Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I love my country as much as the next person, but I can not help but think how the majority of the populous of the United States of America spend way too much money and resources into vanity. Children are being brought up in a society in which implants the idea of excessive sexuality and body image to the point of being detrimental. We never allow a chance not to mention that we are the world's most powerful nation, yet the arrogance in them words alone proves otherwise. We choose to concentrate more on how an individual looks instead of what is on the inside; while doing this we also forgo the fundamental need for education. (A bit off topic here, but...) Is it not sad to know that a person who may very well have the answers sought by Science, may never have a chance to answer them just because knowledge was withheld due to life situation. Back on to the subject of arrogance and pride; when traveling internationally, you will rarely hear someone state. "you can't do that I am American", as if it should mean something under laws of another nation. Just curious how other people see this; your po would be appreciated.