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"Am I A Christian" in 9 pts: pt1

Patrick Miron

Am I a Christian?

Discussion in 'Religions Q&A' started by SerenelyBlue,

[1] I don't believe in Noah and the Ark. [2] I see adam and eve in the garden as symbolism.[3] I have trouble believing that God gave moses tablets and [4] the exodus out of egypt is suspect. [5] I believe God came in the form of Jesus to suffer for our sins and to make us spiritually anew and we will one day be one with groom Christ in Holy union. [6] The body of Christ. [7] There is no Hell. [8] Those that don't have the Holy Spirit living in them simply die. [9] I believe the scritures are imperfect renditions by people that God uses to instruct us.

[10]Am I a Christian?

I have added identification numbers to your POST to identify & address the ten points you raise.

Blue I will take your post seriously; thus a lengthy reply is inevitable; so I trust that the effort I shall make on your behalf will be read in full. Each of the points you raise could be a separate topic of discussion. You may wish to read each point separately; but that’s up to you.

The Topic Heading:

If you are sacramentally Baptized & If you believe in Jesus Christ as GOD; then by strict-definition at least you are a “Christian”; although a nominal one.

Permit me then to address each of the points YOU find to be incredulous which I have numbered for the sake of reference.

Before we delve into your points if disagreement, it seems prudent to do a brief review of God’s Role in His Bible’s existence.

2 Tim. 3: 16-17[16] All scripture, {is} inspired of God, {and} is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice, [17] That the man of God may be perfect, furnished to every good work.”

DOUAY Bible Commentary: [16] "All scripture,": Every part of divine scripture is certainly profitable for all these ends. But, if we would have the whole rule of Christian faith and practice, we must not be content with those Scriptures, which Timothy knew from his infancy, that is, with the Old Testament alone: nor yet with the New Testament, without taking along with it the traditions of the apostles, and the interpretation of the church, to which the apostles delivered both the book, and the true meaning of it.

Psalm 30: 5[5] Every word of God is fire tried: he is a buckler to them that hope in him.” Douay: [5] "Is fire tried": That is, most pure, like gold purified by fire

Lk. 4: 4[4] And Jesus answered him: It is written, that Man liveth not by bread alone, but by every word of God”

Now my new friend I would like to share a few bible realities with you.

1 Everything that is in God’s Bible is there because God the Holy Spirit desired that it be included; hence nothing in the bible is to be considered frivolous; or unnecessary. {Everything has at least a moral story implications.}

2 Everything in the bible is true BUT not necessary factual or literal.

3 NO SINGLE VERSE, PASSAGE, OR TEACHING HAS THE POWER; THAT IS THE AUTHORITY TO OVERRIDE, INVALIDATE, OR MAKE VOID; ANOTHER VERSE, PASSAGE OF TEACHING. Were such to be even a possibility {ITS NOT}, it would render the entire bible as worthless to teach or learn God’s Will for His humanity. {Isaiah 43: verses 7 & 21.}

4 In life and in death; God is always in charge; whether we know it, agree to it or even like it. It’s termed “Divine Providence” theologically.

5 The Old Testament leads to the New Testament, which Jesus completes and perfects.

[1] I Don’t Believe in Noah’s ark:

A few general points:

Point #1 This story is in the bible for a reason: WHAT THEN IS THE REASON?

This is a recounting of yet another failing of God’s Creation, made in His Image. Satan and the other fallen angels; then Adan and Eve {which we will discuss}; and now very-many of their descendants. It is to be note that each of them were created by GOD in His very Image {Gen. 1: 26-27} ….. Possessing the attributes necessary to be Rational Beings, as is God.

There is ungoing debate about whether Noah and the Ark are real. Below are 3 sites you can review and a fuller understanding of this issue.

[1 ] https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/806755/Noah-s-Ark-discovered-Bible-archaeology

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah's_Ark

[3] https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/evidence-for-a-flood-102813115/

From the Douay Bible Commentary: Genesis chapters 6 & 7

2 "The sons of God"... The descendants of Seth and Enos are here called sons of God from their religion and piety: whereas the ungodly race of Cain, who by their carnal affections lay grovelling upon the earth, are called the children of men. The unhappy consequence of the former marrying with the latter, ought to be a warning to Christians to be very circumspect in their marriages; and not to suffer themselves to be determined in their choice by their carnal passion, to the prejudice of virtue or religion.

3 "His days shall be"... The meaning is, that man's days, which before the flood were usually 900 years, should now be reduced to 120 years. Or rather, that God would allow men this term of 120 years, for their repentance and conversion, before he would send the deluge.

4 "Giants"... It is likely the generality of men before the flood were of a gigantic stature in comparison with what men now are. But these here spoken of are called giants, as being not only tall in stature, but violent and savage in their dispositions, and mere monsters of cruelty and lust

6 It repented him that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with sorrow of heart, 7 He said: I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8 But Noe found grace before the Lord. 9 These are the generations of Noe: Noe was a just and perfect man in his generations, he walked with God. 10 And he begot three sons, Sem, Cham, and Japheth.

6 "It repented him"... God, who is unchangeable, is not capable of repentance, grief, or any other passion. But these expressions are used to declare the enormity of the sins of men, which was so provoking as to determine their Creator to destroy these his creatures, whom before he had so much favoured.

11 “And the earth was corrupted before God, and was filled with iniquity. 12 And when God had seen that the earth was corrupted (for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth,) 13 He said to Noe: The end of all flesh is come before me, the earth is filled with iniquity through them, and I will destroy them with the earth. 14 Make thee an ark of timber planks: thou shalt make little rooms in the ark, and thou shalt pitch it within and without. 15 And thus shalt thou make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits: the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.”

God certainly has the Moral right to do what is claimed; even IF {??} it did not take place precisely as shared. Actions Do; actions MUST have consequences. And God also has the Power, the authority to do whatever Divine Justice demands.

This story is an early indication of heaven {Noah and his sons} and Hell: everyone else. Now reread Mt. 7: 13-27

see pt 2
The Moral lesson is that SIN will be punished! Yet so long as we LIVE, God is and can be Merciful. Take note that this moral story ends on a positive note; Yahweh giving humanity yet another opportunity to fulfill the precise reason for our existence. {Isa. 43: 7 & 21}

End Pt 1 of 9


Active Member
Am I a Christian?

Discussion in 'Religions Q&A' started by SerenelyBlue,

[1] I don't believe in Noah and the Ark.
End Pt 1 of 9

Can a person claim to be "Christian" whilst at the same time not accepting Jesus's teachings ?
For instance some do not believe in the flood of Noah's day, yet Jesus used the flood as an example for our days, thus he believed in it.

Mat 24:37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

Is proclaiming to be Christian enought to be approved by Christ?
Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of the heavens...I will say to them: I never knew you....(Mat 7:21)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

Can a person claim to be "Christian" whilst at the same time not accepting Jesus's teachings ?
For instance some do not believe in the flood of Noah's day, yet Jesus used the flood as an example for our days, thus he believed in it.

Mat 24:37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

Is proclaiming to be Christian enought to be approved by Christ?
Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of the heavens...I will say to them: I never knew you....(Mat 7:21)
Jesus often used various literary tools in his teachings. That reference to an obvious myth could be the same as saying "she is as old as the hills". One need not believe the myths of Genesis to be a Christian.

Patrick Miron


Can a person claim to be "Christian" whilst at the same time not accepting Jesus's teachings ?
For instance some do not believe in the flood of Noah's day, yet Jesus used the flood as an example for our days, thus he believed in it.

Mat 24:37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

Is proclaiming to be Christian enought to be approved by Christ?
Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of the heavens...I will say to them: I never knew you....(Mat 7:21)

Can a person claim to be "Christian" whilst at the same time not accepting Jesus's teachings ?
For instance some do not believe in the flood of Noah's day, yet Jesus used the flood as an example for our days, thus he believed in it.

Mat 24:37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

Is proclaiming to be Christian enought to be approved by Christ?
Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of the heavens...I will say to them: I never knew you....(Mat 7:21)

Thank you!

Faith has to be lived... A wise person once noted that the only bible most folks will read is OUR lives witness, Nothing speaks more loudly about Jesus than OUR Faith lived publicly.

God Bless you,
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Patrick Miron

Jesus often used various literary tools in his teachings. That reference to an obvious myth could be the same as saying "she is as old as the hills". One need not believe the myths of Genesis to be a Christian.


But how does one separate the myth from the teaching, was more to what I was trying to express.

God Bless you,


Active Member
Jesus often used various literary tools in his teachings. That reference to an obvious myth could be the same as saying "she is as old as the hills". One need not believe the myths of Genesis to be a Christian.
It is true, a Christian is not required to believe in myths.

However the account of the flood is far more than a story.

Jesus Christ indicated that it has prophetic significance. In his prophecy about " the conclusinon of our system" in answer to a question his diciple asked (Mat 3) he made specific reference to the days of Noah. He then pointed to the flood as a warning example of a greater destruction to come during his presence (as enthroned king).

There are many details concerning the building of the ark, attitudes toward Noahs work, detail of his family, details of associated challenges, places, timeframe, name of individual as well a geneaology resulting from survivors. All of that would have to be one big fabrication, one that Jesus has endorsed.

It commendable when a person imitates the caution the Beroaens displayed in Acts 17:11 where it states that although accepting the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, they careffully examined the scriptures to see whether these things were so.
They however did not declare themselve Christians untll they did accept the word.
It is questionabel if a person that claims to be christian and arbitrarily rejects Jesus warnings as myths would be accepted by him as such.

There are numerous facts that support the flood as being a historic event.

For instance

The historian Josephus claims that people were climbing Mount Ararat to take piece of the ark as souvenirs.

Almost every civilization has a flood "legend"
Here are some:
Babylon _ Berossus' account-Gilgamesh epic
Bolivia-Sea Dayak
Burma -singpho
Cuba-original natives
East Africa-Masai

This is just an short example , the list go on and on.
There is strong historic but more importantly scriptural evidence to support the flood of Noahs day.

1 Thess 5:21 "make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine

All the best

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
It is true, a Christian is not required to believe in myths.

However the account of the flood is far more than a story.

Jesus Christ indicated that it has prophetic significance. In his prophecy about " the conclusinon of our system" in answer to a question his diciple asked (Mat 3) he made specific reference to the days of Noah. He then pointed to the flood as a warning example of a greater destruction to come during his presence (as enthroned king).

There are many details concerning the building of the ark, attitudes toward Noahs work, detail of his family, details of associated challenges, places, timeframe, name of individual as well a geneaology resulting from survivors. All of that would have to be one big fabrication, one that Jesus has endorsed.

It commendable when a person imitates the caution the Beroaens displayed in Acts 17:11 where it states that although accepting the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, they careffully examined the scriptures to see whether these things were so.
They however did not declare themselve Christians untll they did accept the word.
It is questionabel if a person that claims to be christian and arbitrarily rejects Jesus warnings as myths would be accepted by him as such.

There are numerous facts that support the flood as being a historic event.

For instance

The historian Josephus claims that people were climbing Mount Ararat to take piece of the ark as souvenirs.

Almost every civilization has a flood "legend"
Here are some:
Babylon _ Berossus' account-Gilgamesh epic
Bolivia-Sea Dayak
Burma -singpho
Cuba-original natives
East Africa-Masai

This is just an short example , the list go on and on.
There is strong historic but more importantly scriptural evidence to support the flood of Noahs day.

1 Thess 5:21 "make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine

All the best
Only the very scientifically illiterate and severely self deluded believe the flood myth. First off the Noah's Ark myth came from the Gilgamesh story. Now that may have been based on a severe local flood, but the Ark part is nonsense. If you want to go over the science I will gladly do so. And though many areas have flood myths many do not. For example it is lacking in Egypt. That is because floods that can be devastating in other areas are a must for Egypt. Japan lacks one. And those local myths vary quite a bit. The differences in the myths are evidence against one flood. In case you did not know it people need water. They tend to live by waterways. Waterways fairly often flood and myths can be started by those floods.

What you should be trying to learn is why we know that there was no flood. One does not have to believe in the flood myth to be a Christian. Nor the Adam and Eve myth. Nor the Tower of Babel myth. Nor even the Exodus.

Patrick Miron

It is true, a Christian is not required to believe in myths.

However the account of the flood is far more than a story.

Jesus Christ indicated that it has prophetic significance. In his prophecy about " the conclusinon of our system" in answer to a question his diciple asked (Mat 3) he made specific reference to the days of Noah. He then pointed to the flood as a warning example of a greater destruction to come during his presence (as enthroned king).

There are many details concerning the building of the ark, attitudes toward Noahs work, detail of his family, details of associated challenges, places, timeframe, name of individual as well a geneaology resulting from survivors. All of that would have to be one big fabrication, one that Jesus has endorsed.

It commendable when a person imitates the caution the Beroaens displayed in Acts 17:11 where it states that although accepting the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, they careffully examined the scriptures to see whether these things were so.
They however did not declare themselve Christians untll they did accept the word.
It is questionabel if a person that claims to be christian and arbitrarily rejects Jesus warnings as myths would be accepted by him as such.

There are numerous facts that support the flood as being a historic event.

For instance

The historian Josephus claims that people were climbing Mount Ararat to take piece of the ark as souvenirs.

Almost every civilization has a flood "legend"
Here are some:
Babylon _ Berossus' account-Gilgamesh epic
Bolivia-Sea Dayak
Burma -singpho
Cuba-original natives
East Africa-Masai

This is just an short example , the list go on and on.
There is strong historic but more importantly scriptural evidence to support the flood of Noahs day.

1 Thess 5:21 "make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine

All the best

Thank you, excellent reply! And I personally DO believe the Story of the Ark,
God Bless,

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Thank you, excellent reply! And I personally DO believe the Story of the Ark,
God Bless,
But that can be shown to have never happened. That was refuted long before the Adam and Eve myth was refuted.

For example a worldwide flood would leave massive evidence, and yet there is not one whit of evidence for such a flood. To declare that it really happened is saying that God went and covered up the evidence both from the flood and from the events that would have taken generations to recover from after the flood. It is a belief in a lying God.

By the time that one shrinks the flood to a possible level one is left with a flood that Noah could have walked away form and would not have threatened anything or anyone with extinction. It makes the flood totally ineffective.

Patrick Miron

But that can be shown to have never happened. That was refuted long before the Adam and Eve myth was refuted.

For example a worldwide flood would leave massive evidence, and yet there is not one whit of evidence for such a flood. To declare that it really happened is saying that God went and covered up the evidence both from the flood and from the events that would have taken generations to recover from after the flood. It is a belief in a lying God.

By the time that one shrinks the flood to a possible level one is left with a flood that Noah could have walked away form and would not have threatened anything or anyone with extinction. It makes the flood totally ineffective.

Did Noah’s ARK exist?

Please see the following sites:





Now here’s what I know:

I know {FAITH} THAT THE Bible is a God Inspired Book which is some 1,900 years old. And the Old Testament dates back another 2,000 years or so.

The story has existed thousands of years; yes its veracity has been much challenged; still serious people and serious DOLLARDS are being expended to both prove and disprove it. Neither with verifiable success. That it cannot be disproven is more compelling than rock-solid evidence that it is true.

Thanks for sharing your views with me,


Patrick Miron

But that can be shown to have never happened. That was refuted long before the Adam and Eve myth was refuted.

For example a worldwide flood would leave massive evidence, and yet there is not one whit of evidence for such a flood. To declare that it really happened is saying that God went and covered up the evidence both from the flood and from the events that would have taken generations to recover from after the flood. It is a belief in a lying God.

By the time that one shrinks the flood to a possible level one is left with a flood that Noah could have walked away form and would not have threatened anything or anyone with extinction. It makes the flood totally ineffective.

Did Noah’s ARK exist?

Please see the following sites:





Now here’s what I know:

I know {FAITH} THAT THE Bible is a God Inspired Book which is some 1,900 years old. And the Old Testament dates back another 2,000 years or so.

The story has existed thousands of years; yes its veracity has been much challenged; still serious people and serious DOLLARDS are being expended to both prove and disprove it. Neither with verifiable success. That it cannot be disproven is more compelling than rock-solid evidence that it is true.

Thanks for sharing your views with me,


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Did Noah’s ARK exist?

Please see the following sites:





Now here’s what I know:

I know {FAITH} THAT THE Bible is a God Inspired Book which is some 1,900 years old. And the Old Testament dates back another 2,000 years or so.

The story has existed thousands of years; yes its veracity has been much challenged; still serious people and serious DOLLARDS are being expended to both prove and disprove it. Neither with verifiable success. That it cannot be disproven is more compelling than rock-solid evidence that it is true.

Thanks for sharing your views with me,

Contradicting sources. And yes, the myth was refuted a long time ago. Your first source deals with the Black Sea flood. A flood that people could and did walk away from. Cities, not so much. Since they could not walk they are still found. That probably did not inspire the Biblical myth. That was more likely a flood of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys.

The Nat Geo article pointed out that the people looking were not taken seriously. I am not chasing down articles that you were too embarrassed to quote.

Real floods do happen and inspire myths. That does not lend any credence to the myth itself.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Did Noah’s ARK exist?

Please see the following sites:





Now here’s what I know:

I know {FAITH} THAT THE Bible is a God Inspired Book which is some 1,900 years old. And the Old Testament dates back another 2,000 years or so.

The story has existed thousands of years; yes its veracity has been much challenged; still serious people and serious DOLLARDS are being expended to both prove and disprove it. Neither with verifiable success. That it cannot be disproven is more compelling than rock-solid evidence that it is true.

Thanks for sharing your views with me,

Contradicting sources. And yes, the myth was refuted a long time ago. Your first source deals with the Black Sea flood. A flood that people could and did walk away from. Cities, not so much. Since they could not walk they are still found. That probably did not inspire the Biblical myth. That was more likely a flood of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys.

The Nat Geo article pointed out that the people looking were not taken seriously. I am not chasing down articles that you were too embarrassed to quote.

Real floods do happen and inspire myths. That does not lend any credence to the myth itself.

Patrick Miron

Contradicting sources. And yes, the myth was refuted a long time ago. Your first source deals with the Black Sea flood. A flood that people could and did walk away from. Cities, not so much. Since they could not walk they are still found. That probably did not inspire the Biblical myth. That was more likely a flood of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys.

The Nat Geo article pointed out that the people looking were not taken seriously. I am not chasing down articles that you were too embarrassed to quote.

Real floods do happen and inspire myths. That does not lend any credence to the myth itself.

My friend, I enjoyed talking with you,




Active Member
Only the very scientifically illiterate and severely self deluded believe the flood myth. First off the Noah's Ark myth came from the Gilgamesh story. Now that may have been based on a severe local flood, but the Ark part is nonsense. If you want to go over the science I will gladly do so. And though many areas have flood myths many do not. For example it is lacking in Egypt. That is because floods that can be devastating in other areas are a must for Egypt. Japan lacks one. And those local myths vary quite a bit. The differences in the myths are evidence against one flood. In case you did not know it people need water. They tend to live by waterways. Waterways fairly often flood and myths can be started by those floods.

What you should be trying to learn is why we know that there was no flood. One does not have to believe in the flood myth to be a Christian. Nor the Adam and Eve myth. Nor the Tower of Babel myth. Nor even the Exodus.

It is true, Japan has no flood account.

But Egypt does - Book of the dead.
It mentions there: Destruction by water, Divine cause, Warning given, Humans spared and preserved in a vessel.

Although there is some historical and genealogical evidence for the flood admitedly these are not conclusive.

Stronger evidence is the endorsement Bible writers gave under inspiration.
Although the only place "deluge" occurs outside the Genesis accout in Ps 29:10 where David's describes JHVH as as seated "upon the deluge" other Bible writers make reference to and confirm the Genesis account.
Isaiah, Ezekiel,Matthew, Luke, Paul and of course Jesus himself.

And yes I have looked at the possibility of proof of a flood from a secular point of view but have never found anything to disprove it's veracity.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

It is true, Japan has no flood account.

But Egypt does - Book of the dead.
It mentions there: Destruction by water, Divine cause, Warning given, Humans spared and preserved in a vessel.

Although there is some historical and genealogical evidence for the flood admitedly these are not conclusive.

Stronger evidence is the endorsement Bible writers gave under inspiration.
Although the only place "deluge" occurs outside the Genesis accout in Ps 29:10 where David's describes JHVH as as seated "upon the deluge" other Bible writers make reference to and confirm the Genesis account.
Isaiah, Ezekiel,Matthew, Luke, Paul and of course Jesus himself.

And yes I have looked at the possibility of proof of a flood from a secular point of view but have never found anything to disprove it's veracity.
You need some sources to support your claims. And too bad that you are scientifically illiterate, that the flood never happened is obvious if one understands the sciences.

I am not an expert on Egyptology, but the Book of the Dead is a book of spells for the preparation for the afterlife. It seems like a strange place for such a myth.

I do not know of any historical or genealogical evidence for the flood. I do know that genetic evidence refutes it.

Patrick Miron


It is true, Japan has no flood account.

But Egypt does - Book of the dead.
It mentions there: Destruction by water, Divine cause, Warning given, Humans spared and preserved in a vessel.

Although there is some historical and genealogical evidence for the flood admitedly these are not conclusive.

Stronger evidence is the endorsement Bible writers gave under inspiration.
Although the only place "deluge" occurs outside the Genesis accout in Ps 29:10 where David's describes JHVH as as seated "upon the deluge" other Bible writers make reference to and confirm the Genesis account.
Isaiah, Ezekiel,Matthew, Luke, Paul and of course Jesus himself.

And yes I have looked at the possibility of proof of a flood from a secular point of view but have never found anything to disprove it's veracity.

Thank you so much for sharing this information,

God Bless you,