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A Practical Guide to Fallen Angels.


Devourer of Truth

Note, I am Deist so I am simply listing all of this and such for fun. IThough if there is a Satan, i should be recruited or somthing for the amount of time i waste researching and posting on this stuff.

Most texts on Demons have been written by monks whom for some odd reason between morning prayer and scribing bibles like to summon demons and have friendly little talks with them to learn more about Hell and the demons themselves. "who says we cant be friends?" the monks, in particular, are almost always Catholic. though much lore they build off of belongs to pagan faiths and Jewish works. so if there is some contradiction with the main text. that could be why.

Here is the Hierarchy of Angel to give you a better idea of what each Race of Angel each is from.
*Note* archangels are a title, not a race so a Seraph can be an Archangel like a Cherub. all depends on the text.

Consequences of free will

It is generally accepted by most Christians that the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven because of actions were taken against God. These actions were enabled because the angels were granted free will. Generally, these actions included active rebellion, doubt in God's motives or plans, or a rejection of the system of Heaven. Pride is often involved, especially in cases where an angel believed itself to be more powerful than God (Lucifer being the prime example among these [this is often disputed]).

Origen, a father of the early Christian Church, believed that God had created all angels to be equal and free. However, in possessing the power of free will, some of them began to move further away from God of their own volition.

Origen states metaphorically that, although some angels fell and became human or demonic, all hope is not lost. He theorizes that by practicing virtue, men and demons can again become angels. While considered an early Father of the Church, Origen was deemed a heretic as a result of some of his writings and teachings, which did not conform to accepted scripture or tradition. Mainly, his concept of Apocatastasis, the belief that all beings (human beings, fallen angels, demons, and Satan) will return to God through God's love and mercy, was deemed unacceptable at that time. His excommunication was posthumously reversed.

The following comes from a series of ancient texts referenced in the Bible called "The Three Books of Enoch", a set of books found in the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament.

According to these books, it is because of lust that some angels fell from Heaven. God asked the "Watchers" (Grigori), a select group of angels, to assist the Archangels in the creation of Eden. Those Grigori who descended to Earth saw the daughters of men and became enchanted with them. Consequently, the Grigori began to reveal to man some of the secrets of Heaven, such as astrology and the vanity of enhancing the face and body with perfumes and cosmetics. The Grigori then fell in love with human women. According to the text, some of the Grigori even took wives and created offspring, giants are known as the Nephilim. This made God so angry that he cursed those Grigori who had betrayed Him, threw them out of Heaven, made them mortal and transformed them into demons. God sent the Great Flood to cleanse the Earth of the wanton killing and destruction perpetrated by the Nephilim. Notable angels who fell in this account are Semyazza, Samael, Azazel, and Lucifer.

This belief involves Lucifer's revolution against God, well known amongst Christians. Pride, the gravest of the seven deadly sins, eventually led to the expulsion from Heaven of certain beings, up to and including the highest orders of angels. Lucifer, who himself succumbed to pride, was the first and mightiest angel to be created. With intelligence, radiance, beauty, and power unmatched among all of the angels in Heaven, Lucifer was second in majesty only to God Himself.

Unfortunately, Lucifer became ambitious and self-centered, eventually deciding to prove his power by raising his throne to the height of God's throne. Other angels did not approve of Lucifer's plan; they did not want a lower being trying symbolically to become the equal of God. When Lucifer enacted his scheme, he was instantly hurled out of Heaven. This account of the rebellion might have come from several ancient Canaanite manuscripts that deal with Shahar, one of their own deities.
Catholic theologians have speculated that the incarnation of Christ was revealed to the angels. The idea that all of Heaven must bow before Christ, formed in part from the lesser nature of humanity, motivated the prideful actions of Lucifer (cf. Suarez, De Angelis, lib. VII, xiii).

Modern Catholic view
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Angels were all created good but some turned bad on their own. Angels don't need faith as they already have the knowledge of celestial things. Due to their angelic nature, repentance is not possible and their sins are irreversible.

Venerable Sor María de Jesús de Agreda (1602-1665+), expressed in a book titled "La Mistica Ciudad de Dios" what is the modern common Catholic interpretation. In the beginning of times, when God separated daylight from darkness, He also separated the good from the bad in the Heavens: God revealed his Trinitary nature to the Angels, He also showed them He would incarnate and all the Angels were to revere and adore Him as God and human.

Lucifer was the first angel to rebel against God (Isaiah 14) and with him, he took one-third of the the celestial host. Lucifer was the most beautiful angel, so beautiful indeed that he envied God and wanted to receive all His praises: he didn't accept the idea of bowing before Jesus and hated being inferior to any human, including His Holy Mother. As a punishment, God didn't remove the powers from the Devil but decided to punish and humiliate him by stating that through His Holy Mother, which he failed to respect and praise, his head would be crushed and he would be defeated and annihilated.
Then came the battle-related by Saint John (Apoc. 12) between St. Michael the Archangel and His Angels, and Lucifer and his angels.

Bowing to mankind
According to the Qur’an, when God created man, He wanted His angels and Iblis to acknowledge man by bowing down to him, but Iblis did not obey His mandate. Islam does not hold Iblis to be a fallen angel because it maintains that Iblis is one among many of Allah's creations and that Iblis is made out of the fire as are the Jinn. These Jinns are divided into two groups, one being that which follows the Islamic teachings, the other which follows Iblis.

We created you and then formed you and then We said to the Angels, "Prostrate before Adam" and they prostrated except for Iblis. He was not among those who prostrated. God said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" He (Iblis) replied, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and You created him from clay". God said, "Descend from heaven. It is not for you to be arrogant in it. So get out! You are one of the abased." Surah 7 (al-A`raf), 11-13.

A later mention of this idea can be found in "Vita Adae et Evae", an apocryphal text which most scholars agree was written somewhere near the end of the 10th century AD.

XIII: The devil replied, 'Adam, what dost thou tell me? It is for thy sake that I have been hurled from that place. When thou wast formed, I was hurled out of the presence of God and banished from the company of the angels. When God blew into thee the breath of life and thy face and likeness were made in the image of God, Michael also brought thee and made (us) worship thee in the sight of God; and God the Lord spake: Here is Adam. I have made thee in our image and likeness.'

XIV: And Michael went out and called all the angels saying: 'Worship the image of God as the Lord God hath commanded.' And Michael himself worshipped first; then he called me and said: 'Worship the image of God the Lord.' And I answered, 'I have no (need) to worship Adam.' And since Michael kept urging me to worship, I said to him, 'Why dost thou urge me? I will not worship an inferior and younger being. I am his senior in the Creation, before he was made was I already made. It is his duty to worship me.'

XV: When the angels who were under me heard this, they refused to worship him. And Michael saith, 'Worship the image of God, but if thou wilt not worship him, the Lord God will be wroth with thee.' And I said, 'If He be wroth with me, I will set my seat above the stars of heaven and will be like the Highest.'
Anon. Vita Adae et Evae, 13–15.

Obedience to God
There is a Sufi version of the story that states that Lucifer was the angel who loved God the most. At the time of the angels' creation, God told them to bow to no one but Him.
However, God created mankind, whom he considered superior to the angels, and commanded the angels to bow before the new figure. Lucifer refused, partly because he could not forget the first commandment, but also because he would bow to his beloved God only. The other angels saw Lucifer as insubordinate and expelled him from Heaven.

Those who believe in this version do not consider Lucifer or the fallen angels to be demons since they did not rebel against God by refusing his mandate but rather believed that creatures should bow before only God, and no one else.

Some people believe that the Seraphim (Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, and Satan) were the only Fallen Angels, and those who believed and joined their cause became the first demons.

Fallen angels by rank
Some of the fallen were supposedly members of more than one rank, but this list will only list the primary rank or the rank that is most well-known, of each apostate angel. For more information, see the articles of the various entities.

Fallen Angels by Sphere and Rank. (Orignal)

First Sphere/Choir


Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Belial, (Depends on text, In the OT Leviathan, are monsters, not Angels. and Lucifer does not exist and Satan is a verb connecting to many)


Azazel, Beelzebub, Berith, Lauviah, Marou, Salikotal (Note most the names are probably like Satan and not the Angelium's original Name's. depends on text)


Focalor, Forneus, Gressil, Mammon, Murmur, Nelchael, Phenex, Purson, Raum, Sonellion, Sytri, Verrnie

(I would list the other Angels but really who cares.)

It's Like walking into the middle east. there are 1M or so more with unpronounceable names that make no lick of sense. if you want them all I advise you go and read The Lesser Key of Solomon. or the Manga Makai Ouji. both work.

I Shall mention how the actual System works, in another thread. this is just a Guide to Fallen Angels. not the Economics and Political atmosphere of Hell. (Seriously you thought America was bad)

if you did read this entire wall of text and information you probably did not need to know.

Thank you.

And here is Female Anime Raphiel for your troubles


Devourer of Truth
Then it doesn't belong in the Religious Debate sections, it belongs in the section where people who believe in fallen angels reside.
Christians believe in fallen angels along with a few other religions.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Then it doesn't belong in the Religious Debate sections, it belongs in the section where people who believe in fallen angels reside.

I agree. This isn't really a debate topic. Its more like Angel worship. If there is a DIR for that, this belongs there. Ironically one of the things that lead to God expelling the fallen angels was Angel worship.

Worship of angels - Wikipedia

An exert:

The Jewish Bible strictly prohibits worship of idols made in the likeness of anything in heaven, according to the first commandment found in Exodus 20:4. For this reason actual "worship" of angels is not documented in Judaism beyond the following:

  • In pre-exilic Judaism the term the Host of Heavenhas primarily pagan associations, the stars, or gods of the zodiac, unconnected with angels, as illustrated by the prohibition in Deuteronomy 4:19, later broken by kings Ahab and Manasseh in worshipping the Host of Heaven, documented in 2 Kings 17:16 and 21:3 respectively. This is consistent with rabbinical era teaching.[1] In post-exilic Judaism, the Host of Heaven are possibly re-classed as angels, cf. Nehemiah 9:6 "the host of heaven worships you", but worship of the Host of Heaven has ceased.
  • In Intertestamental Judaism, worship of angels is not found, but a developed angelology, angelic hierarchies, and the invocation of angels is found. For example the Maccabean fighters invoked the unnamed angel that earlier in the days of Hezekiahhad destroyed the army of Sennacherib.[2][3]


Devourer of Truth
I agree. This isn't really a debate topic. Its more like Angel worship. If there is a DIR for that, this belongs there. Ironically one of the things that lead to God expelling the fallen angels was Angel worship.

Worship of angels - Wikipedia

An exert:

The Jewish Bible strictly prohibits worship of idols made in the likeness of anything in heaven, according to the first commandment found in Exodus 20:4. For this reason actual "worship" of angels is not documented in Judaism beyond the following:

  • In pre-exilic Judaism the term the Host of Heavenhas primarily pagan associations, the stars, or gods of the zodiac, unconnected with angels, as illustrated by the prohibition in Deuteronomy 4:19, later broken by kings Ahab and Manasseh in worshipping the Host of Heaven, documented in 2 Kings 17:16 and 21:3 respectively. This is consistent with rabbinical era teaching.[1] In post-exilic Judaism, the Host of Heaven are possibly re-classed as angels, cf. Nehemiah 9:6 "the host of heaven worships you", but worship of the Host of Heaven has ceased.
  • In Intertestamental Judaism, worship of angels is not found, but a developed angelology, angelic hierarchies, and the invocation of angels is found. For example the Maccabean fighters invoked the unnamed angel that earlier in the days of Hezekiahhad destroyed the army of Sennacherib.[2][3]

*shrugs* if a mod takes issue they can move it. I just thought "general religious nature" was the best category.


Devourer of Truth
I agree. This isn't really a debate topic. Its more like Angel worship. If there is a DIR for that, this belongs there. Ironically one of the things that lead to God expelling the fallen angels was Angel worship.

Worship of angels - Wikipedia

An exert:

The Jewish Bible strictly prohibits worship of idols made in the likeness of anything in heaven, according to the first commandment found in Exodus 20:4. For this reason actual "worship" of angels is not documented in Judaism beyond the following:

  • In pre-exilic Judaism the term the Host of Heavenhas primarily pagan associations, the stars, or gods of the zodiac, unconnected with angels, as illustrated by the prohibition in Deuteronomy 4:19, later broken by kings Ahab and Manasseh in worshipping the Host of Heaven, documented in 2 Kings 17:16 and 21:3 respectively. This is consistent with rabbinical era teaching.[1] In post-exilic Judaism, the Host of Heaven are possibly re-classed as angels, cf. Nehemiah 9:6 "the host of heaven worships you", but worship of the Host of Heaven has ceased.
  • In Intertestamental Judaism, worship of angels is not found, but a developed angelology, angelic hierarchies, and the invocation of angels is found. For example the Maccabean fighters invoked the unnamed angel that earlier in the days of Hezekiahhad destroyed the army of Sennacherib.[2][3]
this is also simply stating how they fell


Veteran Member
I agree. This isn't really a debate topic. Its more like Angel worship. If there is a DIR for that, this belongs there. Ironically one of the things that lead to God expelling the fallen angels was Angel worship.
You mean for those who believe that there are fallen angels.

Worship of angels - Wikipedia

An exert:

The Jewish Bible strictly prohibits worship of idols made in the likeness of anything in heaven, according to the first commandment found in Exodus 20:4. For this reason actual "worship" of angels is not documented in Judaism beyond the following:

  • In pre-exilic Judaism the term the Host of Heavenhas primarily pagan associations, the stars, or gods of the zodiac, unconnected with angels, as illustrated by the prohibition in Deuteronomy 4:19, later broken by kings Ahab and Manasseh in worshipping the Host of Heaven, documented in 2 Kings 17:16 and 21:3 respectively. This is consistent with rabbinical era teaching.[1] In post-exilic Judaism, the Host of Heaven are possibly re-classed as angels, cf. Nehemiah 9:6 "the host of heaven worships you", but worship of the Host of Heaven has ceased.
  • In Intertestamental Judaism, worship of angels is not found, but a developed angelology, angelic hierarchies, and the invocation of angels is found. For example the Maccabean fighters invoked the unnamed angel that earlier in the days of Hezekiahhad destroyed the army of Sennacherib.[2][3]
So, three things:

- The author may not be clear on what an angel is in Judaism and may not have seen Psalm 148.

- Note [1] erroneously quotes the Jerusalem Targum rather than Talmud tractates Hullin and Avodah Zarah from a mistake reading the Jewish Encyclopedia.

- Invocation =/= worship.


Well-Known Member
Note, I am Deist so I am simply listing all of this and such for fun. IThough if there is a Satan, i should be recruited or somthing for the amount of time i waste researching and posting on this stuff.
Interesting material you collected.

The problem with it, is any of it believable at all? Or, is it just fun!
I was somewhat of the opinion that a very great number of angels defected.

Unfortunately, the fallen angels whether on their own or belonging to satan seem to be quiet on nearly all subjects we might be interested in. Besides, can anything they say be trusted at all !?

Even small things, such as the length of days in Genesis they are quiet about. Perhaps they have been warned not to speak about some things.


Devourer of Truth
Interesting material you collected.

The problem with it, is any of it believable at all? Or, is it just fun!
I was somewhat of the opinion that a very great number of angels defected.

Unfortunately, the fallen angels whether on their own or belonging to satan seem to be quiet on nearly all subjects we might be interested in. Besides, can anything they say be trusted at all !?

Even small things, such as the length of days in Genesis they are quiet about. Perhaps they have been warned not to speak about some things.

it's sort of like
"some call the devil the father of all lies. but a for a being whose greatest sin Pride. wouldn't lying leave a poor taste? I don't think he lies at all I think he tells you the exact literal truth and lets you find your own way to hell."

furthermore, Hell being run like a Feudal system or Democracy makes a bit more sense since one of satans suppose reasons for falling was not wanting angels to become second-class citizens


Well-Known Member
lets you find your own way to hell."

furthermore, Hell being run like a Feudal system or Democracy makes a bit more sense since one of satans suppose reasons for falling was not wanting angels to become second-class citizens
I don't believe in a hell or in heaven after death.
I am in hell right now, and when I die, I will sleep blissfully ignorant of the evil I lived in. Perhaps your, "lets you find your own way to hell" -- is right on.