Choose a glimpse into your current mood, daily life, or social life that you would like to share with other RFers. We have many debate threads where disagreements take place. This thread is for a peek into who we are behind the keyboards and debates.
I am recovering from a serious illness that I contracted about four weeks ago. I was off work for three weeks and I just returned to work this week. I was anxious about returning to work, since I have never been out on sick leave for this long. I was worried how many e-mails I would have but also about a project I had to leave in the lurch when I got sick, but everything was okay since a coworker helped out, and now I will finish this project.
I have been worried about some big changes that are coming my way at work regarding how I do my work and some new software I am going to have to learn. I have been doing my work the same way for about 13 years and using the same software program, so this is going to be a big adjustment. I was also worried since the boss I have had for 10 years is retiring next month, and I did not know who my new boss would be. I found out last Monday who he is going to be and I could not be happier! So that is one load off my mind.
My biggest problem is my house. My house is very large, too large for one person even though I have 8 cats. I never go in half the house which is downstairs and I have too much anxiety to face going down there for fear of what I might find and because I am afraid of getting depressed. The same thing goes for the garage and the yard, which has turned into a wildlife refuge. I have no idea what is down there in what used to be a yard and I am afraid to find out!
On a more positive note, I have been able to resume my regular exercise routine this week, so I am happy about that.
Social life, what's that?
There are things in my life that I'm working on changing, but my circle of closer friends isn't one of them. I consider myself fortunate to have them.
I don't really have a circle to change, except my friends on RF, and I don't want to change them. My best friend was my late husband of 37 years who passed a little over a year ago. Since I have no family, no children, and no in-person friends, I am now trying to get engaged with the Baha'i community, but they don't socialize much, so it is hard to connect with them on a personal level.
I am shy and I have never been good at making friends. Besides, there is no place to meet new people where I live. I guess it is a good thing I am an introvert!
One of them has been going through a bumpy time lately, and we haven't met or talked much in recent weeks because of that. I'm thinking of getting something like this and giving it to her next time we meet up, since we both love cats!
I did not know you were a cat lover. To say I am a cat lover would be an understatement. I often say that the cats are the only reason to keep living. I am trying to find other things to live for, but it's hard. I really don't like much about the material world, except for beautiful scenery, nature and animals. Houses and cars are a royal pain.