I hope I didn't change my mind too late, but I actually think Donald Trump might be better. I read an article talking about the very near future where politicians will be too slow and unskilled labor will be out of work, with robots doing everything. People will still need to find food. It was pro-Bernie Sanders
I know we can't expect the Democrat party to win every election - that's just not where America is - let alone Bernie! I think of the two leading Republicans, Donald Trump has put forth a health plan and he says he doesn't want people dying in the streets. Since America needs to let Republicans in some of the time, it might be better now than later, or not.. maybe we need to establish ourselves fighting climate change. I don't know. Donald Trump admits to mostly man-made climate change and would probably fight it if he felt it was a good economic deal, which is better than what Ted Cruz offers, right?
Food, Housing and healthcare will be very important soon - and I guess Donald Trump is slightly better.
All this could be wrong - I don't know much about it - so feel free to correct anything in this post. As I think now, I actually want Donald Trump for the Republican nominee.
I know we can't expect the Democrat party to win every election - that's just not where America is - let alone Bernie! I think of the two leading Republicans, Donald Trump has put forth a health plan and he says he doesn't want people dying in the streets. Since America needs to let Republicans in some of the time, it might be better now than later, or not.. maybe we need to establish ourselves fighting climate change. I don't know. Donald Trump admits to mostly man-made climate change and would probably fight it if he felt it was a good economic deal, which is better than what Ted Cruz offers, right?
Food, Housing and healthcare will be very important soon - and I guess Donald Trump is slightly better.
All this could be wrong - I don't know much about it - so feel free to correct anything in this post. As I think now, I actually want Donald Trump for the Republican nominee.