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Address to Ladies for Progress and Training. Germany Jalsa.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says that the first change in life, after joining the Jama'at , should be to have true faith in God as He helps in each trouble. Next, His commandments should not be seen with disrespect. Honour every directive and prove it by action. For example, offering of Salaat is a commandment and a believer should offer it even if some people mock at him. Keep in mind that the to enter in this movement, aim should not be the world, it should be to seek pleasure of God. It is imperative to be concerned about Hereafter. The one who will be worried about Hereafter, God takes care of his worldly life. Bai'at should be for Taqwa / righteousness, not for worldly ambitions. Offer Salaat, pay rights of humanity, progress in truthfulness, Allah will bless. Keep in mind that you should not bring bad repute to all Jama'at by your deeds……Women should avoid excessive complaints and back biting……World is not every thing. God wants purity. Real purpose is to repent, seek Istighfar / divine cover, correct offering Salaat, avoid prohibited deeds. I pray for Jama'at, they should purify themselves too. Sin in ignorance is a poison. The one who repents is as if he did not commit sin…..There is need for repentance, come out of ignorance, reform by repentance. Prayer benefit to him who reforms and makes true connection with God. If one does not reform, intercession by Prophet will not work for him, while God stands at the station of mercy…..Allah does not like Bai'at of mere words, Bai'at with repentance is needed which should get stronger daily. Allah gives refuge to refuge seekers.

We should reach to these standards, which have been frequently mentioned by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s).

There are more women in the world than men. Same is true in Jama'at. Our Jama'at cannot reach the minimum standards mentioned, above, by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) if our larger portion does not reach those standards. Our women should self check and make reform.

If men of houses are spiritually reformed, women and children improve too. But if men do not make self reform and lag behind, we cannot wait, women will have to be active for spiritual reformation so that children are saved. Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) has declared woman as supervisor of the house. He has not stated without reason that children has three times more right to pay to mother than father. He has not (metaphorically) said Paradise is under the feet of mother just because she is a women. She gets that high status after fulfilling certain responsibilities.

The young ladies who are maturing and who are future mothers, start thinking from now what is their status and what responsibilities they shall bear. They should pray for having good destiny and virtuous spouse.

The young ladies and already married women, all of them, should realize their responsibilities. They are living in an environment, which is not modest, where religion is considered useless and existence of God is denied. If our ladies do not understand their responsibilities then there will be no guarantee for their and their children’s spiritual survival. If some men have gone astray, try to reform them. If they do not take heed and do not pay rights of wives and children, they may deceive system of Jama'at but they shall not be able to avoid God’s grip. But such men should not be used as an excuse by the women. Women must fulfill their responsibilities?

Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) launched the auxiliary, Lajnah AmaUllah [servants of Allah] for Ahmadiyya Muslim women so that if one section of Jama'at show weakness, the other portion should continue progress. If women are vigilant, male and female children shall walk of ways of God.

Huzur (a.ta.) said that he has asked, Saddar [Incharge] Lajnah Germany that they should reform their [spiritual and moral] training, it will open up doors for conveying the message by itself. It does not mean that their men are showing superb practices and only their women need to pay attention. Everyone will be made accountable by God. Thus everyone should make self checks.

True faith in God…..Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has mentioned it at number one. Properties of faith on God are:
i- Faith in unseen; God knows all hidden. Faithful should be mindful of Him and have His fear.. “yakhshon rabbahum bilghaib”. Even if no worldly eye sees, faithful believe, God watches.

ii- When decision is made according to light of Allah and Messenger, faithful say, “same’na wa ata’na” We hear and we obey.

iii- Faithful offer Salaat regularly and at appointed time.

iv- Faithful keep remembering God with His praise and purity, they are humble to Him, they void arrogance those who claim to have tall faith they succumb to their false egos in trials. A faithful is ready to accept all disrespect for the sake of Allah; Allah saves such person from all troubles.

v- Faithful do not take any directive from Allah lightly. They respect His each commandment and practice it. God says, do not say what you practice not. All office-holders should check, do they practice what they ask others to do? Do they avoid envy, malice and can they be witness against themselves for the sake of justice? If they ask others and avoid for themselves, it mean they practically disrespect, God’s directives.

vi- Faithful aim to seek Pleasure of God in each deed. When pleasures of world are placed in front, seeking pleasure of God gets behind. If concern about Hereafter is given priority, worldly gain become secondary. These days, the main reasons of family problems in homes is placing of worldly gain at top. Young women and men do not strive with pure heart, to maintain matrimonial relations. Allah has asked spouses and their parents for such maintenance. In Nikkah sermon [marriage sermon], the recital of last of verses [of Holy Quran] give message to aim for Hereafter, not for world. Good deeds will work for Hereafter. If, children are well trained, they will do good deeds keeping in view Hereafter. Such children will pray for parents, which will raise their stations in Hereafter.

vii- Faithful progress in Tawa. It is essential to obey all directives of God. Pay daily attention to increase in Taqwa / righteousness. If one does not pay attention after Bai'at, his pledge is not true. If there is Taqa, only then one will pay rights of God and people. Taking care of rights should not be temporary. Reformin practice open new gates for conveying message.

viii- Strive to purify the self. When self will be purified, there will be reform in practice. The world seek model. Our practices should be on high standards, as Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) wanted. He said that one should not bring bad repute to Jama'at by their deeds. One should not run after temporary pleasure of bad deeds, on the name of freedom, which are prohibited by God and which may cause ill name for Jama'at. Check yourself from every angle. Majority are those faithful who came through asylum, and they are member of Jama'at for decades; either their ancestors accepted Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) or they are from the past. Local people are told that you suffered for faith in your homelands, they come closer to know your ethics. They should find very high standard of goodness in you. True events should be mentioned when apply for asylum. Truth is blessed.

ix- Modesty is part of faith; Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has directed every believing man and woman to practice modesty. In these countries, much is talked against the modest dress of woman. True Muslim woman wears modest dress. Other woman fear society and dress lesser. Ahmadiyya Muslim woman does care about any negative comments. Such ladies have to prove by logic that modest dress is their choice and it is not imposed on them. For this, they have to cover themselves in Jalsa and in outer life in similar way. They should not act double. If they have no courage for that, they should not use the name of Jama'at and Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). You are living here because your parents or you faced persecutions. Now you have to stand firm for practices of your faith.

x- Practical models. Show your great practical models. Prove you have relation with God. Such practices affect others and new avenues for conveying message open. Training for next generations is vital too. They should have relation with God. They should be practical part of Jama'at. If it is not done, homes shatter. To have peace in home, these matters should be practiced which are told by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and liked by Allah. Thus to absorb blessings of Allah, adapt yourself, according to directives of Allah. Many of you are progeny of those who accepted Ahmadiyya Islam as they were righteous or they received direct guidance from Allah. It is essential for you to ponder about your practical, academic and spiritual conditions and correct them. Otherwise the souls of your forefathers will be unrestful. Attain the aims of your forefathers. Message of Ahmadiyya Islam should reach to all hearts. New comers see your model. If models of previous people is not good, Allah will bring new people whose model will be good and they will become model.

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Peace be upon you.
How Allah is guiding people?...
Mali…A person heard someone told him in dream, ‘Get success by joining in Bai'at’. He heard Ahmadiyya Radio that Imam Mahdi has come. He went to mission house, where a program of Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) was being shown on Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTAi, mta.tv). The person said this is the holy man who told him to get success by doing Baiat. By the grace of Allah, he did Bai'at.

Palestine…A person saw Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) in dream in same dress which he wore in an MTAi program, he was expressing love for Islam and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). The person decided for Bai'at.

Yemen…A person saw a discussion on TV about coming of Messiah. He prayed to Allah for guidance. He was shown many times, Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) as Imam of era…He prayed may Allah enable him to meet these people…When he discussed with his own people, they mocked…..In sadness, he prayed and he saw a dream that there is green valley, in it Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) is carrying a white flag and Kalima [la elaha illallaho muhammadur rasulullah : there is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger] is written on it, Huzur is wearing white dress and many other people too…..Then the person met with Ahmadiyya Jama'at and did Bai'at.

Guinea Conakry …A person had religious environment at home. After a meeting, he prayed to God for guidance. He saw in dream that he is in deserted place, there is darkness and rain. There was lighting and a voice said three times, ‘Mirza Masroor Ahmad’. He woke up. This was not a familiar name there so he forget after a while….Latter once when someone was conveying message to someone else, he used the name ‘Mirza Masroor Ahmad’, the person remembered his dream and asked whose name is this? He was told he is fifth Khalifah of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)….The person took more interest, read some books, seeked guidance from Allah…..Again he saw dream that there was rain and on the sky it was written brightly, ‘Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’…….The person was fully satisfied now and he joined the Jama'at.

That is how Allah the Exalted is guiding people by Himself. Human wisdom cannot explain these matters. This is pure guidance from Allah. Jama'at is truthful. Models of good practices are needed. People with good practices will come forward.

Our forefathers did not accept Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) due to ignorance or compulsion. They suffered persecutions. They were pure they looked for guidance, and they found grace of God. Many were guided by God Himself, only latter they met some member of Jama'at and they recalled their experience and they joined.

The same true God is still with Jama'at.

Bad innovations in religion…Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) came to remove false extras, added by people, from religion. Each of his Khulafa continues his services of reformation after him. Each Khalifah stresses on certain matters according to the requirement of time, while maintaining overall message. Current Khalifah should not be compared with previous one. Each have different time.

Goodness... It is goodness to obey Khalifah of time and avoid useless discussions. Make connection with Allah. Signs from Allah will be shown. May Allah enable us to change our conditions to better. [Amen]

Reference: Based on Address to ladies, by Hazrat Khaifa tul Messiah V (a.t.), Germany Jalsa, 14 June 2014, mta.tv [ 15 June 2015, 3rd , last day of Jalsa with live Bai'at and His Holiness’s Address and Prayer]
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