You've already blown off someone "more qualified" than I am in that area.
I hope you can understand and would, that im a Christian.
So, Shadow Wolf.....when you deal with a real one, then, ....when they are hearing, reading, hateful denial of God's Word and personal attack on God's Son,...then a real Christian feels this personally, as if someone were attacking your mother, you father, your children.
See, the born again have entered into a relationship with God through Christ that is supernatural, ...Yet which exists in the natural realm, and we know what we know, not because we read about Jesus, ..but its because Jesus lives in us, as we are "in Christ".
A Christian has become a part of God's Eternal family. This has literally and actually happened.
Now.....There is no way that this Supernatural experience can be understood, without the experience. So, when you meet someone who has this daily and then lifelong experience, then, that is supremely different the talking with someone who is religious, and perhaps goes to church...etc.