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Americans on WMD Proliferation


Well-Known Member
Seeming is believing, according to the Program on International Policy Attitudes, which released a March 2004 survey of U.S. public perception regarding weapons of mass destruction. Americans think that the United States has 200 nuclear weapons ready to be used on short notice. The actual number is closer to 6,000 active strategic warheads, more than 2,000 of which are on high alert. The study also indicates that Americans prioritize arms control (particularly in relation to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and Libya) over capturing Osama bin Laden.

  • 92% favor giving international inspectors the power to examine biological research laboratories in all countries, including in the United States.
  • 74% incorrectly assume that the U.S. also favors inspections.
  • 87% favor U.S. participation in the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
  • 56% incorrectly assume that the United States is already a CTBT signer.
  • 91% think the United Sates should participate in a worldwide ban of all biological and chemical weapons.
  • 82% support the U.S. and other nuclear powers agreeing to reduce the number of nuclear weapons on high alert.
  • 65% said it is not necessary to develop new types of nuclear weapons.
Source: "Americans on WMD Proliferation," PIPA/Knowledge Networks Poll (April 15, 2004).
Mass Perception
Compiled by Rose Marie Berger and Brian Bolton


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Reading between the lines of this, it sounds like the general public is saner than its leaders.


Captain Obvious
I also favor disarming our WMDs.

After all, there are the people who are trying their hardest to get one. They're dangerous. Then there are the people who thing they have a right to them. They are just as dangerous...

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I find it interesting that our current government is concerned with the spread of 'WMD's when they broke the ACBM treaty so they could deveolp new 'tactical' nukes. 'Baby nukes' that we could drop on our enemies to 'bunker bust'. What better way to prevent our using our nukes, when we made clear that we were looking for ways to use them in current warfare, than by makeing your own? :(
We (the USA) can take almost direct credit for the new blossoming of the Nuclear states.



Uber all member
The actual number is closer to 6,000 active strategic warheads, more than 2,000 of which are on high alert.
Picky. picky, picky. There are probably 2,000 delivery vehicles all with multiple warheads.

Bombers are the on the least high alert but subs and silos are manned and ready to procede, should politics require it, into higher stages of alert. Most are at DEFCON (Defense Condition) 5 or 4. DEFCON 1 is the highest alert status and is declared with an immenant attack coming our way. (unless, the system has been changed)


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Oh sure... tell the commies why doncha? Now everyone knows! :D

So, in respect to this poll, WHY did we elect the man bent on becoming the "War President"???


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
What I worry about most is a weapon falling into the hands of terroists. That's my nightmare. Such a weapon could easily take out a large city like New York or LA, throw this country into an economic depression, and raise to power an extremist who curtails civil liberties and imposes martial law. Not a pretty scenerio.