Not your average Mormon
Thank you for "cutting to the chase." It makes things infinitely easier than my trying to figure out the riddles.allow me to cut to the chase then.
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?
so then do gods worship some other god, or do they worship what is within them and other as self?
do the abrahamic followers worship what is within them? and without them?
if you are the light of the world, do you only worship the light of another, or of all and in all?
if god is not a respecter of person, does that mean god is not a respecter of all?
I believer, as I said before, that each of us has a spark of divinity within us. That does not mean that we worship ourselves or each other. We worship our God, our Creator. I would say, though, that Mormons see mankind as being essentially the same "species" as God, but in a less fully developed state. The Bible says that our God is "God of gods." To me, that makes Him even greater than He would be if He were merely the "God of men." I believe that the reference to God not being "a respecter of persons" doesn't mean that He doesn't respect us as people but that He loves us all equally.