Hindu Wannabe
I found a religious flyer in my mailbox today. I first thought it was from Jehovah's Witnesses, but it was from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. I didn't even know that there were any Muslims in my small town apart from refugees. The movement was founded in India, by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1935-1908), a contemporary of Baha'ullah (1817-1892). Their religions seem to have in common that they sell their founder as a return of Krishna / Jesus / Buddha / the Mahdi / Whonot. Probably Baha'ullah and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad could splendidly argue in the hereafter about who is now the true Messiah. "Orthodox" Islam seems to commonly regard both of them as heretics.
Have you ever had any experiences with Ahmadiyya Muslims in real life?
Have you ever had any experiences with Ahmadiyya Muslims in real life?