What bigotry, that Stalin and Mao killed innocent people and were atheists?I assume that you teach your parishioners such bigotry. It's one of the worst aspects of Christianity. It needs to perpetuate itself on the backs of atheists (atheophobia) and LGBTQ+ (homophobia), and it needs to get to children before they can think critically, which is why so many Christians want state-led prayer and creationism back in public schools and why so many are anti-education. It also seems to like to steal rights and control women (misogyny).
Is that different from me teaching that when Religious Christians “In the name of the Lord” kill unbelievers, or demean them that they are dead wrong? (which I do)
And that we should pray for our enemies and share the love of God with your neighbor no matter what they are doing… makes me a bigot?
Go figure.