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another **** page.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In my experience, which is admittedly limited, the people most likely to call someone else a "****" are usually mentally or emotionally troubled, relatively promiscuous, and desperately trying to feel better about their own alarmingly dysfunctional promiscuity by labeling someone else a ****.


In my experience, which is admittedly limited, the people most likely to call someone else a "****" are usually mentally or emotionally troubled, relatively promiscuous, and desperately trying to feel better about their own alarmingly dysfunctional promiscuity by labeling someone else a ****.

That sounds about right. I did a search on people who like that page and at first glance, they don't seem particularly "together". A huge number of grown men in the bar and restaurant industry, for example, which I always think of as a job for teenagers. And a handful of women whose own profile pictures are pretty trashy and attention seeking - all of whom apparently ignored the plea to send in trashy pics of themselves with fan cards, so they're apparently in it to point the finger at other women, not to get that kind of attention for themselves. Predictably, also a large number of teenaged boys and men from extremely repressed, misogynistic cultures.

In short, at first glance, there's nobody on that that list I'd be likely to cross paths with in my ordinary life unless they're bringing me my dinner. I mainly deal with adult people who have their **** together and children who are too young to be idiots about sex and sexuality.


Well-Known Member
erm there are the guilt ridden ones who call other people sluts, but there are also the virginal ones who can be just as luckily to call people sluts.


erm there are the guilt ridden ones who call other people sluts, but there are also the virginal ones who can be just as luckily to call people sluts.

Yeah, I had a very repressed friends once who said she thought I was cheap because I went through a lot of men and didn't want to settle down. I told her there's a big difference between cheap and free. Thinking of it that way actually had a positive impact on her general attitude.

Despite going through a lot of men, I was never treated with the kind of disrespect you see on that page by any of them. I have standards!
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Well-Known Member
I wonder what the people in that comment section think would happen if they said those things to the women themselves...

That's the thing though ain't it, with the internet: the fact that it's done behind a keyboard from afar, and usually anonymously, means that people's social inhibitions tend to lower in terms of expressing opinions.

Which by the way, I actually think is a good thing because it gives us an insight into people's true selves.


I don't believe you! Those men were whack and you know it :p

Lol - they were fine. I'm still on friendly terms with about half of them. The rest I lost touch with, but would be on friendly terms if we were still in contact. One of them was a HUGE idiot and I was engaged to him for 4 years - that's the closest I ever got to the kind of relationship **** shamers think we should all be in until I got married. And it was my only really messy break-up.

If I were to give advice to young women (and men), it would be to avoid slipping into unsatisfying monogamous relationships just because you're expected to act married (or be married) in order to get sex. There's nothing wrong with just dating, having romantic friendships, and sowing your wild oats while you're still young and hot so you don't end up with regrets in the long term.



That's the thing though ain't it, with the internet: the fact that it's done behind a keyboard from afar, and usually anonymously, means that people's social inhibitions tend to lower in terms of expressing opinions.

Which by the way, I actually think is a good thing because it gives us an insight into people's true selves.

Yeah, it also gives me some insight why I've never felt any urge to date or even be friends with grown men who work in the restaurant or bar industry. If those attitudes are common, they must emit some kind of smell.


Well-Known Member
Lol - they were fine. I'm still on friendly terms with about half of them. The rest I lost touch with, but would be on friendly terms if we were still in contact. One of them was a HUGE idiot and I was engaged to him for 4 years - that's the closest I ever got to the kind of relationship **** shamers think we should all be in until I got married. And it was my only really messy break-up.

If I were to give advice to young women (and men), it would be to avoid slipping into unsatisfying monogamous relationships just because you're expected to act married (or be married) in order to get sex. There's nothing wrong with just dating, having romantic friendships, and sowing your wild oats while you're still young and hot so you don't end up with regrets in the long term.

I would probably find something whack about them :p

Yeah I agree


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it also gives me some insight why I've never felt any urge to date or even be friends with grown men who work in the restaurant or bar industry. If those attitudes are common, they must emit some kind of smell.

There are some dark corners of the human psyche that're expressed for all to see via the anonymous nature of the internet.
What some people will express when under the impression of hidden identity..... is ugly, but fascinating at the same time.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yeah, it also gives me some insight why I've never felt any urge to date or even be friends with grown men who work in the restaurant or bar industry. If those attitudes are common, they must emit some kind of smell.

Hey! I did a five year stint working as a grown man in restaurants. The effective per hour earnings as a waitperson were good enough to support me on relatively few hours, leaving me plenty of free time for road trips. And I very seldom, if ever, heard anyone called a "****" by restaurant staffs I worked with. Of course, those five years happened to coincide with a period in my life when I was in the habit of giving my friends fancy vibrators on their birthdays -- and I was well enough known for it -- so maybe the staffs were calling me a **** behind my back. But I doubt it.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Yeah, it also gives me some insight why I've never felt any urge to date or even be friends with grown men who work in the restaurant or bar industry. If those attitudes are common, they must emit some kind of smell.

Personally, I think it's a bit tacky to make presumptions and generalizations about people based on their job.


Depends Upon My Mood..
In my experience, which is admittedly limited, the people most likely to call someone else a "****" are usually mentally or emotionally troubled, relatively promiscuous, and desperately trying to feel better about their own alarmingly dysfunctional promiscuity by labeling someone else a ****.

You mean a man whore?


Hey! I did a five year stint working as a grown man in restaurants. The effective per hour earnings as a waitperson were good enough to support me on relatively few hours, leaving me plenty of free time for road trips. And I very seldom, if ever, heard anyone called a "****" by restaurant staffs I worked with. Of course, those five years happened to coincide with a period in my life when I was in the habit of giving my friends fancy vibrators on their birthdays -- and I was well enough known for it -- so maybe the staffs were calling me a **** behind my back. But I doubt it.

I don't know, Sunstone. If you're going to behave that way - working in a restaurant as a grown man - you should be prepared take full responsibility for all the rude and disparaging comments and generalizations other people come up with to describe grown men who wait tables. I mean, what did you expect? ;)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I don't know, Sunstone. If you're going to behave that way - working in a restaurant as a grown man - you should be prepared take full responsibility for all the rude and disparaging comments and generalizations other people come up with to describe grown men who wait tables. I mean, what did you expect? ;)

I see what you did there.