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A Traveller's Journal

Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
After the poem I posted on last year's Halloween, I was thinking of making it an annual tradition to post something Halloween related here on RF.
This time, I'd like to share a snippet of a traveller's journal from a... remarkable background.

It's probably not everyone's cup of tea, nor am I sure the writer is a very good storyteller, but here we go.

The content contains dark themes, violence and "questionable behaviour".

Here come three entries of the traveller's journal, the rest is missing...
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Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I decided to keep a journal because I hate it to see gifts being treated as things of no value.
After all, I got this journal for free from a merchant I met on the way.
He's a remarkable individual to the eye because he's dressed in black robes and has a stylishly decorated mask that conceals his entire face except for his left eye.
He reminded me of home..

Conveniently, he is on the same pilgrimage as I am.
After we talked a little, I noticed he has had quite a long journey and was no longer able
to orientate himself and march any further on his own feet.
So I gave him a helping hand and offered him to lie down and
rest in the cart I was carrying with me.
He was carrying a cart himself that was full of merchandise.
I chose to leave it behind because most of the stuff was useless for disciples like us anyway.
Food was not a problem either, because there was plenty of food to be found in the wilderness,
and I possess very good survival skills if I say so myself.
I did however, take this journal and some neat-looking cleaving blade from his cart because I have a thing for such objects.
I'm sure the merchant doesn't mind.

If I'm correct there should be an inn nearby that is owned by a family of my home village,
which means I'm welcome there.
I'm looking forward to a warm bed and a well prepared meal instead of sleeping outside on the cold hard ground near an improvised campfire, eating raw or badly roasted meat. Not to mention the constant threat of bandits and dangerous animals!
If only more people were more accepting towards people with a lifestyle such as ours..
Oh well, I've got no choice but to make the best of it. Besides, being hated and hunted by virtually every outsider has always been an integral part of our culture and way of living, so I shouldn't complain.
It could take a few hours still and it's already getting dark, so I'm going to stop writing for now to put all my effort into finding that place.

Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
Dear Journal,

It looks like Lady Luck has not been kind to me.
And she has even been less kind to the owners of the Inn.

I arrived there at late night. About a mile before or so I could see and smell a smoke trail with the odor of burnt wood and flesh. Keeping my hopes up, I tried not to jump to conclusions, no matter how obvious it was about what I suspected what was going on. But as I approached the destination I knew it was too good to be true.

Of the inn was nothing left but a collapsed, smoking ruin of burnt wood and ashes. To the sides were eight wooden poles put in the ground, four on each side. On the poles were tied the charred remains of what I expect the family that runs it. The bodies were too mutilated to recognize their faces though. Two of them were young children.
It looks like Inquisition did a good job at what they were aiming for. I could imagine they didn't even dare dreaming to execute a few of us "Real Witches". Not that they can tell the difference...
Mostly they torture and kill random people, innocent or not. It's probably to give themselves the impression that their function is not for nothing, and make the people believe they are efficient witch-hunters. Besides, no-one is going to believe them when they would say there aren't that many witches and sorcerers as expected, or even worse: that most of them aren't as bad as popular rumors and beliefs portray them. No, the people want action. They want to see the "bad guys" suffer. They want to feel they are on the side of the victorious, even though they have no idea what it means.

I was surprised they didn't execute the patrons who were present there. Normally they are not very accurate seeing the difference between a healthy acceptable flower, bush or tree, and the parasitic weed that surrounds it.
Or maybe there weren't any patrons present by the time it happened. Maybe someone found out the secrets they were hoarding, and spread the word, a word that eventually became the biggest talk of the Kingdom. If so, I could imagine that it's bad for the inn's business, and that anyone who still deals with them is at risk of losing their own life in a very painful and rather dramatic way.

Flamboyant, impressive and sadistic were the Inquisition's specialties. I saw it with my own eyes as a child for the first time when they found out what my mother was. While blended in a cheering croud I watched them pull out and tear off her organs one by one until she stopped panting and moving. I think the inquisitors were disappointed in her because she didn't scream. They kept telling her that she will be forgiven if she screamed out in pain and begged for mercy (Which I suspect was usually just a lie to suppress their own feelings of guilt and disgust for themselves, because if she did, they would likely say she didn't really mean it). This clearly proved that they didn't understand anything of our little culture. They act as if the threat and sensation of physical pain and death were the worst things that could happen to a human, while we know there are things much worse. Hopefully the world will learn someday. If the prophesies are right, it SHALL learn, and we are the ones whose life-long (and beyond that) task it is to help them realize that, unwittingly or not. We believe it is the most noble goal a man can perform, for the sacrificial price is heavy. The task we are burdened with makes it very unlikely to grant us a cushy spot in the afterlife. But with our convictions and deeds, we can help others realize how to gain favour from the heavens, and why it's so important for mankind to know real peace. But for those who are charmed and tempted by us... I can only say: Welcome to the family, as long as you've been careful what you wished for! Because if you don't know what you need, you won't ever feel at home anywhere!

Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
Hello again,

After the unfortunate discovery at the inn, I decided to move west into the forest to set up camp.
I slept for the rest of the night without eating, and woke up early, feeling a little tired, but too awake and too hungry to get back to sleep.
I wish I was married, because then I had a wife with me who could make us a meal, since I am a terrible cook. That's a note to myself, if I meet a potential partner, she must be good at cooking. That would make my ever-travelling lifestyle so much easier.
In fact, my cooking skills are so terrible, that I prefer to eat my meat raw on these occasions.
And that says a lot, because I find raw meat quite detesting to eat, especially human meat.
I still had my occultish merchant companion with me. So he's the only source of food I should use up. If I keep him around a little longer, he'll go bad and stink, making him completely useless, which would be a waste of flesh.

I wanted to eat his heart, but I destroyed it with my sickle when we met the other day.
With my newly aquired blade, I tried to chop off the roof of his skull, and then his head, which went fairly well.
Maybe I can spoon his brains out with my fingers, or if necessary with the help of a knife...

This will be the end of this entry, because I'm starving. And then I think I'm going to move on.
It's still a long way from home. I can't wait to be back in my home village after all those years!