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Adam and Eve are in devorce, so it is time to revise the Methodology of Science


Well-Known Member
The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the
Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic
journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first
part of the CV is in etis.ee

I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were
not ready. I lost my academic job in 2011. It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the ``fathers'' of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science. Since 2011 I have no affiliation.
Crucial method of research is making the reports in the Journals.
Can I publish the papers with you, or am I a ``crazy pleb'' for you?
A top journal can raise the rate of acceptance and respect (to authors) after the return of Jesus Christ. So, the change in Methods will come with Lord. New methodology is applied to marry Adam and Eve in Love.

Source: file


  • methods4.pdf
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Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the
Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic
journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first
part of the CV is in etis.ee

I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were
not ready. I lost my academic job in 2011. It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the ``fathers'' of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science. Since 2011 I have no affiliation.
Crucial method of research is making the reports in the Journals.
Can I publish the papers with you, or am I a ``crazy pleb'' for you?
A top journal can raise the rate of acceptance and respect (to authors) after the return of Jesus Christ. So, the change in Methods will come with Lord. New methodology is applied to marry Adam and Eve in Love.

Source: file

Interesting...all that education and still misspelled divorce


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the
Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic
journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first
part of the CV is in etis.ee

I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were
not ready. I lost my academic job in 2011. It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the ``fathers'' of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science. Since 2011 I have no affiliation.
Crucial method of research is making the reports in the Journals.
Can I publish the papers with you, or am I a ``crazy pleb'' for you?
A top journal can raise the rate of acceptance and respect (to authors) after the return of Jesus Christ. So, the change in Methods will come with Lord. New methodology is applied to marry Adam and Eve in Love.

Source: file
You can publish science papers on arXiv.org e-Print archive, I think.

I think Science should continue to only try to produce hypothesis, to refute and to nurture only what survives that process. Also, Science should not make any investigations about God; unless for some reason there is a compelling hypothesis driven by physical observations. I think this will always be refutable, however. Science is not reponsible for making God invisible.


Veteran Member
The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the
Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic
journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first
part of the CV is in etis.ee

I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were
not ready. I lost my academic job in 2011. It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the ``fathers'' of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science. Since 2011 I have no affiliation.
Crucial method of research is making the reports in the Journals.
Can I publish the papers with you, or am I a ``crazy pleb'' for you?
A top journal can raise the rate of acceptance and respect (to authors) after the return of Jesus Christ. So, the change in Methods will come with Lord. New methodology is applied to marry Adam and Eve in Love.

Source: file
Gotta say, after reading some of your papers, you don't always come off as entirely sober, which may be why you've been ignored. For instance, this one you wrote under General Science and Philosophy in May of 2016.

"Dear Donald Trump,
You are a strong and powerful candidate for the US Presidency. But how you must ask
yourself how you can win if your nation does not distinguish between truth and lies?
You need the proof of the Bible, the proof of Jesus Christ. Please, promote the text among
your people. You can do it, brother in Christ, because you are rich, smart, brave, and powerful!

Because of the final separation of humanity into two groups (“the hell” and “the Heaven”),
there should be more clear guidance on how to behave and how to think in this world at pre-
end. Our freedom of choice exists because of the love or the hate towards objective reality,
so leaders, especially scientists, should try to reveal all objective aspects of the Real World.
Please do not be afraid of God's Proofs. They are not intended to weaken your faith.​
Title: “Mom or sin-drunk world—Who is smarter?”​

My mother says that she knows God exists. Can you imagine? She knows! She has
knowledge. But the world does not know. It has no knowledge. Then who looks silly? The
world or my mother?

Opening my eyes, I feel that the whole world comes to me with weapons and warfare. But
listening to my heart, I feel that Jesus Christ has overcome the world

One may argue that "mom was cheated and infected by the faith." Instead, I ask whether the
fact that the world does not know something, is because of its great erudite-ness?

The world needs to grow to enrich itself with knowledge. But today, the world has no
knowledge, like any silly one. The existence of Jesus Christ is proven as follows:

1) The existence of God has arguments, such as those given by Thomas Aquinas.

2) A person is not wrong (and has no hallucinations or illusions), until she/he is proven
The latter Presumption is proven in the following way: Without this conjecture, there is no
knowledge, because all is in doubt. Therefore, the latter sentence is the knowledge.

Conclusion: God is proven.
There is no limit of silliness.
Previously, the most desperate ones have “cracked nuts with their heads,” as Russians
say. Now ones “bang the building piles down with their heads.” Such actions are seen on
the evening News. See: "The drunk Ukrainian soldiers blew themselves up", “over 200
men slammed themselves on Russian cemetery, three man were killed.”
The perfect philosophical song is Erasure - Ship of Fools (Official Video)

Or this

My Proofs of God
2 Time machine proof
The General Relativity allows the time-machines [5]. Right here we rigorously
prove, that the right understanding of God is absolutely necessary in Physics.

3 Actual infinity proof
3.1 Problems to solve
In situations with Dark Matter the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theorem [3] can be
not applicable (as in [4]) and, thus, the infinitely long past would be possible.
Secondly, the infinite in space universe can hardly be regarded as closed system,
so the assumption of the thermodynamics second law could be violated. This
law is used in the widely spread entropy-proofs of the God

4 Quantum proof
They say, what the laws of big things is different of laws of small things. I
argue, that laws are the same, but the God’s Grace is more obvious for small
things world
Firing the particle into the screen, the human has no theory, which predicts
the place of impact. So one can not even say, that the situation is predictable.
The statistics of many tests is predictable. The places of impact depend sta-
tistically on the fact of observation along the particle’s way. It is the famous
double slit experiment. This dependence is not the physical one: it is not any
of the fundamental interactions

My emphases

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Veteran Member
Premium Member
It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the ``fathers'' of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science.

Just read the abstract. It's an astonishing religious screed against scientific methodology, assumptions and conclusions. It's absurd, illogical and poorly reasoned.


Well-Known Member
Just read the abstract. It's an astonishing religious screed against scientific methodology, assumptions and conclusions. It's absurd, illogical and poorly reasoned.
Stand up for your words. You are not a troll, so stand up for your words! Prove any single one of these unjust accusations!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
From your link:

It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the fathers" of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science.
A top journal can raise the rate of acceptance and respect (to authors) after the return of Jesus Christ. So, the change in Methods will come with Lord.

The Popper's scientific criterion "scientific theory is always refutable", must be re-
placed by "scientific theory is always confirmable"

...as long as something is not refuted, it exists."
As you have noticed such principles allow Theology to rank with Technical Science.

Hutchins [sic] Razor justifies any tyranny and outrage.

That way you "can" justify Adolf Hitler.
But it is not about him now.
You can justify any idiot, if you really want. Therefore, it is necessary to change the

Most Ancient Common Ancestors of Contemporary Humankind is the Original
Married Couple.
Adam and Eve lived about 7500 years ago.
How is this not a ridiculous, anti-science rant?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the
Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic
journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first
part of the CV is in etis.ee

I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were
not ready. I lost my academic job in 2011. It seems, that to ensure that the scientific path does not lead people to God of Absolute Truth, the ``fathers'' of science introduced a lot of absurdity into the Methods of Science. Since 2011 I have no affiliation.
Crucial method of research is making the reports in the Journals.
Can I publish the papers with you, or am I a ``crazy pleb'' for you?
A top journal can raise the rate of acceptance and respect (to authors) after the return of Jesus Christ. So, the change in Methods will come with Lord. New methodology is applied to marry Adam and Eve in Love.

Source: file

You dont post on another popular forum under the name Jim Ryan do you?