Does anyone have trouble with horrible burning acid in your stomach?
I have for a couple of years and started out with Tums trying to alleviate the problem, went to generic acid reducers, the onto Nexium but it gave me headaches so now I'm using Prilosec but sometimes it still doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
Lots of them.
First off, let me tell you up front where I'm coming from. I think medicines to treat digestive problems are mostly a crock. Why would you bother with a "treatment" you have to take the rest of your life when you can "cure" the problems in the first place?
It's not like treatments don't have their place -- but please put them in a wider perspective. Treatements are what we do when there is no cure or when we need a little something to get us over the hump while we're working to let our body heal.
1. Home remedy "treatment" -- maybe you're stomach acid isn't strong *enough* to digest your food. Taking Tums and antacids makes a bigger problem over the long term. Instead, take a tablespoon or two of (preferably organic) apple cider vinegar. This has worked for me personally and many people I know. EDIT: Take a few bites of your food, then the vinegar, then keep eating.
2. Your stomach might need to be "pulled down" -- it ain't surgical and it ain't hard, but you'll have to find a complementary doc to do it -- ask a chiropractor they might know someone. If you come to Atlanta, I'd do it myself.
3. Most likely for those of us around 40 and older -- welcome to the American diet! Your digestion is a mess. You can try any number of things to fix it.
Oh crap...I gotta run and get Eibhlin ready for a dance worship.
I should probably try a separate thread on digestive problems anyway. It's not like anyone has to do everything, but looking at one or more possibilities might help.
Let me see if I can get back to this this afternoon.