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Angry Rant


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
One of my biggest flaws is I let people suck me down to their level in forum discussions. You troll me, I'm going to throw it in your face, I'll sink right down. No group does this to me more than modern atheists. You know the kind, the ones that dominate Reddit, have never studied a day of philosophy in their life, are so dogmatic and fundamentalist that they make creationists look sane... that is what I am talking about. Some call them "militant" atheists but the term is a matter for another debate.

I think what offends me so is that at least groups like creationists know what they are about. The are not pretending to be objective thinking, fact seeking, scientific individuals, but rather pride themselves on their faith! The atheists in questions do not do this, instead taking something great about humanity like science and philosophy, and openly perverting them for their own religious purposes. They push for science while rejecting mountains of scientific data at face value because it does not fit snuggly with hardcore material reductionism. They even often claim things that are scientifically proven as false, such as by saying that the effects of religion are always solely negative! Bathing in the glory of the childish power of nihilism, they ironically make it their purpose to proselytize the truth of physicalism, material monism and reductionism, the supposed "obviousness" of nihilism.

It's not even just the behaviors, but when critically examined, no rational, unbiased person could accept the positions! For example, one of the most common dogmatic claims is that there is no evidence for gods. This is unbelievably and obviously false, for there are thousands of years with millions of claims of evidence ranging from the thoroughly unconvincing to quite plausible. They will claim that they do not believe there are more likely 0 gods than 1+, will try and pretend they hold some sort of default position, that people are "atheists at birth," that they have no need to defend their positions even when they are making blatant claims. And physicalism is well exposed as absolute nonsense, unable to address even the most obvious and basic of its philosophical problems, nor provide a single piece of evidence to support reductionism.

Now don't get me wrong, this obviously does not describe every atheist out there. One of the reasons it pisses me off so much is that some of my closest, most respected friends are atheists, and we have had hundreds of perfectly civil and reasonable conversations. They fully understand that materialism may be false, that there are pragmatic benefits to religion if nothing more, that there are many plausible arguments for many different positions, even that an atheist can be spiritual. But at the end of the day there's still no similarity between them and a raging troll mad at daddy's religion.



Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
That was quite the eloquent rant.
I agree. I have no real issue with atheists or atheists as a whole, I myself constantly waffle between belief and er non belief. But the fanatic rabid hardcore atheists can be quite douchey. As we say in internetzland, do not feed the troll. It only encourages them. Nothing annoys them more than keeping a civil tongue when debating them. I have engaged in a few dramatic battles myself, I have had to calm down more than once, tbh. But I have found that if I did that and continued to keep a level head when debating, often my opponent would calm down themselves. Even apologize and we instead came to agree to disagree. Emotions run high on the internet especially, but it's important to keep in mind that often your opponent might also be on the defensive and just needs to be shown that you won't attack them.
One of my biggest flaws is I let people suck me down to their level in forum discussions. You troll me, I'm going to throw it in your face, I'll sink right down. No group does this to me more than modern atheists. You know the kind, the ones that dominate Reddit, have never studied a day of philosophy in their life, are so dogmatic and fundamentalist that they make creationists look sane... that is what I am talking about. Some call them "militant" atheists but the term is a matter for another debate.

I think what offends me so is that at least groups like creationists know what they are about. The are not pretending to be objective thinking, fact seeking, scientific individuals, but rather pride themselves on their faith! The atheists in questions do not do this, instead taking something great about humanity like science and philosophy, and openly perverting them for their own religious purposes. They push for science while rejecting mountains of scientific data at face value because it does not fit snuggly with hardcore material reductionism. They even often claim things that are scientifically proven as false, such as by saying that the effects of religion are always solely negative! Bathing in the glory of the childish power of nihilism, they ironically make it their purpose to proselytize the truth of physicalism, material monism and reductionism, the supposed "obviousness" of nihilism.

It's not even just the behaviors, but when critically examined, no rational, unbiased person could accept the positions! For example, one of the most common dogmatic claims is that there is no evidence for gods. This is unbelievably and obviously false, for there are thousands of years with millions of claims of evidence ranging from the thoroughly unconvincing to quite plausible. They will claim that they do not believe there are more likely 0 gods than 1+, will try and pretend they hold some sort of default position, that people are "atheists at birth," that they have no need to defend their positions even when they are making blatant claims. And physicalism is well exposed as absolute nonsense, unable to address even the most obvious and basic of its philosophical problems, nor provide a single piece of evidence to support reductionism.

Now don't get me wrong, this obviously does not describe every atheist out there. One of the reasons it pisses me off so much is that some of my closest, most respected friends are atheists, and we have had hundreds of perfectly civil and reasonable conversations. They fully understand that materialism may be false, that there are pragmatic benefits to religion if nothing more, that there are many plausible arguments for many different positions, even that an atheist can be spiritual. But at the end of the day there's still no similarity between them and a raging troll mad at daddy's religion.


Let your prejudices fly free ;)


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I think what offends me so is that at least groups like creationists know what they are about. The are not pretending to be objective thinking, fact seeking, scientific individuals, but rather pride themselves on their faith! The atheists in questions do not do this, instead taking something great about humanity like science and philosophy, and openly perverting them for their own religious purposes.

As an atheist who frequently debates theists on this forum, I wonder if you could cite any specific cases? Or common flawed arguments? Anything we can sink our teeth into?


Well-Known Member
Why are you caring so much what they say? Is their opinion that important? Are their thoughts that important? If they're not then don't pay any attention to them.


One could say the same to you. If you don't like Christianity so much, why are you constantly casting stones at us instead of just ignoring us?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I can also get caught by closed-minded fanatics of various stripes. The psychology of the fanatic is the same whether nor not they are Christian, Muslim or atheist fanatics. Most people are not like that even if they strongly believe or don't believe. But a few are something else.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One of my biggest flaws is I let people suck me down to their level in forum discussions. You troll me, I'm going to throw it in your face, I'll sink right down. No group does this to me more than modern atheists. You know the kind, the ones that dominate Reddit, have never studied a day of philosophy in their life, are so dogmatic and fundamentalist that they make creationists look sane... that is what I am talking about. Some call them "militant" atheists but the term is a matter for another debate.

I think what offends me so is that at least groups like creationists know what they are about. The are not pretending to be objective thinking, fact seeking, scientific individuals, but rather pride themselves on their faith! The atheists in questions do not do this, instead taking something great about humanity like science and philosophy, and openly perverting them for their own religious purposes. They push for science while rejecting mountains of scientific data at face value because it does not fit snuggly with hardcore material reductionism. They even often claim things that are scientifically proven as false, such as by saying that the effects of religion are always solely negative! Bathing in the glory of the childish power of nihilism, they ironically make it their purpose to proselytize the truth of physicalism, material monism and reductionism, the supposed "obviousness" of nihilism.

It's not even just the behaviors, but when critically examined, no rational, unbiased person could accept the positions! For example, one of the most common dogmatic claims is that there is no evidence for gods. This is unbelievably and obviously false, for there are thousands of years with millions of claims of evidence ranging from the thoroughly unconvincing to quite plausible. They will claim that they do not believe there are more likely 0 gods than 1+, will try and pretend they hold some sort of default position, that people are "atheists at birth," that they have no need to defend their positions even when they are making blatant claims. And physicalism is well exposed as absolute nonsense, unable to address even the most obvious and basic of its philosophical problems, nor provide a single piece of evidence to support reductionism.

Now don't get me wrong, this obviously does not describe every atheist out there. One of the reasons it pisses me off so much is that some of my closest, most respected friends are atheists, and we have had hundreds of perfectly civil and reasonable conversations. They fully understand that materialism may be false, that there are pragmatic benefits to religion if nothing more, that there are many plausible arguments for many different positions, even that an atheist can be spiritual. But at the end of the day there's still no similarity between them and a raging troll mad at daddy's religion.

I recommend treating every verbal assault & insult as an opportunity.
You get to decide how you want to feel about it, & then how you will
react. Sometimes ignore it. Other times a mild humorous dismissal.
You can even respond to the issue as though there were no slight at all.
You're in charge.
Filthy atheists.....they give me crap at times too.


Veteran Member
One could say the same to you.
1137's complaint wasn't about any subject, but one of his flaws. Consider his topic sentence.

"One of my biggest flaws is I let people suck me down to their level in forum discussions. You troll me, I'm going to throw it in your face, I'll sink right down."​

If you don't like Christianity so much, why are you constantly casting stones at us instead of just ignoring us?
Actually, I find Christianity not only useful---many would find it difficult to get through life without having Christianity to lean on---but engaging. I wouldn't post about it if it didn't please me. And if my remarks appear to be stones perhaps it's a matter of your inability to effectively support your beliefs. :shrug: After all, many of the forums are a debate forums, not the choir.



Woke gremlin
I think what offends me so is that at least groups like creationists know what they are about. The are not pretending to be objective thinking, fact seeking, scientific individuals, but rather pride themselves on their faith!
I'm not sure how many creationists you've debated, but I find (especially on this forum) that most creationists DO assert that their position is objective, scientific and fact-based.

They push for science while rejecting mountains of scientific data at face value because it does not fit snuggly with hardcore material reductionism.
What evidence is that, exactly?

They even often claim things that are scientifically proven as false, such as by saying that the effects of religion are always solely negative!
I have never seen any atheist say this, on this forum or elsewhere. I am also unsure as to what extent this suggestion can be "scientifically proven as false".

It's not even just the behaviors, but when critically examined, no rational, unbiased person could accept the positions! For example, one of the most common dogmatic claims is that there is no evidence for gods. This is unbelievably and obviously false, for there are thousands of years with millions of claims of evidence ranging from the thoroughly unconvincing to quite plausible.
And what is the plausible evidence, then?

They will claim that they do not believe there are more likely 0 gods than 1+, will try and pretend they hold some sort of default position, that people are "atheists at birth," that they have no need to defend their positions even when they are making blatant claims.
Atheism is a null hypothesis, so there is no requirement to defend it. That being said, I've never (or, at least, very rarely) seen an atheist make a claim and not at least attempt a defence of it when questioned. I think you're dramatically exaggerating.

And physicalism is well exposed as absolute nonsense, unable to address even the most obvious and basic of its philosophical problems, nor provide a single piece of evidence to support reductionism.
Please demonstrate how you have falsified physicalism.

Now don't get me wrong, this obviously does not describe every atheist out there.
Oh goody, a way for you to get out of making sweeping generalizations about a very large and broad group of people. Boy howdy, that sure has mollified my tiny, bigoted atheist brain.

One of the reasons it pisses me off so much is that some of my closest, most respected friends are atheists, and we have had hundreds of perfectly civil and reasonable conversations. They fully understand that materialism may be false, that there are pragmatic benefits to religion if nothing more, that there are many plausible arguments for many different positions, even that an atheist can be spiritual. But at the end of the day there's still no similarity between them and a raging troll mad at daddy's religion.

Your childish oversimplification and generalization of atheists isn't justified by the fact that you happen to be friends with atheists who are willing to pander to your beliefs for the sake of non-confrontation. Not everyone is required to adhere to your worldview, and if it's so aggravating to you to see people behaving dogmatically then perhaps you should turn some of that anger towards organizations which are pushing specifically religious agendas worldwide and forcing people to adhere to them by doctrine, rather than on a group who represent still only a fraction of the global religious spectrum and have little to no power and are still being feared, hated, mocked, ridiculed and in some cases killed around the globe.

Seriously, get over yourself. If you really want to flaunt your self-righteous, entitled fury, take a moment to wonder if all you're really doing is contributing towards the air of religious entitlement. It just comes off as childish and defensive. You're just standing up for something that really doesn't need you to defend it while attacking a group who've done nothing to deserve your ire. If you want to talk about righteous anger, I bet your life's earnings that almost every atheist on here has encountered greater religious prejudice than you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, a bunch of atheists are hard to deal with, especially me.

I wouldn't compare God to a rock but I have at times compared God to Godzilla. Sometimes, unicorns. Sometimes, leprachauns. Sometimes, Santa Claus. I mean at least my comparisons have much more esteem than a rock. I mean who would compare God to a rock?

Those atheist trolls are the worst ones too. Don't get me started on that.

But seriously, there's an off button on your computer. You should try it. It does wonders for the soul.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
As an atheist who frequently debates theists on this forum, I wonder if you could cite any specific cases? Or common flawed arguments? Anything we can sink our teeth into?

See below.

I'm not sure how many creationists you've debated, but I find (especially on this forum) that most creationists DO assert that their position is objective, scientific and fact-based.

What evidence is that, exactly?

I have never seen any atheist say this, on this forum or elsewhere. I am also unsure as to what extent this suggestion can be "scientifically proven as false".

And what is the plausible evidence, then?

Atheism is a null hypothesis, so there is no requirement to defend it. That being said, I've never (or, at least, very rarely) seen an atheist make a claim and not at least attempt a defence of it when questioned. I think you're dramatically exaggerating.

Please demonstrate how you have falsified physicalism.

Oh goody, a way for you to get out of making sweeping generalizations about a very large and broad group of people. Boy howdy, that sure has mollified my tiny, bigoted atheist brain.

Your childish oversimplification and generalization of atheists isn't justified by the fact that you happen to be friends with atheists who are willing to pander to your beliefs for the sake of non-confrontation. Not everyone is required to adhere to your worldview, and if it's so aggravating to you to see people behaving dogmatically then perhaps you should turn some of that anger towards organizations which are pushing specifically religious agendas worldwide and forcing people to adhere to them by doctrine, rather than on a group who represent still only a fraction of the global religious spectrum and have little to no power and are still being feared, hated, mocked, ridiculed and in some cases killed around the globe.

Seriously, get over yourself. If you really want to flaunt your self-righteous, entitled fury, take a moment to wonder if all you're really doing is contributing towards the air of religious entitlement. It just comes off as childish and defensive. You're just standing up for something that really doesn't need you to defend it while attacking a group who've done nothing to deserve your ire. If you want to talk about righteous anger, I bet your life's earnings that almost every atheist on here has encountered greater religious prejudice than you.

Shock and horror - a person on reddit made a not-very-well-thought-through argument from analogy. Are you okay?


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
But at the end of the day there's still no similarity between them and a raging troll mad at daddy's religion.


You can't blame them for being who they are. Well you can I suppose, but you can't expect that blame to change them.

They are going to continue to be militant "whatever" ideology. The only thing you can do is change how you choose to deal with them.


Master of the Art of Couch Potato Cuddles
One of my biggest flaws is I let people suck me down to their level in forum discussions. You troll me, I'm going to throw it in your face, I'll sink right down. No group does this to me more than modern atheists. You know the kind, the ones that dominate Reddit, have never studied a day of philosophy in their life, are so dogmatic and fundamentalist that they make creationists look sane... that is what I am talking about. Some call them "militant" atheists but the term is a matter for another debate.

I think what offends me so is that at least groups like creationists know what they are about. The are not pretending to be objective thinking, fact seeking, scientific individuals, but rather pride themselves on their faith! The atheists in questions do not do this, instead taking something great about humanity like science and philosophy, and openly perverting them for their own religious purposes. They push for science while rejecting mountains of scientific data at face value because it does not fit snuggly with hardcore material reductionism. They even often claim things that are scientifically proven as false, such as by saying that the effects of religion are always solely negative! Bathing in the glory of the childish power of nihilism, they ironically make it their purpose to proselytize the truth of physicalism, material monism and reductionism, the supposed "obviousness" of nihilism.

It's not even just the behaviors, but when critically examined, no rational, unbiased person could accept the positions! For example, one of the most common dogmatic claims is that there is no evidence for gods. This is unbelievably and obviously false, for there are thousands of years with millions of claims of evidence ranging from the thoroughly unconvincing to quite plausible. They will claim that they do not believe there are more likely 0 gods than 1+, will try and pretend they hold some sort of default position, that people are "atheists at birth," that they have no need to defend their positions even when they are making blatant claims. And physicalism is well exposed as absolute nonsense, unable to address even the most obvious and basic of its philosophical problems, nor provide a single piece of evidence to support reductionism.

Now don't get me wrong, this obviously does not describe every atheist out there. One of the reasons it pisses me off so much is that some of my closest, most respected friends are atheists, and we have had hundreds of perfectly civil and reasonable conversations. They fully understand that materialism may be false, that there are pragmatic benefits to religion if nothing more, that there are many plausible arguments for many different positions, even that an atheist can be spiritual. But at the end of the day there's still no similarity between them and a raging troll mad at daddy's religion.


I pretty much agree with you on this. As an atheist myself, I think it isn't wise to throw out every convincing scientific or philosophical argument that a god may exist, even if it doesn't change your perspective. Unfortunately there are enough people tired of religious fluff to stomp their foot into the opposing direction and defend it using attack, without choosing their arms with care or understanding. I'd rather be civil about it and talk rationally over tea. Trolls are very one-sided.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Well we are usually on the same side of most debates so I can sympathize with your rant. I come more from a paranormal perspective than you and believe there is such overwhelming evidence to believe we live in a mind-boggling but great universe that I am certain beyond reasonable doubt. The atheist-materialist will always say 'what evidence, there is zero evidence' just proving they do not even know the meaning of the word 'evidence'. Now I'm on a bit of a rant.:)

However the key for us is to keep our emotions in check which is what you say you struggle with. I try to keep on the 'I enjoy a challenge' side over getting my blood pressure up (a balance no doubt). All I can suggest is to remember to keep your emotions within bounds and if that becomes too hard you may have to leave a forum. There is one forum I left because the atheist-materialists all ganged up to insult and mock. Another forum I almost never go to now is too nice and wimpy and I find no challenge there.

Edit: As a non-dual (God and creation are not-two) pantheist believing Consciousness/God/Brahman is in All, I tend not to get into debates with atheists who are arguing against the existence of a separate external God or gods. This has probably done wonders for my blood pressure.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
1137's complaint wasn't about any subject, but one of his flaws. Consider his topic sentence.

"One of my biggest flaws is I let people suck me down to their level in forum discussions. You troll me, I'm going to throw it in your face, I'll sink right down."​

Actually, I find Christianity not only useful---many would find it difficult to get through life without having Christianity to lean on---but engaging. I wouldn't post about it if it didn't please me. And if my remarks appear to be stones perhaps it's a matter of your inability to effectively support your beliefs. :shrug: After all, many of the forums are a debate forums, not the choir.


Translation: I hate Christianity and thats okay.