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Admittance to Heaven


Well-Known Member
Before the coming of Christ did those following the Old Testiment get into Heaven?

If so, how is this possible when the general belief is that the only way into Heaven is through the acceptance of Christ's sacrifice, and people before Christ could not accept his sacrifice because they didn't even know he existed? And does this not suggest that it is possible to attain Heaven today after living a good life but without accepting Christ's sacrifice?

If not, why did God damn the entire Human race to Hell? For without the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, NOBODY would be able to accept him and therefore all would go to Hell.


Well-Known Member
It is rather obvious you are steeped in New Testament theology.
Had you read the Hebrew Bible you would see God is Salvation, my salvation, and a myriad of other scriptures that make it clear "Salvation is of the Jews."
Yeshua/Jesus/salvation is of the Jews. Hebrew word for salvation is yeshua.
Even the New Testament says "God Is ONE." God my salvation/yeshua/JesusChrist in Greek.
Hey, kiddo, I carried your moniker for years, wear it in good health! Shalom


Well-Known Member
It is rather obvious you are steeped in New Testament theology.

Actually, I think the problem is that I'm not steeped in ANY Biblical theology; I only have the vaguest notion of the doctrine contained in that book. My lack of knowledge about it is what has led me to studying it in these last couple years, but I must admit that I still only have a sketchy idea of the incredible span of ideas it contains. Which is, of course, why I am asking questions.

Had you read the Hebrew Bible you would see God is Salvation, my salvation, and a myriad of other scriptures that make it clear "Salvation is of the Jews."
Yeshua/Jesus/salvation is of the Jews. Hebrew word for salvation is yeshua.

So Christ is basically a symbol for the salvation of God, and that salvation was available to Jews before the literal coming of Christ? So basically, all they had to do was accept God's salvation, rather than the literally having to accept Christ himself as Christians do today?

Hey, kiddo, I carried your moniker for years, wear it in good health!

Did you? Awesome! :goodjob: It is a fun name!


Salvation for the Jews prior to Christ....."For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was COUNTED unto him for righteousness." Salvation was COUNTED (until Christ's sacrifice) unto the Jews. (Romans 4:3)

Salvation would have, by logical necessity, been obtained the same way for the Gentiles....."For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves. (Romans 2:14)


Well-Known Member
A Gentile is an Idol worshipper. When you become a believer in the creator God, you give up idol worship. You learn the promises of God, by the word of God, either spoken or written. When you learn the word and have faith in the promises you are saved by faith. The same saving faith that saved the believers of old as the believers of today.
I chose my tag line because that is what it says. (Believe on him(God) who sent me.) have eternal life.
Yeshua/salvation is the gift of God! God is the giver!!!!!! Salvation/Yeshua = Eternal/Everlasting life.
Become an obedient servant and you could be chosen. "Many are called and few are chosen."


By believing in Jesus, we believe in God, because God told us about His coming: by believing in the word of God we believe in God. We believe in Jesus by keeping His commandment to love your neighbour as you love yourself, and by believing he is the son of God. Jesus told us that those who believe in Him will not be judged by God, but by Jesus. Jesus promised us he will forgive the sins of those who are judged by him: salvation.

Read a gospel from a New Testament that is comprehensible (translated to the modern form of English). It will only be between 20 and 35 pages. It's about peace, free will, helping each other, not being judgmental, and equality. No obligation is put upon you to war with anyone, fulfill fleshy desires, or be an Arab. “[God] desire compassion, not sacrifice”-Mat 9:13