I must say, speaking as an Englishman who has lived in the USA for a couple of years, there is definitely truth in this. The same tradition exists in English culture too, but a bit more nuanced. The English empiricist tradition has always been suspicious of what they see as a Continental penchant for building theoretical castles in the air. But in the US there seems to be a long tradition of treating any kind of sophistication or "book-larnin' " as rather suspect, compared to good, honest rural practicality. One sees it all the time in Hollywood films and it rolls over into, or simply reflects, attitudes in real life. It becomes depressing, after a while, to find clever people making huge efforts, socially, to hide their knowledge and ideas and keep conversation at the level of the lowest common denominator, for fear of seeing "highfalutin".
Nothing could be further from the attitude in France, say, where the intellectual is hugely respected.