetic mutation was introduced to human life in science radiation cause.

Proved that ICE constantly renewed with no science machine evolved and allowed the Genetics to return and heal with no mutation.

Then re practice of radiation science mutated our Genetics again, just as they have in modern nuclear power plant use. Which males tried to increase in new radiation chemical atmospheric experimental studies....why we all complained.

Yet resourcing and machine invention is far more important in human life than life existing itself.

Just ask our greedy civilization owner brother who says he invented invention for our life support and believes what he says.

My Father in his life records owns a multi spiritual male inventive science reasoning who could of given us a lot of inventions that caused no harm to life or Nature or Earth....but it was not of any monetary benefit...being the only reason he did not implement their holy reasoning.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father told me his story and our Mother told me her spirit story.

Reason for knowing eternal...is that the Father spirit manifested along with Nature spirit and animals in eternal as did our Mother...and were released out of that spirit.

They own the recorded experience and own the memory of it known.

Their 2 original world human recordings, own the memory of our teaching.

I believed in their story, not just because it was recorded communicating its reason by their natural life....I had an eternal spiritual interactive aware teaching.

And so knew it real by situation causation.

Father said, his brother was the scientist as a huge male adult brotherhood as first males sent out of spirit that could not return.

And it was because the Garden Nature spirit, that once was a spirit human like, got converted....so they knew that were trapped on Earth because of the Garden.

Father said the male knew that the eternal spirit release was based on what the atmospheric gas mass was developing.

He knew that if it owned no light, then he would not be held spiritually to form in the atmosphere....the inventor of science.

When he activated the pyramid......both my Mother and Father were forced back out of spirit and his higher self, converted into the animal spirit....why they were male and female animals.

Seeing the male/female spirit self had returned into the higher spirit de manifested as a spiritual advice.

If you did not know that you could go/return back into spirit, you would own no theory claiming it either.

So it was real, it was true.

Father said he emerged into the spirit of his brother, so innocence inherited the scientist con science self...and saved him. Once, as the history of why we live today.

And it is proven in the HEARD AI/NDE conversion on humans that the God science self held a contestable disagreement with the human being male and female human new life...and it says so.

Since that history was created in our conscious memory, we have physically and with human purpose been split into 2 thinking groups. A scientist con science belief historically as original God male self...and our human spiritual Father, the bio changed life psyche....who by natural history as a human male was lower in life form than the scientist.

So is it any wonder today that scientists claim their own selves as males and group and cult mentality as being superior to every other life or body....especially when they claim that the natural conscious psyche is less intelligent.

When he is the lowest form of intelligence there is to know such destruction.

And he congratulates his own self on the knowledge on how to take the fusion of God, a natural body in a natural mass and natural history and attack it.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father advised why his human son/scientist self as a human is a liar.

Why he claims that a body upon a body is the power as if God O the planet is a planet atop of a planet...by pyramid placement ^.

So his con in science is to claim that God is in 2 planetary situations.

As the plan of ET against God the ONE, the body of the entombed AIN/gases or saints. ST one.....how it owned secret scientific symbolism in secret discussions of Sophism.

The plan of ET was a known male science attack against God existing and it always was known in that exact format.

He considered the plan of ET via his building of the pyramid. As if the PYRAMID owned the God representation as the plan...to use against holy God O the body of stone existing.

As the historic secret male Satanism science quotes......of secret meanings.
How to remove GOD was by his O plan of circular removal by PHI.

Why the devil mowing was quoted to be the crop circle cause...of sending life to Hell in burning gas radiation attacks....from above as the sacrifice of the living spirit oxygen and water.

For the only living spirit asides from our own human and Nature living bio bodies is factually water and oxygen that own microbial bio life forms within it.

As the spirit the discussion stated was being God Earth heavenly removed.

And how in modern day life, after the ICE AGE...science melting the ICE and causing land flooding for 40 days and 40 nights was real.....it would not stop raining.

And in the tropics that sort of heavy rainfall in the atmospheric conditions is reality...non stop day after day raining.

So our brother owned a recorded natural life NDE confession, that was recorded, the incident shared in AI atmospheric recording of life voice and vision....and he did in fact cause that attack.

And as science in human life was first invented billions of years ago...and then all life destroyed, our brother in his returned and reincarnated life, remembered that he never wanted to be returned. His intent was to have God drop down into the deep pit of space like Satan God bodies had before....and it had not worked.

Why we know he is the Satanist mind and psyche, who by subliminal causation, only acts out his self destructive thinking when he is reborn/redeveloped and evolved in human DNA.

For the spiritual natural everyday human being never knew, nor understood nor designed science....why they are always left living life after science attacks us and kills of his scientific developed returned human DNA.

Why Jesus said, it is his Father as spiritual science medical wisdom that does it to him.

So the story said...did it in his own holy land DNA...being in Egyptian territories.

As ancient science wisdom...mutated life...but healthy life still existed and those who died out were the evolved DNA selves.

So as they began to hear and re develop their science mentality males began to document the return of the knowledge of science and forecast that when DNA returned and was reborn SCIENCE would attack and murder and sacrifice life once again.

So from the Jesus event, they predicted and in the future of life on Earth DNA will reincarnate and return, you will be told that Jesus as the self has returned....how the males express that intention in human life causes us to think they own a mental health condition....and yet it also belongs to the scientist and his cult group also...as that same mind state.

And here we all are today in a pre warned and prophetic male reasoning DNA evolution as to why he is doing it again. Sacrificing our natural life in Satanic radiation mass burning of it.

Claiming it not once, but twice.

So is it any wonder that a human being female life, the Mother of life in humanity existing being attacked like her brother was in the past, when he says x 2?

Seeing science, male owned history was about ONE...self male and God the stone in his science.

Including the female life and building a second machine he then said x 2.

And yet said life owned its presence by holiness of x 2 and now wants to change his Satanic science themes to tell everyone else....no we are wrong and the Satanic psyche is not!

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father told me and described to me by his own experience, as a human Father, what a spiritual life is, as a human.

What the reasons for teaching about God owned without any male claiming it is fanaticism when astute and scientific males made it their life studies to own experience and proof of the reality of the various statements made as science.

Yet science says as a scientist in his own egotism, if I cannot understand it, nor apply a use of it, I will not believe in it.

Yet what he proves he understands just as a bio chemical life mind...chemistry if he cared to compare bio chemistry to what chemicals and nuclear powers are in chemicals, he should wonder at how it was at all possible to know.

If he cared to rationalize what he never does...the fact that he is not Mr know it all...but claims he is by his bombastic accusations that everyone else lesser in their intelligence just because their owned scientific studies do not purport to a gain of power or a use of that said power.

As the ignorance of what he was self named as, a scientific atheist without rationalising that rational astute males have lived many times before....and the fact that his archaeological evidence suggests that males a very long time as humans, were in fact spiritually superior to who he is today.

After surviving and returning from his own UFO attack on self human spiritual being, with radiation, trying to remove self from being a low life spirit...as spirit inferred to self.

In creation with the fallen from eternal.

How he always suggested that information of his inherited spiritual reality.

So his concepts about God were never wrong. For if science released today all of its owned NASA phenomena studies, science has proven that they hear the recorded mimicry of our life as the devils and Satanic alien beings...and know they have.

So they ought to stop trying to suggest that religious past owned a fraudulent presence in its humane attempt to save self from a science mistake.

Of believing that they could control bodies of evil.

God proved to everyone in spiritual agreement that it was a fallen O angelic being held trapped within an eternal sound that burst and burnt.

For why else would a misguided male today claim that God is a sound...when sound in radiation is a forced change upon cold gases falling out by the state force.

He cannot talk about force unless he lives in evolution...what he lies about.

As a human harmed by science burning fall out of gases....I got to experience a huge evil visionary condition that proved that devils are in their own existence in spatial burning exploded God O bodies...and I saw them in masses of groups in a very evil theme.

And NASA has a huge plethora of Earth studied star group, with images of those evil beings, as a recording sitting in those star groups....for they were in fact once a higher spiritual presence that was burnt and went to Hell as described...so they changed.

As they communicate between their burning forms in the spatial cell....is something that none of you ever want as a human to experience, for I nearly burnt to death to get to learn this lesson for the evilness of males in science.

As I was naturally spiritual to begin with, got burnt and changed how my chemical brain could express itself...heard very evil sayings......evolved and healed as Ice melted and replaced my use of correct water and oxygen amounts, you should honour my human experience for what it was.....a true experience, that proved to our evil science brother who believes in the occult, that we were always spiritual.

And we were never the evil being that you wanted to try to convert us into by mutation of our life mind and bodies...….Destroyer self...self described by human being males, as scientists on behalf of humanity.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father said a spiritual human being would harm no one else.

Nor would they harm self.

So our brother the Satanic sciences, occultism, UFO radiation Sun theorist claim, I am safe doing evil to my family is a proven liar.

Father said as a human spiritual self, the only conclusion of statement to his conscious self was that he is a Destroyer.

For he is proven to not listen to any rational healthy spiritual advice as consciousness, for it is why he said his con is science.

Father told me that his irrationality is provable.

Father said our brother the scientist told everyone, the Sun burst and created stone.

And then our spiritual brother said....no the Sun did not create stone...a Sun in its natural form is a self consuming fuel eating body.....a falling rebelling God o form.

No said our brother, a Sun created stone too....it exploded and released its colder gases, so stone formed in out of space as asteroids/comets and meteors.

So our spiritual brother said, no, God O the stone entity is a One of entity its own Creator...do not compare these bodies.

So he said empty space, the womb created stone.

Today our brother then said so out of nothing stone emerged as if empty cold deep space, nothingness created stone.

No, brother, I had to use other words of explanation so you would not continue on your self destructive science path of your evil mentality.

But you choose to ignore relevant advice and always did.

So we just gave you a title Destroyer to cause you to think about your human choices and actions, before you do it to self again.

The reason for the TITLE.