In classic symbolism, the soul is passive. The soul is like the hard drive of a computer, with all the memories. A hard drive is passive and will just sits there, until acted upon. In classic symbolism, it is the spirit that animates the passive soul. In the computer analogy, the soul is the hard drive and the spirit is the CPU that accesses and works the hard drive. If you get hungry, the spirit or CPU of hunger, animates specific memories on the memory hard drive, so you think about food and food prep. After you eat, these become less conscious again. The spirit of the days activities began, as you get out to interact with world, which bounces off you, via natural spirits on sensory systems, to animate your memory.
The DNA, as the soul, is also like the hard cellular drive of the cell, with all the generic memories that can biologically form a new you. But the DNA, all by itself, is passive. It needs a CPU or spirit to animate it. This comes from the rest of the cell; proteins, enzymes and water. I like to call it the protein grid.
When DNA is duplicated, during cell cycles, it is packed away so efficiently, condensed chromosomes, it cannot unwind by itself. It needs enzymes; spirits of unpacking enzymes, that will cut the bonds of DNA, allowing the DNA strand to rotate, and then they will reattach the strand. Left alone, condensed or fully packed DNA chromosomes would stay like that forever, or get so tangled up trying to unwind to be rendered useless. This extra spirit of unpacking step allows for very precise control over the hard drive memories. It also plays a passive role in cellular differentiation control.
Luckily, when the mother cell duplicates into two daughter cells, she forms two daughter CPU's; two protein grids, one for each condensed DNA hard drive. Each daughter cell's CPU, has all the enzymes needed to unpack, unzip and transcribe on the DNA hard drive, to reflect the spirit of the daughter cell; differentiation, and the spirits of the external world, that adds demands on the soul; memories, in the protein gird.
The brain, which is composed of lots of protein, that stem from a wide range of individual cellular level CPU's; individual neurons, work as a vast network. This becomes an even larger spirit of inner self consciousness, that can regulate genetic expression with hormones. Personal consciousness; ego, is another level of CPU, which can access and animate our personal and collective memory or soul. Our memory is passive and is composed of everything recorded consciously, from both inside and outside observations. It is what defines us, and what one would need to remain intact, after death, in an after life; Divine Soul. However, the Divine Soul is passive and will sleep. It the Divine CPU or a Spirit that will be needed to processes this data, so we become consciously alive; awaken from passive sleep.
Looking at the DNA as the hard drive, takes away some of the irrational mystery; supported with dice and cards. It also causes one to think in terms of the spirits or CPU hierarchy, needed to make full use of the DNA hard drive data, all the way to consciousness and another layer of memory or soul. To complete the analogy, advance in the CPU, like computers now using AI, can process old DNA hard drive data, to allow for more enhanced capability, even with the same old data. The evolving layers of the CPU is really where the fun begins.
Applied science uses the Soul of science data and theory, and via its own innovative spirit or CPU, repurposes this data and natural laws, to make new things, which then get added to the hard drive or soul of collective knowledge.