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Aims of Ahmadiyya Khilafat: Complete Obedience: Just Winning Hearts for Islam: No use of Sword


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

[88:18] Do they then not look at the camels, how they are created?


[88:19] And at the heaven, how it is raised high?


[88:20] And at the mountains, how they are firmly rooted?


[88:21] And at the earth, how it is leveled?

It is the favour of Allah the Exalted upon us that we believe in Imam of the era, Hazrat Promised Messiah and Mahdi (on whom be peace). When we need pearls of wisdom of Holy Quran, we find them in the books written by him which solve our problems.

Above verses are of Surah al-Ghashiyah, which is usually recited in the second rakah of Friday Salaat.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has provided remarkable explanation about Prophethood, Imamat / spiritual leadership and the complete obedience in the light of behavior of camels. He said:

“ The verse which appeared in Holy Quran:


[88:18] Do they then not look at the camels, how they are created?

This verse is very helpful in solving the question of Nobuwat [Prophethood] and Imamat [Spiritual Leadership]. The camel has about 1000 names in Arabic language. What is the secret of choosing the word ‘ebel’? Why? It could have been ‘elal jamaley’. The real matter seems to be that ‘jamal’ is one camel and ‘ebel’ is plural noun; Allah the Exalted wanted to show societal and overall state and ‘jamal’ can not give that benefit as it is for one camel. Thus the word ‘ebel’ is chosen. Camels are bestowed capability of following each other and obedience. Look, camels have a long queue and how they follow that (particular) camel in special style and speed. The camel which is before others as leader at front, is the one which is very experienced and knows the path. Secondly, all camels walks behind each other with equal speed and none has the desire in heart to walk side by side that is present in other animals like horse etc. In other words, the presence of following an Imam in the nature of camel is an accepted matter. That is why, Allah the Exalted has pointed towards this overall state by saying ‘afala yanzoruna elalal ebeley’, when camels are going in one line. Likewise it is essential to have one Imam to preserve cultural and unified condition.

It is to be remembered too that this queue (of camels) is during a journey. Thus to complete the journey of the world, if there is no Imam, human will be destroyed by keep losing track.

Also, camel carry large weight and walk long. Herein is a lesson of patience and forbearance.
Also, the property of camel is that he keeps stock of water for several days, not being ignorant. Thus, a momin / believer should be ready and careful for his journey and best provision for travel is Taqwa [righteousness, safety from sin, doing good according to divine commandments].

The word ‘unzur’ shows that this seeing is not like as children see but it gives lesson for obedience that as cultural and unified condition is shown in camels and they have capability of following an Imam, likewise it is essential for human that he should make obedience of Imam his manner, because camels which are servants, also possess this capability. The words ’kaifa kholeqat’ point to those comprehensive benefits which are gained through the collective state of ‘ebel’ [obedient group behavior of camels].” [al-hakam]

In this era, Allah the Exalted has sent Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) according to His own promise and prophecy of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and He has started the system of Khilafat afterward. This blessing should be valued and understood.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that persons will continue to come, who will take Bai'at from Jama'at in his name. It means that Khilafat will take Bai'at on his name and will make a link of obedience by Jama'at with Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

From the earlier mentioned words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) about Prophethood, spiritual leadership and example of camels, it is clear that after coming into Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), the spiritual continuation, progress and safety of Jama'at from Satanic attacks is linked with the with Khilafat. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that Imam is your shield….This shield saves. Drifting out of the line will cause loss. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has also said a lot about obeying Amir (spiritual leader). He (s.a.w.) said whoever obeyed my appointed Amir, obeyed me and whoever disobeyed him, disobeyed me……Obedience is the recipe of progress of Jama'at. The members of Jama'at should well understand this subject and avoid wrong ideas on the name of freedom. Islam gives permissions in various matters and require certain restrictions for moral corrections, spiritual progress and unification of Jama'at. It is necessary to abide by these.

The office-holders of Jama'at (Amir, Sadar, Office-holder) at all level should understand the subject of obedience first. The members of Jama'at will follow. (as explained by example of camels)…..Office-holders make self checks. When a directive comes from Khalifah of the time, do they follow without hesitation or do they start making explanations of their choice; if they do so, it is not obedience.

Once a companion of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) was seen moving toward mosque, in sitting on heels position. Someone asked him, why so, he (r.a.) said that he heard the voice of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), ‘Sit down’. He was told that the order was of people inside the mosque. The companion said that he did not check, his task was to obey Messenger of Allah.

Some office-holders act upon the directive of Khalifah of the time but unwillingly. It is also not an obedience. To have a certain opinion is not prohibited. But when, about a certain matter, Khalifah of the time give decision, then one should leave his own opinion all together. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad [- a great scholar (r.a): one of the sons of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)] said that he held his own opinion in certain matters but if Khalifah of the time had different opinion, his opinion became as that of Khalifah and he started to obey it……Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that one should give himself in the hands of Imam as a deceased person is the hands of ‘ghussal’ [the one who give prescribed bath to a deceased one]…..At such standard, pledge of Bai'at and obedience to Allah and Messenger will be fullfiled……All of us who has made pledge of Bai'at, has to prove it by or thoughts and actions and by setting model for our progeny, youngs, elders and new comers….Each office-holder, from top to bottom, has to show such standard.

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Peace be upon you.
Some minds here [in Germany] may think that perhaps perfect obedience is harmful. Such thought is due to the effects of actions of dictator Hilter in Germany, which brought loss and insult.

Hazrat Khalifah tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said that he wanted to make it clear for all Ahmadiyya Muslims, new comers and young one that Imamat, Khilafat and dictatorship are very different things:

= Khilafat is established after accepting the Imam of era [Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

= Khilafat is established according to Divine Promise.

= Each adherent promises that he will help continue the system of Khilafat…There is no compulsion in religion. We have accepted Din / Religion at Will thus, it is essential to fulfill the pledge of obedience which an Ahmadiyya Muslim makes to help establish Khilafat.

= Khilafat is a combined effort, behind an Imam, to establish Kingdom of God in the hearts of people of the world.

= There is huge difference in results, obtained by Muslims who follow Khilafat [Ahmaiyya Muslims] versus those Muslims who do not have Khilafat…….. Success comes with string of Divinely established Khilafat.

= Khilafat, as combined effort, pays full attention to pay and to establish the rights of humanity.

= Khilafat establishes, in faithful, the spirit of ‘giving precedence to din / religion over world’

= Khilafat fully struggles to establish Unity of God.

= Eartly leaders have different objectives (than Khilafat). They aim to increase boundaries of their countries, subdue everyone and capture other countries. They follow false ego and they shatter justice (Muslim and non-Muslim world).

= Dictator does not maintain personal connection with subjects.

= Khalifah of the time, maintain personal link with faithful of all nations, countries and ethnicity; daily mail witnesses astonishing personal connections……Khalifah takes care of faithfuls’ (spiritual and physical) health, education, matrimonial matters. He prostrate before God and takes actions to solve the problems of Jama'at at individual and Jama'at level. He continue to pary for them; even, just before sleeping, he is busy in praying for them.

= There is remarkable difference between Khalifah and a wordly leader.

= It is required to obey the “ma’ruf decision” [good, known] of Khalifah. It is stated in Pledge. What is “ma’ruf”; it is not to be decided by the person. It has already been decided by Allah and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). It means the decision which is according to Holy Quran and Sunnah (practice) of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). The Khilafat is according to prophecy of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said it would be forever. Such Khilafat cannot act against Quran and Sunnah. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the decisions of Righteous Khulafa should be obeyed…… If one thinks that Khalifah need to have a better understanding in any matter, one may write to him within the circle of due respect but gossiping around is not allowed.

When Jama'at progresses, envious people become active and try to distant faithful from Khilafat. Faithful should beware and fail them.

Illustration: During a journey to U.K. in the process of preparing English translation of Holy Quran, companion Hazrat Molvi Sher Ali (r.a.) made a stop at a Jama'at. He was asked to lead Friday Salaat. In his sermon, he said: If Imam of Salaat makes mistake during Salaat, followers should say, ‘subhan Allah’ [ = Holy is Allah] to seek his attention. If he makes correction, that is good but if he does not, you should only obey but you should not start your own Salaat. If such an obedience is needed for temporary Imamat, then how much important it would be to obey Khilafah of the time, with whom you have made Bai'at at Will gladly.

Therefore it should be remembered that, to fulfill Pledge of Bai'at, obedience is extremely important.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) says: “Obedience is such a thing that if chosen to do with true heart, then a light in heart and delight in soul and light comes. Mujahidat [striving] are not that much needed as much obedience is required. But, yes, it is condition that there should be true obedience and it is what which is the difficult matter. In obedience, it is essential to slaughter own desire of self; without it, obedience cannot be achieved. And desire of self is such a thing which can become idol in the heart of great believers of Unity of God…No nation can be called a nation, and in them, soul of religion and concord cannot be breathed till they chose the principle of obedience…..Leave the difference of opinion and obey the one; whose obedience is commanded by Allah. Then the matter, they desire, is achieved. The Hand of Allah is upon Jama'at; therein is this secret, Allah likes Unity and this Unity cannot be established if obedience is not done.”

It is seen in the history of Islam that due to perfect obedience, Companions / Sahabah (r.a.) did not hesitate to give lives and they spread Islam in the world within years. It does not mean that Islam spread with wars; it means they conveyed the message (Tabligh) and if they faced wars, the majority and abundance of war-waging foe could not stop them from preaching. Due to presence of spirit of obedience in them, if needed, they stood against large number of foes….In contrast to it, we see that believers of Hazrat Moses (a.s.) did not show model of obedience and made themselves deprived of bounty for 40 years.

Thus the Jihad of this era is the Jihad of self correction and Jihad of Conveying divine message (Tabligh) and it is to be done by following Khalifah of the time. That should be done as Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has explained with the example of ‘ebel’ [camels]. Obedience of Imam should be given precedence and made second nature.

In the light of explanation by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), it is to be further understood that, to be saved from destruction and loosing path, obedience should be of high standards; by joining with Khilafat we can pass through difficulties with patience. As much, the opponents of Ahmadiyya Islam will try to make difficulties and try to annihilate Jama'at, Allah the Exalted will carry us towards our destinations – the condition is offer obedience and complete obedience.

Today, it is seen that other Muslims, even though they believe and claim to practice Holy Quran and Sunnah, but patience and forebearnace is not seen in them. Their actions are bringing bad repute to Islam. Today, it is only excellence of Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) that they are establishing praiseworthy models of patience and forbearance; they are showing examples of patience at persecution which were shown by the Muslims in initial-era and the subject of ‘wa akharin minhum lamma yalhaqu behim’ (from 62:4) becomes clear for this era. [[62:3] “He it is Who has raised among the unlettered (people) a Messenger from among themselves who recite unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom though before that they were in manifest error.”

[62:4] “And (among) others of them who have not joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.”]

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Peace be upon you.

Further, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explained that the camel keep stock of water in journey and does not ignore it. Likewise momin / believer should always be ready and careful for journey; it will be achieved by carrying means for journey. A believer in this world is like a traveler, and for him the best means for path is Taqwa [righteousness]. Thus it is needed that our deeds and worships should be such that they become our means of travel. By accepting Imam of age, we have received spiritual water, now it is our duty to save it and get benefit from it. Each Ahmadiyya Muslim should understand this reality. How much fortunate are those who listen to Imam of age and act accordingly ! This matters enable to get blessings of bounty of Khilafat. Allah the Exalted has stated in Holy Quran that the people who get blessings from blessings of Khilafat are the ones who do pure deeds, offer worship, establish Unity of God; and these are the ones who walk at the path of Taqwa.

So, keeping all these matters in mind, how one can say that Khilafat has worldly motives or purpose of Khilafat is like the purpose of earthly people? Those who seek worldly aims, have no connection with spirituality. Many a times, they do not get success (last victory, the objective) even though they have all ways and means. But the aim of those who seek Pleasure of Allah the Exalted and who walk on Taqwa, is not worldly win or loss; but with perfect obedience, they seek His nearness and progress in Taqwa.

Our aim is to establish Kingdom of God the Exalted in the world, we have no aim for personal gain, we want to raise the flag of Unity of God, we have to win the hearts of the people of the world and to bring them under the flag of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). For this aim, we make our programs of Conveying Message and other programs. To achieve this purpose we are and we should be focused to prayers……Thus Khilafat is working for these aims and the spirit to understand the Khilafat is needed. This matter will be understood when there will be full certainty about obedience. If one considers himself a great scholar, thinker and orator, but if he does not obey then there is no place for him in Ahmadiyya Jama'at and his knowledge and wisdom cannot give any benefit to the world.

We should always remember the statement of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace): “It is essential for human that he should make obedience of Imam his manner.”………..When we will fully follow and obey Khalifah of the time; will act on his directives and commandments and will not make self-made explanations then knowledge and wisdom will blossom and bring fruits, by gaining Pleasure of Allah the Exalted.

In the light of explanation of other verses by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s): Human can reach to the heights of spiritual heavens only when he understands the subject of “….wa atiullaha wa atiurrasula wa olil amrey minkum…” (4:60) i.e. ‘….and obey Allah and obey (His) Messenger and those who are in authority among you…’……By considering themselves ‘olil amr’ Office-holders cannot ask for getting obedience from members if they themselves do not obey Khilafat in letter and spirit and stop making self-made explanations of his directives. Sometimes when certain matters are sent for investigation, their first try is to find who made the complaint instead of looking for truth; if true, correction should be made; if wrong, it should be reported so. Office-holders should do what is asked and should not look for who had filed complaint. If any directive is not understood, instead of guessing, they should write to Khalifah for better understanding. Similarly each member of Jama'at should do complete obedience. Complete obedience will take our steps to spiritual heights. When you will reach spiritual heights, your faith will be strengthened as mountains are rooted in earth. The result of spiritual height and strong faith will be that you will spread on earth with message of Islam. Your progress will be Insha’Allah the Exalted, in the East and in the West, Europe will be yours and also Asia, America will be yours and also Africa, flag of real Islam will be raised in Australia and in Islands.

About spread of Islam: Someone made an objection about the statement of Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud, second Ahmadiyya Khalifah (r.a.) which was written on banner at Jalsa, it said: If Germany is conquered, Europe is conquered……Someone said that this is your real and dangerous intention and apparently you pretend kindness…It is an unwise objection or it is an mischief to create anti-Ahmadiyya Muslim atmosphere

In general local people, the Germans, are wise people, they understand that the Jama'at which is doing missionary and humanitarian work and presenting real beautiful teaching of Islam in the world to bring people closer to Islam and help them to join it. The word victory definitely does not show that, God forbidden, we shall use sword or grab the governments. First of everyone, we announce that there is no compulsion in din / religion; it is matter of heart of individual. We are conveying Divine message; Not only Germany or Europe, we have to conquer all the world but not with sword but by winning hearts, by beautiful teaching of Islam, by capturing hearts. Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud said that sentence at reception for a new convert German Ahmadiyya Muslim. He meant to praise German nation; Germans are leaders of Europe, if they understand Islam, they shall be able to help all Europe understand it and Europe will listen to them. Then said statement of Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud is being true today; In European Union, one can see leadership qualities of Germany; everyone sees to it……There is no question of sword or compulsion but statement is about putting in hearts, the teaching of love taught by Islam and connection with God the Exalted.

In the foundation stone ceremony in Wiesbaden, more than 400 local German guests had come. Huzur (a.t.) said, he talked about teaching of Islam there, everyone acknowledged that this message was voice of their hearts. They said, now they have gotten the opportunity to understand the message of Islam……. We should remember that if, by seeking Allah the Exalted’s help, we continued to work with loyalty and purity, people from them or from their future generation will understand Islam and enter in it; whom Allah will desire, will make him enable to accept it…..Thus there is no need to be afraid, or to be distressed or to be shy or defensive; no need to give answer reflecting fear.

Neither gain of world governments are our aim nor we need them. To put love of Allah the Exalted in hearts, and to enable the world to bow to Him is our objective and we shall continue to do so Insha’Allah. Thus to do this work and to achieve this objective, each Ahamdiyya Mulim should develop perfect obedience to Khilafat. May Allah the Exalted enable everyone to do so. [Amen]

Reference: Friday Sermon (06 June 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help, may we fully obey him), Germany, alislam.org and mta.tv
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