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a witches name, i welcome thee


to pose a site is always be the hardest:)
blessed be to my spot in the woods.
to call your name,your witches name
some may add it up with there birth date,for some it will be given to them,and for some like me, it will come to you,wonderfully it just so happened to add up to my
birthday.i would love to hear how you gotten yours.

and can there be a witch in the third degree if the witch is solitary practitioner?

any advice to a solitary practitioner.all pop ins are very helpfull.
thanks and blessed be

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I believe degrees should be of the persons choosing. If you want to be in a coven that works with a degree system, that's fine, too, but witchcraft is, in my opinion, all about you being the one who knows when you're ready to do something or not.

My name is Feathers in Hair. It has been my name since my first incarnation where I had a spoken name. I'm working toward having my current legal name (Margaret Ann Lawrence, hehee) changed to reflect this. I think I'd have to write an entire article out for explaining how I 'remembered' the name (and I probably will), but I look forward to hearing everyone's stories.


Wonder Woman
I don't reveal my full magickal craft name to anyone but the gods. But I did choose a full name (full, middle, last) by a certain method. My first name is in honor of a particular goddess. My middle name is Draka (a take off of a word for dragon, of which I am in the oriental zodiac and its symbolism suits my personality). My last name is in tribute to my ancestors (my family's ancestral Scottish clan name).


othistangledweb said:
i havent gotten mine yet although i practice "good Magic" very often im still waiting but hey every thing happens for a reason right?
:tsk: yes everything happens for a reason but it does make you wonder thou
we only hope to put the favor on our side and to make it work for us in hopes for
the better good and the best intentions :jiggy:


Well-Known Member
I haven't yet begun to dig into my past lives or my true name. Doing so for me would be very touchy right now - especially seeing as how I'm a beginner!


Merry Meet Robin3..you know me as simply 'Morgan' but the full of my name is Morgana Redskye Black...Morgana was given to me by some friends many years ago when i first came to Wicca, RedSkye was added when I first had my daughter when I was 25 and went to meditate on a beach while my mom babysat her. Black was added within the last couple of years and sorta just found its way to me..not sure why...they all have a meaning in my life. As for the 3rd degree thing, i tend to agree that its a personal thing, a choice.


Well-Known Member
During the time that I was a practicing pagan, I used two different chosen names. When I was a young solitary Wiccan, I called myself Stardancer. When I was in my mid-teens and was part of a family coven, I chose the name Star Abiding One.

Neither of these names reflected an interest in astrology... I've always considered it to be an imperfect science. Instead, the names reflected both an awe for the simple beauty of the heavens, as well as the conviction that my life (and the lives of others) are shaped and guided by nature rhythms... and the stars seemed, to me, to be a macrocosmic reflection of that natural motion.

Even today, when I am no longer Wiccan (I'm more of an atheistic Taoist now) the latter name still seems appropriate to me. I no longer think there is anything mystical or magickal about the Tao/Universe, but I still find the heavens to be an apt representation of it.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Fabbers, there's a really wonderful book on starting a coven, dynamics needed to make it work, and things like that. I'm not certain about the name- I'll have to go look- but I think it's called "Coven Craft."


Ehh, I'm not a quote-on-quote 'witch', so I don't have a magical name. I do, however, have a tribal name, as I'm part Native American and was brought up that way for quite some time.

I don't give out that name freely, though. (=

As for the name itself, I did not pick it; it picked me.

ker krypter

i have few names for you the first from a christian that started the church
the great robin constantine but please take mine robin ker krypter
or take constantine kerobinkryptor

i just came to give robin3 a few suggestions for a name . im sorry to all my beautiful
wiccan girls i believe in my own world and i dont need a god to hoe and pave that narrow road. its not the work its the world comes down


My first Wiccan name was Woodelf, whom I had named after a friend who was a woodelf (I know, I know, I'm crazy) However, that name didn't go well with me so I decided that the best name is my real name, Keenan. This, interestingly enough, means two things in Gaelic: 1) Keenyn: ancient one and 2) Kynan: chief. This is interesting because I am mature for my age (so I am told) and I am also a leader. As for my title name, Ishkbal, this is a made up name and I don't use it for anything.




thats cool.... i guess its what works for what and why a person choses a name for there craft name

Crystal Red

Episkopos Crystal Red
Although I'm not actually a Wiccan at the moment, I found my name during the time I was interested in joining Wicca, it's Crystal Red if you haven't guessed. It was a name I discovered in a dream, although I will not divulge the contents of this dream, the name Crystal Red has always seemed important to me somehow, so I kept it, it is now my Discordian holy name, though, if I ever was to come back to Wicca I would use it as my witches name, unless another found me.