Do you know anywhere I could learn about this?
Please share everything you know about it.
None Islamic sources would be best, I am sure they are out there.
You can look on the internet. From what I could find out, the Arabs mainly borrowed deities from other cultures, including the god of the Kabba Hubal, who was probably the Sumerian Anu. There is reason to believe the goddess Al-Uzza may have been Aset/Isis from Egypt. The kabba had 360 idols of deities all from many nations around them. Allah was seen as the unseen god like Amun the hidden one from Egypt. The one without an idol. The one no one ever saw. Islam actually has much to say that's accurate about Arab Paganism. The Quran says other deities were Jinn. Any source I've ever examined suggests the Arabs thought all gods but Allah were demi-gods that were intermetiaries between them and Allah.
You may also be interested in studying the mystic part of Islam, Sufism. Being a mystical tradition, modern Paganism and the New Age movement has been influenced by these cool guys.
Do you know anywhere I could learn about this?
Please share everything you know about it.
None Islamic sources would be best, I am sure they are out there.