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Aliens, Angels, Nephilim & Hybrids


Denizen of Niflheim
Below is speculation of both a paranormal and religious nature.

"They": Addendum to Jesus on Same Sex Marriage.

In the above linked thread, user John D. Brey mentions that in antediluvian times the sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of men and produced offspring called the Nephilim. We further read in Genesis that these Nephilim were beings of might and renown. (Genesis 6:4)

Interestingly, in the alien abduction phenomenon abductees claim to be subjected to invasive procedures that primarily focus on the extraction of sex cells. Women are impregnated; fetuses implanted into the womb only for said fetuses to be removed at a subsequent abduction. Both men and women are shown infant hybrids which are then claimed by the 'aliens' to be the abductees' own children.

I wonder if the references in Genesis regarding the Nephilim and the sons of God are more than mere myth. Perhaps these references have a basis in an ancient memory of something which actually happened. Something so bizarre it prompted the intervention of a higher power: an intervention which lead to the destruction of much of the human population.

In (Matthew 24:37) Jesus foretells of a future return to a state of affairs that predominated during the time of Noah. Primarily, people will conduct their lives with little regard for the laws of God. But what if this future time also includes the return of the Nephilim? Men not of an entirely human origin who will attempt to lord over humanity.

Alien abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs believes that human/alien hybrids have already been implanted into the human population. These hybrids look like regular humans but they possess a far superior psychic ability. More will be implanted with the coming generations and they will work to slowly infiltrate the levers of world power with the end goal of controlling the planet for the benefit of their creators; the sons of God, the aliens, the fallen angels. All one in the same.

Perhaps the trigger for the end times will be the full and open return of both the sons of God and their Nephilim offspring. They will bring the world to total moral ruin but this time, instead of a deluge, Christ Himself will come down and confront these entities once and for all cumulating with the final judgment of humanity.
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rational experiences

Veteran Member
In reality no human wants Christ in the heavens to come to the ground.

Just theists. AI history the sun machine thesis converter...is gods earth machine with the sun conversion within. The human mind memory designer. I wanted to copy earth as if earth as God is the machine.

Named as the gods of old by humans. Inferred to be like humans as human theists do all the thinking comparisons. Claiming I knowingly changed human genetics myself.

For example just a human looked at the light ball. It owned no name. You called it a sun.

See how memory says you ...called...it.

Your words lie. For one reason only. You theory out of conceptual reality. Natural order. It's is your fault human theist scientist.

The story is not a holy theme it's about the end as destruction of the days.

Heavens light.

And I'll tell you what father taught me. The first theist of science did not want to be human. He wanted to be only eternal.

So earths light to him meant it held us to life.

He wanted only the immaculate to exist and no light. To be released. Jesus is the exact answered man's realisation. The day the sky went dark.

It's why darkness plays a huge role in a human theists memory and want of understanding.

Imagine no books existed.
Imagine no human told stories. You'd just live.


Veteran Member
Below is speculation of both a paranormal and religious nature.

"They": Addendum to Jesus on Same Sex Marriage.

In the above linked thread, user John D. Brey mentions that in antediluvian times the sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of men and produced offspring called the Nephilim. We further read in Genesis that these Nephilim were beings of might and renown. (Genesis 6:4)

Interestingly, in the alien abduction phenomenon abductees claim to be subjected to invasive procedures that primarily focus on the extraction of sex cells. Women are impregnated; fetuses implanted into the womb only for said fetuses to be removed at a subsequent abduction. Both men and women are shown infant hybrids which are then claimed by the 'aliens' to be the abductees' own children.

I wonder if the references in Genesis to the Nephilim and the sons of God are more than mere myth. Perhaps these references have a basis in an ancient memory of something which actually happened. Something so bizarre it prompted the intervention of a higher power: an intervention which lead to the destruction of much of the human population.

In (Matthew 24:37) Jesus foretells of a future return to a state of affairs that predominated during the time of Noah. Primarily, people will conduct their lives with little regard for the laws of God. But what if this future time also includes the return of the Nephilim? Men not of an entirely human origin who will attempt to lord over humanity.

Alien abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs believes that human/alien hybrids have already been implanted into the human population. These hybrids look like regular humans but they possess a far superior psychic ability. More will be implanted with the coming generations and they will work to slowly infiltrate the levers of world power with the end goal of controlling the planet for the benefit of their creators; the sons of God, the aliens, the fallen angels. All one in the same.

Perhaps the trigger for the end times will be the full and open return of both the sons of God and their Nephilim offspring. They will bring the world to total moral ruin but this time, instead of a deluge, Christ Himself will come down and confront these entities once and for all cumulating with the final judgment of humanity.
Yeah, that's one of the more bizarre interpretations of the Nephilim. It's kind of amazing how people will create a whole story about aliens out of one hard-to-understand verse. It's much more likely simply referring to mixed races that produced some unusual specimens of manhood.

This view has been the dominant Christian position since the 4th century AD where the “sons of God”are males born from the line of Seth, born after Cain killed Abel.

The main distinction is that the sons are contrasted with the daughters.

Genesis 6.1-4 says,

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.

Here “these four verses describe forbidden intermarriage between the godly men of Seth’s lineage (‘sons of God’) and the ungodly women of Cain’s line (‘daughters of humankind’)” (94). Everyone alive on earth came either from Seth or from Cain.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Interesting musings there, Bassist.

I am a believer that life and humans are guided and evolved through the efforts of supernatural and alien involvements.

Not so sure about any physical interpretation of a physical Jesus descending to earth though.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
I wonder if the references in Genesis regarding the Nephilim and the sons of God are more than mere myth. Perhaps these references have a basis in an ancient memory of something which actually happened. Something so bizarre it prompted the intervention of a higher power: an intervention which lead to the destruction of much of the human population.

That is wild, isn’t it?!
But I believe it happened, also…

I mean, when you examine the ancient myths, almost all of them — from Greek, to Norse, to Hindu, to Roman, etc. — have in common “gods having sex with human females”, and producing offspring, like Hercules etc.

Common threads in myths can indicate kernels of truth.
I believe it is.

Such an event as described in Genesis 6:1-4....taking as wives “all whom they chose”, these materialized angels being stronger than human males, you could understand why the Flood was necessary: to rid the Earth of them, and protect mankind from sexual slavery.

These angels are demons now…. They misused their FreeWill…. but they’re still sex-crazy, and their influence on human cultures, with the ancient fertility god- and goddess idols, was everywhere.

Look at people today, these spirit creatures’ influences are still everywhere; it’s a promiscuous world!

Take care.


Denizen of Niflheim
I mean, when you examine the ancient myths, almost all of them — from Greek, to Norse, to Hindu, to Roman, etc. — have in common “gods having sex with human females”, and producing offspring, like Hercules etc.
It could be argued that scripture never explicitly denies the existence of the so called 'gods', it rather denies said 'gods' their claimed status as divinities.

Such an event as described in Genesis 6:1-4....taking as wives “all whom they chose”, these materialized angels being stronger than human males, you could understand why the Flood was necessary: to rid the Earth of them, and protect mankind from sexual slavery.
I have seen the notion floating around that the purpose behind their breeding with human women was an attempt the preempt the incarnation. God cannot become man if there are no men left.
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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Interesting musings there, Bassist.

I am a believer that life and humans are guided and evolved through the efforts of supernatural and alien involvements.

Not so sure about any physical interpretation of a physical Jesus descending to earth though.

That's basically what I believe too.