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And the name of the new party is ...

Are we witnessing the waning days of the 2-Party system?

  • Yes

  • No

  • other

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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
What we see with Trump and Sanders transcends anything suggested by Perot and Nader.

Are we witnessing the waning days of the 2-Party system?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I voted other because I really, really hope we are. I remember Perot had a lot of momentum going for him, but it pales in comparison to what Sanders and Trump have accomplished, with Sanders being the Independent who went Democrat because it's just so much easier that way and Trump as a total outsider who is another wedge that is even further dividing the Republican party. I won't hold my breath, but I really hope this election cycles deals a heavy blow the two party system.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
I also hope that would be the case...I will not be holding my breath, or putting any money on it, making any plans, etc.

I think we need a party with a bison as their imaginary animal.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
I voted 'No' because it's insanely difficult for people to break the habits of a life-time. Like the others, I hope I'm wrong.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Nah, we're sorta stuck with it, although it is possible for a party to split or a new one emerge that could replace an old one. Even though the colonists didn't want political parties when we first formed as a nation, the way our system works tends to favor 2-party domination.

Actually, I prefer the parliamentary system for that reason and some others.


What? Me worry?
Even with the political turmoil being kicked up in this election year I think we're still heading for another 2-party system; us and them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
As I understand it, the two party system is institutionalized in laws and regulations that make it extremely difficult for a third party candidate to get on the ballot in all states. Because of that, and because a very large number of people are brand-loyal to one party or the other, I think it's unlikely we're witnessing the demise of the two party system. But I do think it likely that we're witnessing massive challenges to the party elites in both parties. If so, it will be interesting to see who wins out.

My prediction: If the challengers (e.g. Sanders, Trump) fail to win, some of their followers might split off to form or join third parties, and some might drop out of politics in disillusionment, but most will toe the line and vote for the candidates of the elites.


Revelation all the time
I voted yes. I think this election cycle is opening up things that could've been opened up at any point before, but being in the information age will be tougher to keep them under wraps. The delegate system is clearly 'rigged' to favor what establishment wants. Clearly, many people are no longer fully satisfied with the establishment, and if executive orders are held up (under current SCOTUS proceedings going on now), then a significant change to delegates isn't necessarily too far off. Even without executive order, I see people getting restless with how the process goes. Used to be something that happens every 4 years, but in last few election cycles it is more like every 2 years. If Trump or Hillary win, I could see it being much sooner that people are keenly interested in who might oppose them after their 4 years are up. Therefore, the way the system is set up could be something that is addressed with more gusto in far less than 4 years from Nov. of 2016.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The America Now Party! We Won't Be Buffaloed, and if You Sell Your Kids, We'll Buy Son! (Bison?)
Maybe stick with the eagle.
It occurs to me that if the Pubs dump Trump,
& he forms a 3rd party, I suggest this theme song....


Amor Vincit Omnia
Nah, but only because we really like dichotomies. Even if one of our parties disappears, it just gets replaced by a new one that looks just like it. Just ask the Whigs.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Only if they had enough popular support to be elected.
That's Democracy for you.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
The America Now Party! We Won't Be Buffaloed, and if You Sell Your Kids, We'll Buy Son! (Bison?)

Maybe stick with the eagle.
Another idea I like is Ben Franklin's suggestion of the Wild Turkey as our national bird...and it could double as our national drink, as well...:p

Edit: I was thinking of the bison because it is big, lumbering, and not-too-bright-but-awfully-stong--kind of like the American electorate...

Turkeys have a certain cache about them, as well...

My third thought was The Opossum...


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
What we see with Trump and Sanders transcends anything suggested by Perot and Nader.

Are we witnessing the waning days of the 2-Party system?
I voted 'No'. Nothing on the horizon that I think is a serious threat to the status quo. Perot and Nader I don't think even ran in a traditional party. And another thought is that our system requires a majority of electoral college delegates. How does this work if there are four or five parties?