In terms of psychological functions, intellect and emotion are opposites. By being opposite, one of these two will tend to dominate the other. One become more developed compared to the other. Mr Spock from Star Trek, was an exaggerated example of someone who he was pure intellect, with minimal emotional development and rapport. The result was cold intellect but little skill in maintaining a warm emotional rapport. This slant can result in not playing the emotional games very well, which can come across as cold, distant or even cruel.
An emotionally centered person, can say you look nice in your new outfit, even if it is not true. To the emotional centric person, it is less about factual content and more about creating the proper social emotional ambiance. This type of person could come across as being two faced or dishonest to the intellectual. They would prefer stick wth the facts, which may not make that same person feel welcome. The facts may seem cold or cruel, since they are not massaging the facts to create nice feelings.
A good example of both affects would be friendly older couples at a party, where the men and women segregate so they can catch up with the members of the same sex. Some women will talk behind the backs of the other women, but will be very pleasant to their face. This is based on an emotional approach ,which is trying to maintain a peaceful social ambiance. The intellectual male is often made uneasy, by the lack of honesty.
The men, if they have a grudge or disagreement, will often confront each other with the facts.This can creative tension leading to arguments. Men are not typically emotional centered, but will try to use an intellectual approach; facts without regard to emotional needs. The men may talk about the sports score statistics, which leads to friendly conflict with others, who choose a different team. There is no concern about feelings, if the facts add up. Reality comes before social fantasy.
Since emotions and intellect are opposite, a strongly intellectual person will have an underdeveloped emotional side, while the strongly emotional person will have an underdeveloped intellectual side. The under developed sides will often come across as more primate or infantile. The Intellectuals may argue philosophy in complex ways, but get overlay emotional during the exchange, to where a fight breaks out. While the emotional person may be able to charm the party, but they will depend too much on prestige of the status quo to explain themselves, while glossing over support logic.
The line between the two used to male and female but culture has attempted to make men more emotional and females more intellectual. However, psychological functions are not a choice but is part of one's innate makeup. This is useful for developing the weaker hand, but it has also led to less development in the naturally stronger function.
A mutant hybrid seems to have developed, where the intellectual uses emotions, as intellectual tool defined by culture, while still having infantile or primitive emotions; Liberal. They can be warm and fuzzy when needed, but two faced to the facts as a way of intellectual strategy, such as the inconsistency in reporting similar news such as Biden and his sexual allegations.