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how did God created angels? Or; how does God create angels?

they are simply messengers of god.

speaking them into existance would be a stretch at best

Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Early Christians inherited Jewish understandings of angels, which in turn may have been partly inherited from the Egyptians

in the space of little more than two centuries (from the third to the fifth) the image of angels took on definite characteristics both in theology and in art


Well-Known Member
From the Baha'i scriptures:

"[C]oncerning His words: 'And He shall send His angels...' By 'angels' is meant those who, reinforced by the power of the spirit, have consumed, with the fire of the love of God, all human traits and limitations, and have clothed themselves with the attributes of the most exalted Beings...."
­The Book of Certitude, pp. 78-79
Thus angels are in fact people who have become completely spiritual!


He either spoke them into existance of formed them from things that already existed if He followed the process of other created things mentioned in the Bible.
Dont you think that humans create angels? Even animals create angels.
We speak about signals; for instance cell phone signals, but indeed these are spiritual channels or angels.


Not your average Mormon
how did God created angels? Or; how does God create angels?
How? I don't believe you'll find an answer to that question anywhere in the Bible, but since I believe that angels are simply heavenly messengers -- men and women who are like us but not "mortal" -- I'd say He created them the same way He created us. I have my own beliefs on how He created us (in very general terms) but they aren't specifically mentioned in the Bible.


I don't believe you'll find an answer to that question anywhere in the Bible

i dont believe you will find that answer anywhere. this is the closest definition you will find right here.

to refer to beings traditionally interpreted as angels. Other terms are used in later texts, such as העליונים (ha'elyoneem; the upper ones). It is, however, only in the later books of the Hebrew Bible that these terms "come to mean the benevolent semidivine beings familiar from later mythology and art.

in the above statement you can see the evolution of angels from spirits/ghost to the commonly know angel .

you may have better luck searching, where do ghost come from then angels


i dont believe you will find that answer anywhere. this is the closest definition you will find right here.

to refer to beings traditionally interpreted as angels. Other terms are used in later texts, such as העליונים (ha'elyoneem; the upper ones). It is, however, only in the later books of the Hebrew Bible that these terms "come to mean the benevolent semidivine beings familiar from later mythology and art.

in the above statement you can see the evolution of angels from spirits/ghost to the commonly know angel .

you may have better luck searching, where do ghost come from then angels

Let's not forget the seraphim and others.

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thanks thats good history

seraphims, burning ones. You might guess these originated with shooting stars until you read the association of serpents as "burning ones" is possibly due to the burning sensation of the poison

seems seraphims evolved into the version below

Isaiah's vision,,,, Above him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew." (Isaiah 6:1–3)

starts getting a little deep for my liking


Higher and Higher
how did God created angels? Or; how does God create angels?

What kind of angels?

There seem to be several kinds of angels-- and I don't just mean the divisions between Serafim, Ofanim, Holy Creatures, and Malachim-- some being apparently immortal once created, others apparently being created for a specific mission or need, after which they cease to be. The second chapter of tractate Hagigah (Babylonian Talmud) speaks of a certain kind of seraf which arises out of the molten, fiery sweat of the Holy Creatures, sings praises of God, and sinks back into the fires from which it arose.

I would imagine that God creates angels by force of will, ex nihilo, when necessary or as needed; or empowers certain angels to come into being by other ways, such as the serafim that arise from the Holy Creatures. And on rare occasions, there seem to be total exceptions to the rule, also. Chanoch, the father of Lemech, father of Noah, was taken up bodily into Heaven and transmogrified there into the Metatron, chief of all angels, the chief minister of God's court.

I suppose how angels are created just depends on the situation.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
IMO angels are about as plausible as those other winged mythical beings that springs to mind, Flying Pigs.
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