RF's Swedenborgian
This thread is inspired by a couple of posts that made me raise an eyebrow.
In one post, a member said that he becomes angry when someone asks direct questions about his religious beliefs because he felt that such beliefs should be private. In another post, a member stated that if one isn't angry about the state of our world, one isn't paying attention.
The reason these comments gave me pause is I live in such a way as to eliminate anger completely, as I see it as an entirely unproductive emotion that does little more than create drama as a result of judgment of myself and others. While there are circumstances in this reality that are unfavorable and perhaps should change, I see anger accomplishing little more than needless suffering.
What are your thoughts? Do you see anything productive in being angry? If so, how?
Anger doesn't usually accomplish anything productive. May I suggest when things start getting tense, we diffuse this tension by way of writing in relaxing pink colors and happy face emojis. .....