I didn't forget to take a class, I had statistics for my Bachelor's and my Master's. Statistics and statistics manipulation should be at the fore of classroom learning IMHO, as statistics (and statistic cherry picking) are vital to better understanding law, forensics, intelligence-led policing, politics and propaganda, media advertising, biology, phylogeny, etc., etc.
I would not have guessed you had any statistics based on your posts here.
Here's what you're laying out before me:
1) I don't understand statistics
2) I propose raising the odds to the 32nd power for 32 separate iterations of the same evolutionary trait
3) You feel important factors modify the odds, and rightly so, e.g., easy to evolve something over and again (that is circular reasoning on your part, since you accept mechanistic and not theistic evolution as axiomatic, but okay) and I'll add to your assumption natural selection, enhanced survivability (despite claims the thing becomes vestigial!), etc.
You certainly do not understand what is required to calculate the probabilities, but seem to think it is just raising a number to a power.
I'm willing to evaluate the odds, I learned something new this week--no skeptic at this forum will say anything but "incalcuable odds" or "your odds are creation bs" or "you are stacking the odds, man"!
Does it make it sound more rational too you to label the mathematician that explained the reasons for the incalculable odds as a skeptic instead of the more honest answer of a guy with a PhD in math gave me sound reasons to recognize the errors I was making?
If I take your factors into account
I do not recall supplying any factors.
, and reduce the numbers vastly, from X^32 to X^16,
Pretend the numbers are whatever you want. It does not really matter. You are going to reject valid points anyway.
do you see we are dealing with laws of large numbers?
I see you are trying to deal with large numbers, but that evolution is not, has been explained to you.
If I accept odds of 10^50 as technically null, impossible, do you understand I see X^32 as possible, but highly unlikely?
Given the information about it that you have generated from thin air, I accept that X^32 represents a probability that an event would be unlikely. Of course, you have not shown an event related to anything, so it is meaningless.
That is, I'm open-minded, especially as I better understand evolution, since all learning should tend toward open-minded behavior?
You have not learned anything that I can see. You willfully ignore what others tell you. You willfully ignore evidence. You are basically calling everyone that is trying to explain this all to you, liars.
As to your "open mind", I do not see that either. You are attempting to appear more receptive, but an open mind does not necessarily follow that.
Now, what is the "X"? Can you name ten body structures at any level from genetic to whole systems necessitated to evolve simultaneously with a cecal appendix, 32 separate times?
What is a genetic body structure? A chromosome? The nucleus? I am not going to bother. Make up your own.
This is 10^32 odds: 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
This is 10^16 odds: 1:10,000,000,000,000,000
More meaningless numbers. Good. I was afraid I had seen the last of them.
I want you to see that I'm willing to VASTLY, conservatively fix my odds, as I understand them. I want you keenly to understand why some people see some elements at play as just so stories.
Fixing this means that your numbers were not real to begin with and not based on the evidence. So you are back to where you were, willfully using probabilities that have been refuted.
X includes (positive and negative):
*Beneficial mutations, no harmful ones, create a vestigial appendix
Natural selection created the vestigial appendix.
*Colocated systems work with the cecal appendix
Bacteria occupy the appendix.
*Evolution is powerful, and clearly includes rapid speciation
You have offered no evidence for me to support or deny this. The theory of evolution and the evidence does not support the claim that species are instantaneously derived, fully formed.
*Systems evolve to trigger release of appendix bacteria as appropriate
What system? What evidence?
Let's go with your side, and make X less than 1, much less than 1, a certainty!
Odds of 32 different iterations: 1:10,000,000
More numbers without meaning. You're good at this.
Now, we need only 10,000,000 planets in the universe with seafloor vents during their Hadean periods to spring abiogenesis (a mathematical certainty, I'll say, for those planets) and we got it right 32 times. Certainly if we push aside Fermi's paradox, Great Filter issues, Earthocentric issues, it works.
When did we go off planet? You are making vast leaps. And without your parachute again.
It's still unlikely it happened on Earth.
You have a lot of evidence to explain and little time to do it.
While I can cite other issues I have when I think about evolution, I can say from a more informed place--since you obliged me by challenging my assumptions and blinders, that I'm still on track.
Sure you are.
We're both Christians, can we just agree on Theistic Evolution, and conclude?
I cannot agree to something in science that has no evidence to support it. My belief has nothing to do with it and I am not going to agree with someone just because they happen to be Christian. That would be false witness.
I would not agree with any of the myriad speculation and circular reasoning you have used to arrive right back where your religious agenda started you.