Epic Beard Man
Bearded Philosopher
No prob to consider the mentality of the people at the time, not for me.
Those who think their ancient texts are composed of infallible eternal verities do tho.
The picture is not from an "ex-moslem".
What you are sure of may be so and it may be not.
I doubt that any actual god would be petty, but the
OT god sure is. If the Islamic god is too, no surprise there.
"Is" ion the sense that I see both as characters in
semi-historical novels, not as actual beings.
Regardless of all that, my point was about "warnings"
from "god".
You missed or otherwise did not in any way respond to that.
Shouldst one obey all injunctions from all gods,
Pascals wager and all?
Your question is best asked to someone who follows religion