Sure, I can do that.
There is a problem, you haven't set the standard for best case.
Now I suppose you mean best in an objective sense.
That is not possible, because of cognitive relativism.
Now you are in all likelihood going to demand that I explain that using science?!! I can't, because science as a form of knowledge is limited, so I can't explain it. I can inform you how the universe works, but because of cognitive relativism, I can't explain it in the best objective sense, because there is no best objective sense.
So here it goes for 3 different subjective versions of the universe:
Someone: The universe is natural.
Someone else. No, the universe is from God.
Me: Nobody can explain the universe in the best sense, because nobody can explain it solely objectively. The next best thing is to inform that it can't be done objectively and we are all subjective when it comes to what the universe really is.
That is how, you understand this:
Science has limits: A few things that science does not do
And that is how, that I can't explain it using science. I have to use philosophy as general skepticism and in the end I have to inform you how it works and not explain it, because explaining is limited.
You can believe that the universe is natural and get away with it.
A believer in metaphysical idealism can believe in that and get away with it
And a general skeptic like me can believe that I don't know and and get away with it.
That is cognitive relativism in practice. Now I have informed you about how it works in practice.
What you do with that is your problem as you do it and not mine.
So the best explanation is that God created the universe around 10000 years ago and as above are testing our faith,
It is the subjectively best one for some people and you have another subjectively best one. I can just inform that it is so and you can still subjectively believe that yours is the best objectively.
But that is not any different than anybody else who subjectively claim that they have the best objective explanation.
Sorry, you haven't gotten the memo, but your version of science was discovered around the 1940's not to work.