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Anastasia and Timur


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Here is some spontaneous prose in the form of a short short story that I have just now written. Nobody has to actually read it.

There was a 17-year-old girl named Anastasia. She grew up well-mannered and educated, and she was so pretty. Her parents loved her very much, and she was never a source of trouble at school.

While in her last year of high school, she fell in love with a boy named Timur. He was 18 years old and also had good manners. Everybody admired his theatrical performances. They respected his truthfulness and kindness. They cherished his thick wavy black hair.

One autumn morning, Timur was riding his sporty Yamaha motorcycle on the misty street between fields of forest. Out of the ordinary, he noticed something in the grass ahead on the right side. It was a lifeless body!

Timur slammed the breaks on his sporty motorcycle. Astonished, he saw that the body was none other than the body of his dear father. He had been shot and poisoned by evil-doers on the road. Timur got off his motorcycle, gently laid it on the ground, and went to the soulless body.

He touched his father's gorgeous greying hair and wept for a few moments. 'My dear Father,' he said sadly, 'You raised me well, you taught me well, and you lettèd me know that I always made you proud. Mom loved you very much. I did. We all did. I wanted you to see me prosper in life. I wanted you to see Anastasia and I get married. I wanted you to see your grandkids. Now, you can only see these aforementioned things in in the heavenly world at the top of the Great Birch.'

The ambulance arried and they took the body of the good father of Timur. Timur wept perfectly still as he watched it slowly drive away into the fog.

He walked home and embraced his mother. She heard the news and they held each other and wept on that dreariest of dreary days.

The next day, Sunday, they were visited by Anastasia in the morning. She embraced Timur and his mother. 'I am deeply sorry,' whispered Anastasia, 'We will get through this together.' They had tea and toast and pancakes. There was heavy thunder and lightning and rain.

That evening, Anastasia and Timur were sitting close together in the living room sofa, watching Harry Potter the Movie on DVD. As they talked about family, school, and their future life together as a happily married couple with fantastic careers, Timur said to her, 'Anastasia, we have been together for together for three years now.' He took her beautiful right hand into his right hands. 'I love you,' he said.

As tears like liquid crystal suddenly ran down from her spotless eyes, Anastasia replied, 'I love you too, Timur.' Just before Anastasia could utter anything else, Timur said to her, 'I never want to lose you.' Looking into his eyes and tilting her head to the left, with more shiny tears streaming down, Anastasia said to him, 'I promise you that I won't.' Suddenly, Anastasia looked away, coughed really hard, looked again into Timur's eyes, and then she lost awareness and collapsed. Timur jumped up from the sofa and yelled, 'Anastaaaaaasiaaa!'

That night, Timur walked back and borth slowly through the hallway at the St. Basil Hospital in Olympia, Washington. Anastasia's mother and father walked out of her particular room into the hallway. They slowly approached Timur, and then they embraced him. The tears flowed from his dark amber eyes and down onto his soft skin like rainwater sliding down a polished window. 'I'm afraid she's not going to make it,' whispered Anastasia's mother. 'This is a sad day for a mom and dad. I'm so sorry,' bellowed out Anastasia's father.

The next day, Timur went to his Biology II, Algebra III, English III, and Theater Arts II classes at high school. Instead of eating during lunch time, he repeatedly punched a punching bag in the school gym. The gym teacher, Coach Black, assumed that Timur might grow up to become a champion boxer.

After eating dinner with his mother that evening, there was a phone call. Riiiing! Riiiing! Timur's mother picked up the phone. 'Hello? Yes. Yes. Oh. Right. What was it? Oh. Yes. Yes. Mmhm. Yes. Right. Right. Yes. Oh. Oohhh! Yes! Yes! Oooh! Yes! I'll tell him.' She went to Timur and explained to him that Anastasia will live. They embraced.

Timur pushed open the storm door and ran like the wind to the St. Basil Hospital over there in Olympia, Washington. Inside, he ran down the long, long hallway and then made a sharp right turn to the particular room in which Anastasia was resting. Gently, he opened the door and slowly walked into the room. There, he saw his beloved Anastasia lying in the hospital bed in a pastel pink hospital gown and holding onto a little stuffed polar bear. 'Oh, Timur!' she exclaimed, 'I'm so glad you came to see me!' They held hands and kissed while she was lying back and he was standing over her in the medical bed.

Anastasia and Timur graduated high school the next month. Timur went to acting school while Anastasia went to film school, both within the same city, the one where they grew up and met each other.

One dark and frighteningly stormy night, Timur and his mother together with Anastasia and her parents were having a roast dinner together in the latter's house. Suddenly, out of the blue, there was a dark and scary knock on the front door. Everyone got still and was silent. The knock knocked again. Anastasia looked worried. Her mother clutched her purse. Her father suddenly looked ready for battle. Timur looked nervous yet daring. A third time, there was the knocking. Timur sighed. He went straight to the door and opened it.

On the porch, there was a medium sized man with kyphosis and dark circles around his eyes. He was leaning on a closed umbrella and had an envelope in his other hand. In a deep voice, he said, 'I believe this is for you, Timur.' Feeling surprised and confused, Timur took the envelope. The strange man began whistling and walking away into the storm with his umbrella of charcoal color. After he shut the door, Timur opened the envelope. There was a letter inside. As he unfolded it, everyone crowded around to listen to him read it.

Timur read the letter aloud: Dear Timur, I have been feeling deeply grieved since the death of your father. I heard that he had been the best father that you ever had. He was to me the best brother that I ever had. As you mourn, I mourn. Your grief is my grief. Your grey clouds are my grey clouds. We are brought together in spirit as we go through this. Nevertheless, I cannot grieve for long. Life is too short, at least for me. There are only nine days left for this old man. Soon, you will receive a handsome inheritance of eight million dollars and a mansion in the northern part of this city. Come see me before it's too late. Your loving uncle, Elcan.

The next day, Timur visited his uncle at noon. They talked and talked over tea and toast until the earliest part of that tranquil night. 'You will make a fine actor, my dear nephew,' said Uncle Elcan, 'I know that you will be married to a wonderful woman, and she will always be the woman of your dreams.'

Nature took its course. Uncle Elcan passed away several days later. Timur inherited the mansion and the money. His mother sold the house and moved into the mansion with him. It was a busy, hectic move. After much time passed, Timur graduated from acting school and began his acting career. Anastasia graduated from film school, but she wasn't sure what to do.

Timur and Anastasia got married in the winter. Anastasia wrote children's books under her real name and some novels under a pseudonym. Her books for children were in every house; all of her novels were well-known. Timur starred in Shakespearean plays and liked to play the spoons on the back porch of the mansion.