Well-Known Member
Or would you like to try to learn what science is? How it is done.
You can't even understand that the better prediction almost always represents the better theory. And you want to lecture me about what science is!!!
When a theory makes nearly perfect predictions out of the clear blue you can be pretty sure it is correct.
The problem with homo omnisciencis and Peers composed of homo omnisciencis is that we all can see only evidence that supports what we believe. Everything else isn't evidence at all. Egyptologists believe hundreds of thousands of men lived and died on ramps but when I point out the word "ramp" isn't even attested from the great pyramid building age they say it's not evidence. When I point out that it's known that the pyramid builders were men, women, and children in roughly similar numbers and all the adults displayed lots of wear on their skeletons then... ...well... ...that isn't evidence either. Even the nobles had wear on their skeletons but no evidence here.
Virtually everything known about the pyramids and the culture is not evidence to current theory!!!!!!!! That the pyramids are stepped is not evidence. That theory has made no accurate predictions in many decades is not evidence.
Meanwhile my theory not only incorporates most of what's know about the culture and pyramids but it makes one prediction after another.
Meanwhile I am left to argue with those who think Peers are the final say in what is real as the Peers Themselves refuse to methodically apply modern knowledge and science to proving my theory OR learning how the pyramids were built!!! And now the "search engines" don't return relevancies or facts and just advertisements and doctrine.
So why don't you tell me why science works. I'm sure it will be good for a chuckle though I might not respond.