Although these might not all be classed as addictions, I think they all seem to show much the same symptoms but with very different health risks. And although I might seem judgmental as to any of these, I can sympathise, but we all have a supply of willpower so as to negate so many of these addictions or habits, and with the right approach I believe most of these can be defeated. I suspect that my outdoor life in my youth, as well as those with whom I did much of this being much the same, was one main reason why my health tended to come before much else even if I never actively trained in any sense to maintain this - the activities alone tending to do this.
So, for me the list is: Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs - recreational and prescription, Pornography, Food, Gaming, and Social Media - although this list not being rigorous.
Much like alcohol and drugs, and perhaps pornography, smoking seems one of the most senseless, given that any current smoking merely calms down the anxiety produced since the previous cigarette, and hence why it is so addictive and silly. But much like prescription drugs too perhaps - which I have experienced. Fortunately I was around when the evidence for cancer coming from smoking made the scientific publications so as to convince me not to waste my money on them. Likewise, I got the impression that recreational drugs too were an avenue not to take especially when they seemed to be correlated with mental health issues and such, and I rather fancied retaining whatever I had in the way of a decent mind.
Alcohol I can take or not, given it was never part of any aims to deliberately get drunk and I've never seen alcohol as a way of 'drowning my sorrows'. Pornography can be addictive, especially as to leading to perhaps worse material - not that such tends to interest me - but also can lead into illegality. With this latter possibly leading to even worse situations. I think pornography is often worse for those who do not have regular sexual relationships with others, given that viewing such material is the easiest and cheapest option as to stimulation - where such is required. But such often leads to addictive behaviour and perhaps less likelihood of suitable relationships forming.
I've never been much into gaming - done some of the earliest stuff - and mostly I just see this as perhaps leading one away from doing something more useful with one's time - whatever any benefits claimed for such - which I do know about.
I'm sure Social Media can be addictive, but the line between what is useful to maintain good relationships with one's friends and just be part of the modern world might seem rather wide as to where an addiction might lie. I can't really comment because I was born and lived most of my life before such came to be almost essential to so many, and none of my relationships ever depended upon any such technology. But the evidence does seem to point to over use of Social Media as not being that good for mental health.
Lastly, it seems to me, although perhaps just seen as being indulgent, that so many are essentially addicted to food - of whatever sort that tends to make them obese even if there is much more to this issue than just food intake in so many cases. But essentially some people don't seem able to manage an appropriate diet and restrict the things they like to eat but are not really good for their health.
Overall, I'm not sure which of these is the worst - given that some are more dangerous and do have genuine health risks over others.