You didn't add words, you changed them or left them out altogether along with the context. Just for a recap:
The text (word for word)
v.7 And he said / Isaac / to / Abraham / his father./ And he said/ 'My father?'/ And he said / 'Here I am / my son.' / And he said / 'Here is / the fire / and the trees / and where / is the lamb / for a burnt offering?'
v.8 And he said / Abraham / 'G-d / He will see / for Him[self] / the lamb / for a burnt offering / my son'. / And they went / two of them / together.
Your interpretation:
In the Genesis text, Issac asks where the LAMB is. Abraham says God will provide HIMSELF, the LAMB.
My interpretation:
Abraham is saying "G-d will provide His own lamb... as opposed to one that we should have brought ourselves."
And you're telling me that when Isaac looks at the fire he's
currently carrying and the wood he's
currently carrying, and he turns to his father and asks him where the lamb that goes together with the wood and fire that he's
currently carrying. You're telling me that you believe Abraham turns to him and says, "God will provide HIMSELF, the LAMB. [
in another 1,500 years]" and that response answers Isaac's question such that it requires no follow up and they can ascend the mountain. And that not only was Isaac not bothered by this answer, but he also understood that even though Abraham said "G-d will see for Himself", Abraham actually meant that G-d Himself would be the lamb. And not just be a lamb but be a lamb in a figurative sense.
And when you read the Bible it seemed
more likely to you than Abraham answering Isaac, that 'G-d will see to getting us that lamb we're
currently missing.'
Shifting the goalposts means changing what the requirements are to win an argument. I didn't do that. In the beginning I told you that you're interpretation is lousy it incorporates a mistranslation and no context. I offered what is clearly a more logical interpretation to the verse that incorporates the context and all the words in their correct translations. And I'm still telling you that.
Ike: Hey, dad? I got the wood and fire right here, so uh, where's the lamb?
Abe: Fear not, my son. G-d will sacrifice Himself as a lamb in another 1,500 years.
Ike: Great! I was afraid I carried this fire and wood for nothing! Let's go!