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Ahmadiyya Peace Prize\Why Disorder\Survival of world is in Justice, Benevolence, Giving-like-Kindred


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you……The concluding session of Jalsa UK, 2015 on the 3rd day of Jalsa began with the recitation of Holy Quran (Surah Al-Nahl verses 91-97), then Arabic Qasida and Urdu Poem of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) were read.

After that, Ahmadiyya Peace Prize** 2015 was announced. Starting since 2009, every year people who serve humanity continuously are selected for this prize ….. This year award is announced for the rescue volunteers ‘The White Helmets’. They rescue any people in Syria regardless of which groups they belong. Sofar they have rescued 22,693 people. In such attempts they have lost their own 92 lives.

Then Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) granted awards to Amadiyya Muslim students who excelled in various fields.

After that, Huzur (a.t) delivered his address, he (a.t.) recited verse 91 of Surah Al-Nahl:


[16:91] Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.

He (a.t.) said: Today unrest in the world is due to disorder and it is said that more disorder is in the Muslim countries and Muslim are cause of it. Then it is deduced that religion in general and Islam in particular is the cause of disorder. Nauzobillah (we seek Allah’s protection)

He (a.t.) said: He has been drawing attention during last few years that world is in a state of disorder. Some people agreed just for politeness but otherwise believed that this disorder does not exist in advanced countries. But now they begin to say advanced countries are not safe from this mayhem too. British Prime Minister and Australian Foreign Minsiter have said so recently……Thus it is reality that today world is embroiled in oppression. Materially advanced or educated section of people believe this disorder is due to religion but in fact it is due to not understanding religion.

People say that the solution to this disorder is to leave religion and widespread propaganda is being made for this…..Press and media is playing a role to spread the idea that religion either makes ignorant, lazy or extremist. If one wants progress it can be by discarding religion.

Due to spread of this wrong notion, those who deny God are increasing day by day.

The fact of the matter is that the world is in mayhem because:

= God has been forgotten.

= Divine teaching has been misunderstood and forgotten.

= Name of God has been used for vested interests.

= Crossing limits in making fun of Being of God.

Disorder spreads when people think their ideas are superior to everything….Despite human is creation of God but he thinks he is ruler over laws of Allah. Human thinks that Allah’s system of Justice is inferior to man-made justice system.

Human raises question why he cannot bring religious teaching under worldly customs, desires and laws. But remember if religious teachings has been corrupted and human made laws proved to be better then this question can be raised.

But our teaching – Holy Quran is not corrupted it has been saved since 1400 years. Its teaching is complete way of life for every era. It is sent by God the Exalted Who is Knower of hidden and present. Why should He follow human-made rules. Religion is sent to lead human, not to become follower of someone.

True Islam and Quran are guidance for every era provided there are abilities to understand these….. Usurping of rights is not being done by religion but it is being done by those who deceive in the name of religion. Today’s disorder is not by religion but it is by worshipers-of-interest. Today’s problem are because human think he has total-wisdom and due to denying revelation. Quran indicated this as: (Translation) ‘Corruption has appeared on land and sea……’ (30:42). Thus disorder created by human has engulfed everything. Obviously, in such circumstances, human will be punished by God. But God does not become happy by chastising human. God is more happier than a mother who finds her lost son, when a person walks on right path.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said about this condition and this era that people want spiritual water now. Earth has died. This era has become of era of disorder. Sprituality is no more and its effect is not seen. Each young and old is involved in moral diseases. Therefore it is essential that water from heaven and light of Prophethood should appear. Be thankful to God that He has sent this light but there are few who take benefit of this light.

Thus God has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in this era… What the world is following, by considering it water, is actually a mirage…. The real water is the one which which has been sent by God the Exalted……People of other religions too are drifting away from truth instead recognizing it and denying the Being of God……Though many Muslims have faith in terms of claim or creed but their conditions in terms of knowledge and practice has been made disordely by leaders who have put curtains on their wisdom. When common people go to them for guidance they find nothing but selffishnesses.

In current situation, it was expected from attribute Al-Rahman (the Gracious) of Allah the Exalted that He should have sent someone, and He sent the one according to His sunnah/way and promise.

We tell the world that teaching of deen/way/Islam is the teaching of peace, no other teaching can match it…..To establish peace, blaming religion will not work. Do not involve religion, work against injustice to establish peace……West and earthly teaching does not guarantee peace. The guarantee to world peace is in the beautiful teaching of True Islam. Everyone is welcome to think about it. Instead of remaing in defending mode, it is needed to presnt this teaching with challenge before the world…..So God the Exalted has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) in this era who introduced the beautiful teaching of Islam to world.

How he (a.s.) took guidance from Holy Quran about payment of rights of Allah and people. He said: Two grand commandments of Holy Quran are two only. Tauheed (Unity), love and obedience of Allah the Exalted and secondly sympathy to brothers and humanity, and He has divided these commandments in three categories.

You should do justice with your Creator, do not be oppressor, none is worthy of worship except Him. Therefore you should not make any associate with Him for love, worship and Lordship. Next if you want further progress there is station of benevolence i.e. you should get so much convinced of His greatnesses and get lost in His love as if you have seen His grandeur and glory. After that there is station of ‘eta-e-zil quba’ (giving-like-kindred) that your worship, your love should become fully clear of artificialness and show off, and you should remember Him with such deep connection as you remember your family elders.

Secondly, with relation to symapathy with humanity, this verse means to do justice with your brethren and humanity and to not ask from them more than your rights. If you want to make more progress than this stage then next to it is stage of benevolence i.e. you do virtue in response to vice done by your brother, and provide him serenity in response to hurt given by him. After that there is station of ‘eta-e-zil qurba’ (giving like kindred) that virtue done by you to your brother does not aim to have any kind of benevolence (in response) i.e. you should do virtue to others without any artificialness.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said what is happening? Where there is own benefit, even the justice is not done there….If any benevolence is done -- it is reminded. When a poor country is aided, conditions are placed.

But Islam says, a help which is followed by mentions or hurt, it is not virtue. Unless high standards of justice, benevolence and love are established, true peace cannot be guaranteed.

Any wrong action done on the name of deen/religion/Islam does not mean teaching of deen has asked to do so.

Huzur (a.t.) mentioned some Western writers who disclose the fakeness of peace and jusctice which is being pretended as pure….If anyone does wrong deed, it is tried to be linked with Islam.

True Islam teaches to do justice at each level. We see its model in the person of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). In this regard Huzur (a.t.) explained the role model example of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) for matters like establishing rigts of loan-takers, prisoners and rights in wars…. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) established justice . If everyone adhere to this standard and fulfill agreements, one never face disgrace.

History of Muslims shows that as long as they fulfilled promises, they continued to gain progress. When they said goodbye to justice their decline began. Huzur (a.t.) gave example of how Muslims returned tax back to people of Hims.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) felt lot of pain for humanity. He (s.a.w.) remained unrestful at nights for this. In this regard God the Exalted said: Translation: Haply thou wilt grieve thyself to death because they believe not. [26:4]…..…..No one can love humanity more than this…..Thus it is the duty of each Ahmadiyya Muslim that he should implement justice, benevolence and giving like kindred upon his life. And he should take this message to every person in the world that listen to the one who has been sent in this era, and feel his pain which he had in his heart in the obedience of his master (s.a.w.). He (a.s.) too was told by God that: Translation: Haply thou wilt grieve thyself to death because they believe not.

Huzur (a.t.) prayed May Allah develop this pain in all of us for humanity, and may the world, instead of going towards destruction, understand the subject of justice, benevolence and giving-like-kindred and save itself and make the means in this world, for paradise in Hereafter…..Huzur (a.t.) lead the silent prayer.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted , this year the attendance of Jalsa Salana UK was 35,478. Millions benefited through Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International.

Reference: Based on concluding address at Jalsa Salana UK 2015 by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), 23 August 2015, Hadiqatul Mahdi, Alton, Hampshire, UK, alislam.org, mta.tv

** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmadiyya_Muslim_Peace_Prize
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