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Rasheed Saeed

New Member
If you're a Christian, when you go through life and make accomplishments like getting rid of your Alcohol addiction or passing University you thank God. You thank for all the strength he has inherited into you to carry on. But the majority of Christian's seem to think when something goes wrong, it's not God. It's Satan. But when some question on "why" God is making their life miserable at times, they are then probably(If not, always) told it's the Devil's doing. So the again, people put more faith and love into God, Jesus, so on and on....

But isn't it quite obvious that God made everything? Literally everything. But not Evil? That seems to confuse me and leaves me wondering why people believe this so much that God did not create Evil, but yet he created everything.

Everything meaning Everything.....


Well-Known Member
Karma means...your own doing.

Everything is a projection of Mind Energy in the slower vibration that we live in.

The problem is language, without language good/evil, left/right, up/down would be meaningless.


Well-Known Member
...they are then probably(If not, always) told it's the Devil's doing.

First off, evil isn't a "thing" in its own right, but merely the relative absence of good.

A good analogy is darkness, which also isn't a "thing," but relative absence of light.

And this is proven by the fact that you can bring light into a dark room, but not dark into a light room.

Further, God being One, Supreme, and All-loving with no rival or equal, there's no "devil" out there trying to "get us." And satan is merely our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.

Simple as that.

Peace, :)



Fool for Wisdom
It is a common human mistake to acceept 'good things' as a blessing and 'bad things' as some kind of cosmic mistake. We are self-centered, self-seeking beings, so accepting responsibility for all that happens, even when it is not our 'will' is beyond most humans. We seek to place blame on someone or something instead of accepting the cosmic reality of life as it is.
If you're a Christian, when you go through life and make accomplishments like getting rid of your Alcohol addiction or passing University you thank God. You thank for all the strength he has inherited into you to carry on. But the majority of Christian's seem to think when something goes wrong, it's not God. It's Satan. But when some question on "why" God is making their life miserable at times, they are then probably(If not, always) told it's the Devil's doing. So the again, people put more faith and love into God, Jesus, so on and on....

But isn't it quite obvious that God made everything? Literally everything. But not Evil? That seems to confuse me and leaves me wondering why people believe this so much that God did not create Evil, but yet he created everything.

Everything meaning Everything.....

Since you are interested in Christianity, the Christadelphians are a conservative Christian denomination, who do not believe in the Devil as a Personage of Evil, but rather as a personification of evil (satan = adversary). Jews have always seen Satan as more of another agent of God, rather than this diabolical evil Personality. You may be interested to note James 1:13-16,

"Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempteth no man: but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin: and the sin, when it is fullgrown, bringeth forth death. Be not deceived, my beloved brethren."

This verse shows that it is not some Person who misleads us, whether God or a satan, but rather us ourselves by our own lusts. In the same way, what we do that harms or affects another person can be considered an evil.

"I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things."

-- Isaiah 45:7

Evil here can refer to natural disasters in nature as a form of retribution for how we treat the earth and its own inhabitants, although it's origin comes from Jehovah Himself.