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Adam and Eve as Romeo and Juliet


(Except Adam was not Romeo :)

Once upon a time an alien race of winged, humanoid, lizard like creatures, called Annunaki, descended upon the Earth in their fire chariots.*
They came from Nibiru, 10th planet of our solar system, which circles around the sun in opposite direction of other planets in a stretched elliptical trajectory after it was cought by sun's gravitational pull when it came long ago from outer space.
They came to Earth to mine for gold which, when turned into dust, was used to patch a giant whole in their atmosphere through which their planet was loosing heat, created by volcanos, which was very much needed during Nibirus long periods in outer space.*Atmosphere was also needed to protect Nibiru when it was closest to the sun.*
(This is much like we have patched ozone layer and much like our plans to build giant mirrors in the orbit to reflect sun rays in order to cool down the planet. Because once we loose the northern ice cap, which basically behaves like a giant mirror deflecting sun rays back to space, we can kiss good-bye our life on Earth).

Mining gold was a daunting task. On top of that lizards are known to be a very lazy bunch. (Think of the crocodiles just lying there on the beach all day bathing in the sun.) So eventually lizards rebelled and stopped working. Their leaders called scientist to help. As usual scientists had to work on a low budget and it had to be done yesterday, and being lizard they didn't want to miss out much in sun bathing. So, instead of creating perfect creature for the job from scratch they decided to use what was already there.*

So they started experimenting with existing life forms creating all kinds of different abominations like a human headed horse or bull head human, or one eyed something else and so on. They kind off drifted from their main task carried away by exciting experiment they were doing focusing more on creating the strangest possible created rather then solving the problem at hand. Since no real progress was being made, their leaders, in order to motivate them further, promised a reward to first scientist who creates a creature best suited for the task.*

Soon after that, young scientist called Romeo, created Eve and soon after that Adam. They were created from primitive humanoids by injecting parts of lizard genome to enable them to operate machinery to extract gold. But they were also dumbed down so that they wouldn't think to much, or ask to many questions and that they would be easily manipulated into being obedient slaves. They were created in pair so that they could reproduce without the need to create more of them in laboratory. Romeo presented them to his leaders and they were chosen to be the best suited for the task. Romeo became chief scientist of the expedition replacing on this position his mentor who didn't take it kindly.*

For slaves to work at 100% efficiency they had to be healthy and happy and they had to be fed.
So lizards created for them perfect living quarters called EDEN. Since every part of the EDEN was carefully engineered for new species it was absolutely perfect. Adam and Eve didn't need to wear clothes since temperature was always at perfect 27 degrees. Leaves and artificially controlled clouds protected them from the sun. There was never rain and plants got their water through artificial irrigation. This was a very complex structure which needed maintenance so few of the scientists were given the task of running it. One of those was Romeo. They would regularly have to check crucial installation, take care of the plants and observe and take care of Adam and Eve to keep them healthy.

Lizard rulers made very clear to both humans and other lizards that business *should be taken care at the upmost professional manner. This meant that humans were forbidden to approach their God lizards, and lizard scientists should stay away from the humans as much as possible. But Romeo just couldn't take his eyes from Eve. She was his most perfect creation. He thought about her constantly. Mind you, his thoughts were of purely scientific nature. *At the beginning that is. Eventually he became painfully aware of the strange affection he has developed toward this young girl. He became madly in love in here to the point that he couldn't do his tasks properly. He was finding every possible excuse just to be near here, to be able to watch here and make medical examinations on here.*

One day, as he was pretending to make examination of a nearby plant, he saw her sitting on a stone at the river bank gently scooping water from the river with her hand and cooling herself. He watched individual drops slowly slide through her curves sparkling on the noon sun. He approached her slowly from the back and touched her. She turned around and smiled. He took her hand and led her to the examination room. He explained that he has to check her reproductive functions. She took his invitation gladly. When they were finished they continue to lay beside each other since he just couldn't take his eyes of her. Being a scientists and fresh out of school he didn't have much experience with this stuff. So he did as any other scientist would do in his situation. He started talking science.*

On the front wall there was a big image of tree of life. It was showing all the animals, plants, bacteria and other as they have evolved from each other. So he started explaining her all that stuff. He explained that interwind snakes that he wore on his *working suite were actually two DNA strains containing genetic material that defines colour of her sky blue eyes, tone of her divine voice and shape of here beautiful nose. Then he explained how these DNA can change with time through vertical or horizontal transfer creating new species represented by the Tree of life. Then he pointed to a branch on the right on which a lizard just like him was shown. She chuckled and smiled.*

As the chance would have it at just that particular moment Romeos former mentor entered the room. Instinctively Romeo tried to cover Eve but it was more then obvious what was going on. His mentor threatened to report everything to the leaders. Romeo tried to stop him and they started to fight.
His mentor was overtaken by the rage and hatred toward Romeo that was building from the moment Romeo took charge of the expedition and was looking to kill him. Eve took a long, thick, pointed item that was lying nearby and struck the mentor as he was preparing to land a final blow.*

Romeo went out and returned with Adam. He explained them that they need to run away. He cloth them and gave them food. And there was some fight while they try to escape, Romeo dies but Adam and Eve are able to escape.
Inside her womb Eva was carrying a new breed of humans, blessed by the lizard genes, able to make distinction between good and wrong, not slaves but free thinking people. Eve would often think about her love God. She took two twigs, intertwined them into the shape of DNA strands and used some grass to make a neckless to keep the memory of him always close to her heart. And every now and then, while she was lying in the sun resting on the sand she would use her finger and draw a Tree of life. And then she would picture her true God in her mind and draw his face on one of the branches.