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All the long age dating techniques have been proven to be false as they vastly vary in measuring the age of the same thing – part 2
From part 1 of this series or threads, the evidence shows that radioactive dating of things with a known young age yield vastly large and inconsistent dates. So, the technique is unreliable. In these cases, the error range is as large as the measured value which means an age 6000 years or less is within the error range. Some of these measurements have a percent error approaching 40 billion percent.
But the evidence also shows that radioactive dating using either the same isotope or different isotopes, even using isochrons, yield very different dates on same things.
Here is the evidence.
Does Radiometric Dating Prove the Earth Is Old?
Radiometric dating and old ages in disarray
Radioisotope Dating of Rocks in the Grand Canyon
Radioisotope Dating of Grand Canyon Rocks: Another Devastating Failure for Long-Age Geology
The Faith of Radiometric Dating - Creation Moments
The Question of Time
These sites also show vastly varying dates but from known historical events.
The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2
Radioactive dating anomalies
"Excess Argon": The "Archilles' Heel" of Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon "Dating" of Volcanic Rocks
More and More Wrong Dates
The rock layers cannot be dated by these techniques and using the fossils they contain, including index fossils, is just pure circular reasoning with no data at all. The rock layers are dated by the assumed age of the rock layers and the assumed age of the fossils they contain. And the fossils are dated by the assumed age of the rocks that contain them.
From part 1 of this series or threads, the evidence shows that radioactive dating of things with a known young age yield vastly large and inconsistent dates. So, the technique is unreliable. In these cases, the error range is as large as the measured value which means an age 6000 years or less is within the error range. Some of these measurements have a percent error approaching 40 billion percent.
But the evidence also shows that radioactive dating using either the same isotope or different isotopes, even using isochrons, yield very different dates on same things.
Here is the evidence.
Does Radiometric Dating Prove the Earth Is Old?
Radiometric dating and old ages in disarray
Radioisotope Dating of Rocks in the Grand Canyon
Radioisotope Dating of Grand Canyon Rocks: Another Devastating Failure for Long-Age Geology
The Faith of Radiometric Dating - Creation Moments
The Question of Time
These sites also show vastly varying dates but from known historical events.
The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2
Radioactive dating anomalies
"Excess Argon": The "Archilles' Heel" of Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon "Dating" of Volcanic Rocks
More and More Wrong Dates
The rock layers cannot be dated by these techniques and using the fossils they contain, including index fossils, is just pure circular reasoning with no data at all. The rock layers are dated by the assumed age of the rock layers and the assumed age of the fossils they contain. And the fossils are dated by the assumed age of the rocks that contain them.