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African Hero - Abdul Wahab Bin Adam (Marhum) - Devotee of Khilafat and Peace


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…..Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was revealed many times: “yansoroka rejaalun nuhi elaihim menassamaa” i.e. ‘People whom We shall direct by revelation from heaven will help you.’ [Tadhkirah]…In 1907, this revelation was added with: “…..yatoon min kulley fajjin ameeq” i.e. ‘…..They will be coming to you by every distant track.’

This revelation has been fulfilling in various forms till now. People continued to come to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) from various areas and after him, they have been coming to the system of Khilafat, generated through him. Their hearts are inclined to Jama'at and they devote their lives to serve the mission of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) with full zeal and they become Sultan e Naseer [dominant-helpers] of him (a.s.) and his Khulafa. They learn religion according to Quranic commandment “tafaqqahu fiddin” [from (9:122) The full verse: “It is not possible for the believers to go forth all together. Why, then, does not a party from every section of them go forth that they may become well versed in religion, and that they may warn their people when they return to them, so that they may guard (against evil)?”] and sacrifice their lives to convey it to others.

People came from so far distances and places that, even in the 6 th and 7 th decades of 20 the century, letters would reach there in 6 months. Such faithful came to the center of Ahmadiyya Movement, dedicated their lives and offered all sacrifices.

These people are proof of truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). They were good natured people that is why mercy of God chooses them and makes them the shining star of heavens.

One such person was Mr. Abdul Wahab Adam. He came from Africa for learning religion with determination to be to be the Sultan e Naseer of Khilafat with all capabilities. He came to Rabwah when it was being populated. Back then, it was extremely difficult to make contact with Africa. Our brother, loved Khilafat more than his life, he was always ready to obey decisions and desires of Khalifah of time with full heart…… Huzur (a.t.) said, he had worked with Abdul Wahab sahib in Ghana for 8 years [before Khilafat of Huzur] and seen his devotion for Khilafat and he maintained that standard with Huzur’s Khilafat now.

Abdul Wahab Adam sahib has passed away recently. He served Jama'at for more than 50 years……He was born Ahmadiyya Muslim in 1938, to Salman Adam sahib and Aysha sahibah. His father wanted him to be missionary. He received his ‘Shahid’ degree in 1960. He was sent back to Ghana and he served there till 1969. Then he was made principal of Jamia in Ghana. At that time, small mud houses were used for residence. In 1971, he was appointed deputy-Imam of Fazl Mosque, London. In 1975, he was assigned as Amir and missionary Incharge Ghana till his last – It is span of 39 years.

As student in Jamia, he found the subject of logic and jurisprudence in Urdu language difficult. Exams were near, he was very anxious. He went with a friend student Amri Abedi [latter he became government-minister Tanzania] to Maolana Ghulam Rasul Rajeki sahib to request for prayer. He raised his hands for prayers and asked them to join. After the prayer, he said that during the prayer, he was shown a vision [i.e. a Kashf: Allah shows a scene while seeker is awoken] in which he was shown Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) with his hands on the heads of both students……..Abdul Wahab sahib stood first in that exam!

“Wahab Sahib had received many honours, among them were the following: He was the first African central missionary from Ghana. He was the first Amir and missionary-in-charge of Ghana. He was the first African Ahmadi to have the honour of becoming Amir Maqami Rabwah in representation of Khalifa of the time. He was the first African central missionary who was enabled to serve in Europe. He was also enabled to tour different countries in representation of the centre, countries like Canada, Germany, Benin, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Jamaica.
He established a foundation in his mother’s name which helps the needy.
Ghanaian Jama’at made vast advancements while he was Amir. There are more than four hundred schools in Ghana run by the Jama’at and seven large hospitals and two homeopathy clinics.

Wahab Sahib arranged for large billboards with the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) photograph erected on two highways of Ghana with the message that the awaited Messiah has come!

Wahab Sahib also received many worldly accolades: At the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, Korea, USA gave him an award of ambassador of peace for his selfless services for peace.

Government of Ghana awarded him a special national award of Companion of the Order of the World in acknowledgement of his work in education, health, agriculture and national peace.

In 2007 University of Cape Coast, Ghana awarded him an honorary PhD.

Other responsibilities held by Wahab Sahib were:
He was a member of Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana.

He was the vice-chairman of Ghana Integrity Initiative.

He was a member of National Peace Council.

He was a co-founder and national president of Council for Religions and he was a member of the National Reconciliation Commission.

During the difficult times faced by the Jama’at in Pakistan in 1974, Wahab Sahib worked night and day with the Imam of the Fazl Mosque and relayed information to press and media. He was made deputy editor of the magazine Muslim Herald in 1973 where he initiated two new columns entitled London Diary and Questions and Answers.

Vice President of Ghana Amissah-Arthur has paid great tribute to Wahab Sahib and has said that he was a glorious leader of the nation and will never be forgotten.

Former President of Ghana John Agyekum Kufuor said that he was a great religious and national leader.

Dr Mustpha Ahmad, a Member of Parliament and state minister said that Ghana has lost an estimable son and said that he will always be remembered.
Archbishop of Accra said that he was a standard-bearer of service to humanity.

A bishop of the Methodist Church said that a peaceable man has gone to God.
eputy Chairman Muslim Commission of Ghana said that Ghana has lost one of its big pillar.”

Mr. Abdul Wahab sahib’s son says that his father was most sincere and loyal to Khilafat and wrote to the Khalifah of time about every small matter.
He was very hospitable. He helped needy a lot.

He was a role model.

Once he travelled 2 or 3 hundred miles to welcome the cyclists who came during the Khilafat Centenary commemoration.

He was not allowed to go for Hajj by authorities. It was the time of Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah III (ra). He mentioned the matter to Huzur: “Huzoor kept quiet and then said that God had shown him a vision in which Wahab Sahib is circumbulating the Ka’ba and seventy thousand people are performing Hajj with him!”

Steadfastness was a great virtue of him. His son-in-law was martyred in USA by robbers. News came to him. He was to attend an event in Jamia Ghana. He did and did not show any signs of distress.

Wahab sahib’s warm welcome ended the tiredness of a guest of Jalsa 2008 in Ghana. He remembers how Wahab sahib asked the President of the country and an attendant equally if they were tired and need shade. He gave the Russian friend his own Salaat-mat------------------- Says a Russian friend.

Once Wahab sahib postponed lunch because he wanted to relay the instruction of Huzur (a.t.) to Ghana Jama'at first. He showed respect to superiors. He would take care of special need of the guests --------------Says Majid sahib.

He was among those who give precedence to others over their self accoding to directive of Holy Quran.

He would deal with others with kindness and love. A Qureshi Daud Sahib says that once he came to receive him at airport at night. Qureshi sahib was coming back after leave of absence even though it was not Wahab sahib’s duty, but he helped at the steps………………He would re-write a letter to Khalifa instead of using correction fluid on it.

He would not put off matters and always finished things which he started…Once he travelled on a long and very bumpy road to reach a place of religious function and found that it was already canceled and message was sent but it did not reach. Wahab sahib did not show any anger…………..Says Nasir sahib.

He would arrange for milk for the children of life-devotees, as sometimes it was short in Africa.

When he knew that he was meeting with his teacher’s son, he met again with great warmth…….Says Molana Ghulam Bari Saif sahib’s son Dr. Abdul Khaliq.

He said to a then Russian based missionary that you [and other missionaries] are very fortunate to serve there as the prophecy of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said he sees his Jama'at in Russia abundantly………………….Says Khalid sahib of Russian desk.

Once photo of Wahab sahib was seen on the first page of newspaper. The reason was the great efforts by Abdul Wahab sahib in peaceful transfer of power from one political party to other. His efforts averted huge political unrests……….Says a Malik Muzaffar sahib.

Group of people went to Amir Wahab sahib to postpone the transfer of missionary Shamshad Ahmad sahib. He told them, look, a sadr / incharge of a Jama'at wants his people to progress, a regional chairman wants same, country Amir thinks same. Our Khalifa tul Messiah is above all, he likes to see Jama'at’s worldwide progress, therefore he knows best that which person is best suited for where. It would be disrespect to write to Khalifa tul Messiah that he should let this missionary stay here. Then he explained to group about the importance and respect of Khilafat.

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Peace be upon you.

A Lighter Note.... Once Wahab sahib came to London, the taxi he took was driven by an Ahmadiyya Muslim Mubarak sahib but he did not let Wahab sahib know it. Wahab sahib told the driver to take him to London Mosque [Fazl Mosque]. Driver asked him why he was going to Ahmadiyya mosque? Wahab sahib immediately started Tabligh [conveying message] that according to the prophecies of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him), Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has come. We have done research and we have accepted him, why have you people not accepted him. The driver ‘asked’ Wahab sahib about Kalimah. He replied our Kalimah is:

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

(There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger).

Then he warmly invited the driver to come in and see for himself………………After sometime the driver told him the he was Ahmadiyya Muslim too, a Qaid Halqa [Incharge of youth in an area]; he was joking and he was Wahab sahib’s fan.

Says Molana Atta-ul-Mujeeb Rashid sahib………… When Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah III (ra) went outside Rabwah for few days, he appointed Abdul Wahab sahib as Local-Amir and Molana Abu-al-Atta sahib as his deputy…… When Wahab sahib would remember it, his eyes would fill with tears.

Huzur (a.t.) says that when he was in Ghana [in far past], once Wahab sahib told him this matter.
According to Wahab sahib, Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah III (ra) was giving a lesson through this appointment; some people were in Ghana were saying that why a Pakistani was made their Amir while trained Ghanian was available. Thus Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah III (ra) was teaching them lesson that they talk about Ghana, he made a Ghanian as Local Amir……This lesson moved Wahab sahib so much that his sentiments for Khilafat became very strong which he embedded in the Jama'at in Ghana.

Some times ago, when Wahab sahib was in London, Ghanian Jama'at decided that they would not hold Jalsa Salan that year because of some lack of discipline. Huzur (a.t.) asked Wahab sahib about the matter…….Bilal sahib reports that always happy looking Wahab sahib was seen very thoughtful and anxious on that day, he telephoned to concerned people in Ghana and spoke to them…..His anxiety was due to love with Khilafat. After his on going medical treatment, when he went back to Ghana, he asked the amlaa [the office bearers] to write letter of apology to Huzur (a.t.). Latter, a very successful (more than previous years) Jalsa was convened for three days……This blessing was due to obedience of Khilafat. He would accept every decision and act like heart-beat.

Wahab sahib was selfless person……Bhatti sahib says, once when he went to see him, he was sick, he was washing his dishes. He offered to clean dishes but Wahab sahib said, no….Wahab saib narrated an incidence that he went to Pakistan on leave but Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah III (ra) said, no you have no leave, go and serve in villages. Wahab sahib said he learned a lot in there and found wisdom in the decisions of Khalifah of time.

Wahab saib would take care of co-servers who worked all nights long, he would present tea etc……Saleem ul Haq sahib says, last year he was with him in Ghana, a supreme court decision was about to come but Wahab sahib’s TV was not working. Wahab sahib wanted it then; he wanted to send report to Khalifah of time. Saleem sahib’s children fixed the TV, Wahab sahib was very happy and gave them chocolates and said they are young mujahid [who strives] of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and they will be the bright future and victory of Jama'at. He encouraged them.

Wahab sahib was fully pure, he had deep love and respect for Khilafat…..Says Ibrahim sahib.

Wahab sahib would pay full love and respect to representative who would go to Ghana.

Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) says: When he went to Ghana [long before his Khilafat], he lived at his place for few days. Wahab sahib would take care in minute detail including providing Pakistani food. He took care of all guests well…………………Huzur (a.t.) saw him particular in offering Nawafil and Tahajjud. Once, after a long journey in north region, it was late in night; Huzur (a.t.) saw him offering Nawafil at 1.30 at night in mosque with utmost humbleness. He never missed Nawafil Salaat, he did not care tiredness or any anything…..Once in Tamaley, a missionary said harsh word to Wahab sahib, which Huzur (a.t.) did not like and stoped him. Wahab sahib’s only response to the person was that he should take care of honour of Jama'at, especially in front of non-Ahmadis…All he considered was honour of Jama'at. [Such people (as the quarreler) do not stay in devotion-of-life system (waqf), when he went back, he was relieved of waqf]……..Huzur (a.t.) was surprised to see the patience of Wahab sahib, he could have taken any action, he was Amir…….During Huzur (a.t.)’s time in Ghana, Wahab sahib told him with pain that there were some missionaries who worked very hard, but there were other who did not do so and said nothing more could be done; new avenues should be explored for Tabligh / conveying message. Huzur (a.t.) fully agreed with him. Some people think only to follow customary methods. In fact, new ways should be sought……Wahab sahib tried to spread message of Ahmadiyyat – the true Islam. He would struggle for this and expected from others to do so, he would anxious for this and would pray for this goal.…..He have had no greed; in past, workers of Jama'at were given some plots at cheap price. Last year, he presented that plot, worth Rupees 20,00000 to 25,00000) to Jama'at. Perhaps, he wanted to compensate the expenses on his medical treatment in UK, by Jama'at.

Wahab Sahib was granted great honour in death by the government of Ghana. President of Ghana asked to bring his coffin in State House with full protocol; Police, Army and Paramilitary vehicles accompanied. His funeral took place in the State House. Where the representative of President [speaker of parliament], Deputy President and other Ministers expressed their views and Wahab Sahib was afforded full protocol. Religious leaders also paid tribute to him. Our Jamia principal spoke on the Islamic philosophy of life and death from Holy Quran, Hadith and explanations of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Wahab Sahib was taken from there with full honour. He was buried in the Moosian graveyard [place for those deceased-ones who participates in system of Wasiyyat, started by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)] in Ghana. There was lot of media coverage. Ghanaian TV gave coverage to the occasion, it was shown in the world.

Wahab Sahib leaves behind his wife Maryam Wahab sahibah, four sons and three daughters. May Allah the exalted keep them all in His protection and keep them connected to Khilafat and the Jama’at and grant them steadfastness as Wahab sahib maintained and wished for his family. May Allah the Exalted grant them patience and courage God elevate the station of Wahab Sahib and grant him place near His beloveds.

Hazrat Khalif tul Messiah (a.t.) lead funeral Prayer in absentia of Wahab Sahib.

Reference: Friday Sermon (27 June 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv
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Peace be upon you.

Ameer Sahib Ghana, Abdul Wahab Adam, Giving a welcoming address to honour Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) in the Presidential Lounge ( 13 March 2004 )
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