Some psychologists and doctors care. Some don't. Insurance and the cost of care complicate things, but in any health field the quality of care revolves around the efforts of both doctor and patient. A doctor has to take time with their patients and care about them (and, admittedly, there aren't enough of them), and the patient has to be willing to comply and communicate with their doctor. They're both still human, and mistakes will happen, but lots of people have been helped by the fields of psychiatry and psychology. But, ultimately, it is up to the client to help themselves and help their doctor help them, or to rot in misery either expecting a magic cure that doesn't exist or refusing to get better.
Whether they care or not is irrelevant, mostly, though I guess it's good that they often do.
As far as science, well some science is Quantum Mechanics, and some is Gender Studies. Not all sciences are created equally...
Yes, it will continue to advance and improve our lives but we should be ready to challenge it - it's not a new religion, it functions on models and the models break and are dynamic. As soon as any variables change, so can the model and everything we knew is basically worthless. I'd put my top four worthless majors: Any Language That's not Chinese, Liberal Arts, Gender Studies, and Psychology.
The focus of psychological training pre-MD is talking people up and out of ****, not helping them. While it invariably helps to talk to someone, it doesn't exactly fix your problems - most of them do not offer advice they just sit and listen, and listen. Obviously, I've dealt with it before... So frustrating... lol Likewise, I don't think I'd listen to their damn advice anyway - backfire effect is as real here, as anywhere else.
Similarly, you have the idea that psychology can help your problems in every case or that maybe my ideas on the subject are new agey or something. I doubt you will see it my way or something, or at the very least just think I am just an aberration in the statistics and typical results department. I'm not an "out-lier" so much as someone that spent a lot of time trying to understand themselves, and what to do about it. I think anyone can as long as they don't have a drastic physical-based problem, retrain their mind to work as they need. And, I try to be a spiritual person, but even if someone is an atheist or whatever at least they can believe in themselves... I think religion has nothing to do with it - we all have to determine things like purpose so we can benchmark ourselves and keep score. It's also important to know these things just to know what direction to walk, and if you are walking the wrong way always from your goals, of course, you will be miserable. If you make yourself a wage-slave, for example, you are probably miserable. If you leech of free government benefits, you probably aren't happy with that either. People just need some sense of fulfillment or accomplishment to be lifted up. Find someone depressed? Quiz them - it's always **** like:
1) Welfare mooch
2) Fry's with that job
3) Single, divorced, or widowed/widower. It's easier to be happier when you live with someone who won't let you stay in the funk.
4) Taking mentally destabilizing drugs like caffeine, weed, or alcohol. Also, acetaminophen.
5) Physically disabled, but all in on the pity party rather than seeing it as a challenge to overcome.
6) Absolutely no kids, and no cats don't count. Sort of the same as #3, but even more importantly you have to stop thinking about yourself at all.
7) Atheist. Most atheists pretend to be happy online, they're not really happy.
I'm not saying you have to have a path, I'm saying it helps the mood. This increases your chances of being miserable, but doesn't assure it. When I say "think" they're happy, I mean the only happy they know is being free of an oppressive religion - they don't know the happiness of finding an open and accepting one that is non-dogmatic.
8) Transgender. (Getting more common.) This can be not so large a factor, but I've seen it enough to mention it these days. I have nothing against Trans of any form, I just note a pattern. Gender dysphoria is probably a struggle I just can't even understand, but I can see the effects on others.
I'm already to the wall of text, but any one of these things doesn't make you a depressed loser - just increases the likelihood you are depressed. Don't construe any of that above to be picking on anyone, that's not the intent, it is just observation. I feel these moods are actually more a product of acting out of harmony with your nature: whether you consider that to simply be your "goals" in life, or something more spiritual like a soul/spirit/etc is irrelevant, it generally holds true. Fear is simply not an excuse when the anxiety is merely a phantom, even when I was at my worst I knew I was basically full of **** and afraid of being afraid to some extent. Depression really is a product of self-hate, and self-denial. You figure those two things out, it goes away... No drugs, no doctors, no nothing.