I think a worthy manipulation of the truth deserves a worthy response correcting the manipulation.
Actually the fossil record supports creation.
We have fossils of creatures that are alive today with no changes.
Creation suggests that everything was created at once, the fossil record shows that different animals lived at different periods, with some being more successful at surviving than others.
No fossil can be shown to have any direct ancestor or descendant relationship with any other fossil.
Not true. If you want to see a living dinosaur you need only look in the sky, they are everywhere, birds are direct descendents of dinosaurs.
We have fossils with DNA which validates a young earth.
DNA has not yet been successfully extracted from any dinosaur fossils because it is too lod, and any traces of DNA have deteriorated, which is why Jurassic Park is a film and not a reality.
We have fossils of creatures that were in struggles with other creatures when they died which show a quick burial.
I am not sure what the implication is here. If you would rephrase it, I would be happy to revisit it.
We have marine fossils on just about every mountain top which validates a global flood.
Correct. Science taught you that, and you chose to listen, science also taught you that it was down to plate tectonics, and the coming together of plates that forces land which was once below the sea upwards to create mountain ranges, but conveniently you have not mentioned that in your comment.
The fossil record doesnt support all the evolution that supposedly took place, even Darwin admitted that. Other evolutionists have had to admit this also which is how the theory of punctuated equilibrium came about.
The problem with the fossil record is not that it does not support evolution, it is that it does not support all of the evolution that has ever taken place. The reason for this is simply that not every animal produces a fossil; the petrification of bone is pretty rare, so there will always be gaps, however since Darwins time, many more fossils have been uncovered and the fossil record is more mature than it once was and increases the support for evolution.
who created your creator? or is it illegitimate?