thread, after thread, after thread when presented with evidence they almost always end up being dishonest and more then not, there dishonest with themselves.
evidence is evidence and facts are facts, there is no debate about evolution.
I have seen some bring the same point up 20 times after seeing proof with evidence on every account.
will the dishonesty stop ????
In general, they are utterly convinced evolution is a matter of opinion rather than a fact, and they
only read sources that reiterate this position.
So, if you think you're talking about an
opinion, there's no reason to probe too deeply into your opponent's evidence. For example, if I like the colour indigo better than mustard, it's not going to matter how many studies I show you indicating indigo is a superior colour if you yourself prefer mustard. In fact, you might be likely to dismiss all those studies without even looking at them out of a conviction that such a thing would be
impossible to study, and that all my studies of indigo must be part of a vast conspiracy of indigo-lovers to suppress the appeal of mustard.
The dishonesty will
never stop. They don't even know they're doing it. It feels like honesty to them. With the magic of confirmation bias and the internet, they can construct intellectual defenses that are utterly impermeable to facts.
The creationists who are able or willing to consider facts that challenge the dogma they are taught in church have either already accepted evolution or will the moment they become properly acquainted with it. The rest are a lost cause.
That's what I've observed, anyway.