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Aliens in myth, literally


New Member
I've always wondered in theRaëlians were on to something with supposing aliens to be a large part of our mythos. I think one could perchance easily envision the Greek pantheon as such perhaps, but I was wondering what you guys knew of history/religions texts/beliefs supporting this idea directly?

(an example might be, for instance, the biblical Ezekiel and the wheels/creatures)

It may be an unusual idea, but I think it's worth some considering while looking at candidate religions.
If examples could be cited to the source, all the better. :)

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
I've always wondered in theRaëlians were on to something with supposing aliens to be a large part of our mythos. I think one could perchance easily envision the Greek pantheon as such perhaps, but I was wondering what you guys knew of history/religions texts/beliefs supporting this idea directly?

(an example might be, for instance, the biblical Ezekiel and the wheels/creatures)

It may be an unusual idea, but I think it's worth some considering while looking at candidate religions.
If examples could be cited to the source, all the better. :)

Rael and his self-centered cult weren't the first to postulate such ideas. You should look into "Chariots of the Gods?" by Erich von Daniken. It's also what Ancient Aliens is principally based off.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
That's harsh

It's true, though. I mean he literally changed his name to Rael and then created a religion around himself. He is the only one who's ever seen or spoken to these "Elohim" he has described and all of his followers just have to take his word for it. I'm not talking about other UFO sightings and recorded alien encounters, but just the one's that he has described. He even as his own personal groupies, called Rael's Gals.

In all fairness, his cult probably isn't nearly as dangerous as other ones, like Scientology for example. It would probably even be kind of fun to be a part of, I mean if you could get over all of Rael's BS haha.


New Member
It's true, though. I mean he literally changed his name to Rael and then created a religion around himself. He is the only one who's ever seen or spoken to these "Elohim" he has described and all of his followers just have to take his word for it. I'm not talking about other UFO sightings and recorded alien encounters, but just the one's that he has described. He even as his own personal groupies, called Rael's Gals.

In all fairness, his cult probably isn't nearly as dangerous as other ones, like Scientology for example. It would probably even be kind of fun to be a part of, I mean if you could get over all of Rael's BS haha.

Regardless, this thread (nor really this forum) is for espousing one's own negative views about a religion. Take it to the debate forum or one of the DIR's. :)

All the same, Chariots of the Gods is a good reminder. I had heard of it before but hadn't checked it out. Might do that.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Regardless, this thread (nor really this forum) is for espousing one's own negative views about a religion. Take it to the debate forum or one of the DIR's. :)

All the same, Chariots of the Gods is a good reminder. I had heard of it before but hadn't checked it out. Might do that.

Thanks for catching me on that. I guess I have strong feelings about it, and Scientology specifically.

At any rate, I'm open to the idea that visitation by extraterrestrials and/or inter-dimensional beings may have occurred in the past. I can only speculate as to how much or to what extent they may have influenced our history, but I can't rule it out completely by any means really. There are too many unknown variables.


Well-Known Member
Regardless, this thread (nor really this forum) is for espousing one's own negative views about a religion. Take it to the debate forum or one of the DIR's. :)

All the same, Chariots of the Gods is a good reminder. I had heard of it before but hadn't checked it out. Might do that.

I've read CoTG. It was interesting. Though some of the questions EVD proposed in the first edition of the book have been answered, many have not.
Plus it was only like $10 so there's that....:yes:


Isn't CoTG all speculative anyway? I swear it's basically fiction..

I used to read a lot of Zecharia Sitchin stuff. And that one book by Lloyd Pie. Annunaki etc.. used to think it made sense. Realised he was an absolute conman once people started actually translating all the Sumerian cuneiform properly. I dunno about aliens man. Beings, yeah. Aliens just don't add up to me.


I've always wondered in theRaëlians were on to something with supposing aliens to be a large part of our mythos. I think one could perchance easily envision the Greek pantheon as such perhaps, but I was wondering what you guys knew of history/religions texts/beliefs supporting this idea directly?

(an example might be, for instance, the biblical Ezekiel and the wheels/creatures)

It may be an unusual idea, but I think it's worth some considering while looking at candidate religions.
If examples could be cited to the source, all the better. :)

This theory greatly undermines human imagination, and replaces it with a complete lack of imagination.


New Member
To understand Aliens and Mexicans crossing the Rio Grande, you must visit their native lands and see them in their daily chores and action.

For example, Let us look at the time when the king sent Soldiers with direct instructions
to bring back Elijah and his servant :
2Ki 6:8 Then the king of Syria warred against Israel saying, In a certain place shall be my camp
but Elisha the prophet told the king of Israel
10 And the king of Israel thereby saved himself from the King of Syria.
11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was troubled at this .
12 And one of his servants said, Elisha, the prophet of Israel, tells the king of Israel all that you say privately.
13 And he said, Go and find him and capture him.
14 The Syrian king sent an army and surrounded the city where Elisha was sitting on a hill.
15 And when the servant of Elisha rose early, behold, an host compassed the city with horses and chariots.
and the servant feared for his life.
16 Elijah said Fear not: for they that are with us are more than they that be with them.
17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.
And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold,
the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha .
18 And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness.
And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.
19 And Elisha led them to Samaria.
20 And when they were in Samaria, Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see.
And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and now they were in Samaria.
Now how does that work ?
God Opened the Servant's Eyes.
Was it a Physical thing or a Mental or spiritual change to the servant in that,
he could see the Chariots of Fire. (Good title for a Movie, eh)
--If the Chariots are Really there but he Army could not see them
then something Physical had to be done to the Servant .
1. Therefore, Angels are NOT Interdemensional.
2. Humans are not physically equipped to see Angels.
3. Humans can be changed physically to see Angels.
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